Navigating Global Sourcing 2.0: Challenges and Strategies for Procurement Teams

What is Global Sourcing 2.0

Global Sourcing 2.0 will define the response of Procurement and Sourcing Teams to another year of volatility in global trade.  The range of impacts to the smooth running of global trade continue to build. Inflationary pressures continue to impact margin growth and the business need for Environmental and Supply Chain Risk management gains momentum. The risk of a protracted trade war using tariffs as the weapon of choice starts to loom large as elections take place in many countries. Most importantly the US presidential race which has already initiated companies’ scenario planning for a very different trade environment. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the Middle East are continuing to create huge challenges for Sourcing and Procurement Teams.


Procurement and Sourcing Team leaders who had hoped that economic conditions in 2024 would make their jobs easier than last year are already disappointed. As the new year began, the volatility and inflation of the previous year showed no signs of abating.

Many of the dimensions of change impacting business in 2023 are likely to still be with us in some form at the outturn of the year. Procurement and Sourcing functions are responding to these wide-ranging challenges in an equally wide range of structural changes and ways of working adaptations. Sourcing teams are facing the New Challenge of Global Sourcing 2.0

ET2C International Global Sourcing Experts for twenty years

ET2C International are a UK owned leading Global Sourcing Company. Over twenty two years trading history playing a crucial role connecting global brands and companies with sourcing partners, delivering Strategic Sourcing projects and working with clients on our unique buying office delivery model.

Our 250 colleagues are based in offices in seven key Asian sourcing markets (developed and emerging markets) with the sole mission to make your global sourcing simpler. Where language, time zone or business communication practices can make things difficult, our team will be your bridge to your suppliers.

At ET2C our history of delivering the benefits of global sourcing to our clients enables businesses to quickly and easily connect with factory partners who can deliver your product requirements, quality and compliance requirements and margin improvements.

Macroeconomic conditions straining procurement.

Navigating Global Sourcing 2.0: Challenges and Strategies for Procurement Teams Read More »

Die Casting

Die Casting: Global Sourcing of Die Cast Components

The rise of strategic sourcing has significantly impacted the die casting industry and the market is undergoing significant evolution to align with the emerging demands of Strategic Sourcing plans As companies seek to optimize their supply chains, die casters are evolving to meet these new demands. Die casting is facing many of the challenges to ways of working that many compaines face. As Sustainable and Circular business principals are adopted and commitments made by Sourcing compaines for their Global Sourcing plans. 


Finding the right Supply partners has never been so important to ensure that Quality and Service is delivered with clarity on the Environmental and Social impact of the manufacturing process.

Die casting is evolving rapidly through investment in new prcess, sustainable design, material use and process efficiency. The Die casting market is etimated at $82b in 2024 and is expected to reach $112b by 2029 growing at a CAGR of 6.24Source: Mordor Intelligence Die Casting

China has become the market leader in innovative Die Casting with huge investemnt in innovation nad factory capacity. China is the first stop for global sourcing and procurement teasm in their search for high quality innovtive die casting.

ET2C International Die casting Sourcing Specialists

ET2C are a UK owned Global Sourcing company who have ben trading for over 22 years. Our 200 colleagues strive each day to deliver our Mission to Make Sourcing Simple Safe and Fast for our clients.

Based in 7 offices across the globe in developed and emerging markets we work with clients to create and deliver effective sourcing strategies. Our industrial clients value our work across a range of process’s including Die Casting.

Our team will give you feet on the ground and become your bridget to Asian Supply partners. Ensuring you have peace of mind and deep partnership for growth. If you would like to know more drop us a line at

Die Casting: A Versatile Manufacturing Process

Die casting remains a vital process for many industries. It offers several advantages, including:

  • High precision:Die casting produces parts with tight tolerances and consistent dimensions.
  • Fast production:It’s a highly efficient process, allowing for rapid production of large quantities of parts.
  • Complex shapes:Die casting can create intricate geometries and details that might be difficult or expensive with other methods.
  • Material versatility:A wide range of metals and alloys, like aluminum, zinc, magnesium, and copper, can be die cast.
  • Cost-effective for large volumes:Die casting is cost-efficient for high production runs due to its speed, minimal material waste, and reduced post-processing needs.

Die Casting techniques innovating in a Shifting Landscape

The growing demand for die cast components is shaping the industry in several key areas:

  • Lightweight and sustainable materials:Sustainability is a major focus, leading to a rise in lightweight materials like aluminum and magnesium alloys, offering excellent strength-to-weight ratios.
  • Complex geometries and miniaturization:As industries evolve, the need for intricate and miniaturized components grows. Die casting’s ability to produce complex shapes is ideal for these applications.

Customization, Speed, and Sustainability in Die Casting  

Modern sourcing demands are also influencing die casting: 

  • Customization and rapid prototyping: Companies increasingly need customized components and faster product development cycles. Die casting offers the flexibility to produce complex shapes and adapt designs while maintaining efficiency. 
  • Sustainability and recycling: As environmental concerns rise, the die casting industry is focusing on recyclability and waste reduction. This may involve improving material efficiency, optimizing energy consumption, and implementing closed-loop recycling systems. 

How Strategic Sourcing can build effective Sourcing and Procurement  

Strategic sourcing helps companies ensure their global procurement effectively delivers: 

  • High-quality products 
  • Sustainable practices 
  • Faster manufacturing 
  • Clear communication 
  • Quality and compliance 
  • Competitive costs and reliable supply 

 ET2C: Your Bridge to Successful Die Casting Sourcing 

For over 21 years, ET2C has helped industrial clients build and execute their global sourcing strategies. We act as a bridge to strategic sourcing partners in Asia, ensuring complete supply chain transparency and meeting all quality and compliance standards. We simplify sourcing by providing you with a team “on the ground” across seven countries, ensuring your sourcing plans are delivered effectively. 

Contact us at to learn how our experience can help you build a winning global sourcing strategy and gain a competitive edge. 

Die Casting: Global Sourcing of Die Cast Components Read More »

Unlocking Vietnam’s Potential: A Strategic Sourcing Destination for Machinery & Equipment

Vietnam strategic sourcing location for Industrial machinery and engineered components

Vietnam is on a transformative journey as its manufacturing landscape and eco system builds creating a formidable player in global machinery sourcing. Uncover the key drivers behind Vietnam’s appeal as a sourcing destination, including cost advantages, industrial expertise, and favourable trade agreements.

Traditionally known for agricultural exports, the country has transformed into a competitive force in manufacturing, particularly machinery, equipment and engineered components.


Background Vietnam as a Sourcing destination:

Vietnam, nestled in Southeast Asia, has undergone remarkable economic transformation over the past few decades. Vietnam’s economic transformation began with bold reforms in the late 1980s. Embracing a market-oriented approach, the country opened its doors to foreign investment, fostering the growth of export-driven industries like textiles, electronics, and machinery. Today, Vietnam boasts a dynamic workforce, favourable investment policies, and a thriving manufacturing sector.

ET2C International Global Sourcing and Procurement Specialists

ET2C have been helping clients to make their sourcing simple for over 22 years. Our 200 colleagues are based in seven key Asian sourcing markets, including Vietnam, to ensure you always have feet on the ground. Our team become your bridge to your sourcing partners which can be vital where time zones, language and business communication standards maybe different.

We develop and implement global sourcing strategies delivering as range of benefits to our clients:

  • Release incremental valuefrom your supply chain
  • Building incremental operating margin 
  • Be your team on the groundin market
  • Product and Factory audit(digital video reporting)
  • Ethical and Environmental audits

To see how we could support your sourcing and procurement needs please message us at

Why choose Vietnam for Machinery Sourcing and Procurement ?

Several factors make Vietnam a compelling choice for sourcing machinery. Making it a country that every sourcing and procurement professionsal should consider as part of tehir global sourcing strategy.

Cost Advantage : With relatively low labour costs compared to its neighbours, Vietnam offers competitive manufacturing costs, making it an attractive destination for machinery sourcing.

Proven Expertise: The country has developed a strong track record in manufacturing machinery and related components, particularly in industries like electronics, textiles, and machinery.

Favourable Trade Agreements : Vietnam’s participation in free trade agreements, including the WTO, CPTPP, and EVFTA, enhances its competitiveness and reduces trade barriers, making it easier for businesses to source machinery from the country.

Industrial Infrastructure: Significant investments in industrial and transportation infrastructure, including industrial parks, airports, and ports, have bolstered Vietnam’s logistics and supply chain capabilities, facilitating smoother import and export processes.

Supportive Government Policies: The Vietnamese government’s initiatives to promote foreign investment and export-oriented industries, coupled with a favourable business environment, further incentivize machinery manufacturers and exporters to operate in Vietnam.

Growth and Opportunities

Standard Chartered paints a rosy picture with a projected GDP growth of 6.7%, gradually accelerating throughout the year. Their forecast hinges on a strong second half, with growth economic growth reaching 6.9%

 Challenges to Consider

While Vietnam offers immense potential, navigating the landscape comes with its own set of challenges. Language barriers, cultural differences, intellectual property concerns, and supply chain transparency require careful planning and mitigation strategies.

ET2C: Your Bridge to Vietnamese Sourcing Success

ET2C International, a leading global sourcing company with over 20 years of experience, can help you navigate these challenges. Our team of experts, strategically located in Vietnam, bridges the gap between you and your ideal Vietnamese factory partners. We handle communication hurdles, time zone differences, and quality control concerns, ensuring a smooth and successful sourcing experience.

Conclusion: You should have Vietnam on your global sourcing market shortlist

Vietnam’s emergence as a strategic sourcing destination for machinery and equipment underscores its economic vibrancy and potential for growth. With its competitive pricing, manufacturing expertise, favourable trade agreements, and supportive government policies, Vietnam offers unparalleled opportunities for businesses seeking to diversify their supply chains and tap into Asia’s thriving manufacturing ecosystem.

To explore sourcing opportunities in Vietnam or discuss your future supply chain challenges, reach out to ET2C International at

Unlocking Vietnam’s Potential: A Strategic Sourcing Destination for Machinery & Equipment Read More »

Bangaldesh’s strategic sourcing potential

Unveiling Bangladesh’s Strategic Sourcing Potential: Navigating Economic Growth and Emerging Opportunities

Bangaldesh’s strategic sourcing potential

Explore the untapped potential of Bangladesh as a strategic sourcing hub. With its strategic location on global shipping routes and a burgeoning economy, Bangladesh offers compelling opportunities for businesses worldwide. Uncover the key factors driving its growth trajectory and how to leverage them effectively in your sourcing strategy.

Bangladesh is an emerging economy with a large and increasingly skilled workforce. Government infrastructure investments are building on its strategically strong position on Global Shipping routes to drive their Economic strategy. Making it a good choice for any strategic sourcing strategy to investigate.

Background to Sourcing in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a country in South Asia. Bordered by India to the west, north, and east, and by Myanmar to the southeast. The Bay of Bengal lies to the south. Bangladesh was formerly known as East Bengal and was part of British India until 1947. A population of over 150miliion makes it the most densely populated country in the World.

The strategic location has been a huge benefit and driver of economic growth and foreign investment in the country with the USA, Japan and China all major investors.

Proximity to India and Myanmar gives easy access to over 1.5b consumers and the Bay of Bengal coastline supports access to major shipping routes.

Bangladesh is emerging as a dynamic, fast-growing market. This growth is driven by a large domestic consumer market, a rapidly expanding middle and affluent class, and an impressive digital adoption rate. The country is now home to more than 2,500 startups, with about 200 more being added each year, focusing on a wide range of industries, from FinTech to  E-Commerce.  The traditional trading base of companies continues to thrive continuing to play an important role in domestic and global supply chains for textile, apparel and garments.

Economy set for growth:

“The government is managing relatively well against the impact of external adversities and has embarked on the reform programs as precautionary measures,” said ADB. Country Director for Bangladesh Edimon

Bangladesh made a strong recovery from C-19 impact but is now suffering from a slowdown in trade from the Ukraine War, cost inflation and softening of demand in many markets. The implementation of a range of key initiatives in its economic strategy will foster economic growth and development in the medium term. manufacturing, and aquaculture .

The country’s economic strategy focuses on various structural reforms  designed to make the country an easier and more accessible country to do business with and to reduce reliance on Garments and Apparel. Currently accounting for over 80% of exports from the country the dominance of these categories in export trade are recognised as a potential weakness/risk for the country

ET2C International Global Sourcing and Procurement Specialists

ET2C have been helping clients to make their sourcing simple for over 22 years. Our 200 colleagues are based in seven key Asian sourcing markets to ensure you always have feet on the ground. Our team become your bridge to your sourcing partners which can be vital where time zones, language and business communication standards maybe different.

We develop and implement global sourcing strategies delivering as range of benefits to our clients:

  • Release incremental valuefrom your supply chain
  • Building incremental operating margin 
  • Be your team on the groundin market
  • Product and Factory audit(digital video reporting)
  • Ethical and Environmental audits

To see how we could support your sourcing and procurement needs please message us at

Bangladesh Economic Strategy, driving exports:

The implementation of these seven strategic planks will make Bangladesh a more attractive country to trade with and a sourcing destination worthy of serious consideration in any sourcing strategy.

  • Export-Oriented Industrialization: Bangladesh places a strong emphasis on export-oriented industries as a key driver of economic growth. Garments and textiles are well established. Pharmaceuticals, leather goods, jute, and agriculture products are among the sectors targeted for development. The government provides policy support, infrastructure development, and financial incentives to promote export-oriented industries.
  • Human Resource Development:Bangladesh recognizes the importance of human capital development for sustained economic growth. The government has made efforts to improve education, vocational training, and skill development programs to enhance the quality of the workforce. It aims to produce skilled labour that meets the needs of various industries, particularly in the manufacturing and services sectors.
  • Infrastructure Development:Prioritizing infrastructure development to create a conducive business environment and attract both domestic and foreign investment. Focus areas include improving transportation networks, such as roads, ports, and airports, as well as energy infrastructure, such as power generation and transmission.

The government has identified deep water ports as a key priority for economic development. The country has two deep water ports: Chittagong and Mongla. Chittagong is the larger of the two ports, and it is the main gateway for international trade. Mongla is a newer port, and it is located in the south of the country.

The government is investing in expanding and upgrading both ports. The expansion of Chittagong port is expected to be completed by 2023. The expansion will include the construction of a new container terminal and a new oil terminal. The expansion of Mongla port is expected to be completed by 2025. The expansion will include the construction of a

new container terminal and a new coal terminal.

There is further investment in the construction of a new deep-water port in Sonadia. The Sonadia port is expected to be completed by 2030. The port will be located on the Bay of Bengal, and it will be able to handle large container ships and tankers.

The investment in deep water ports is expected to boost trade and economic growth in Bangladesh. The ports will provide a gateway for international trade, and they will also help to attract foreign investment. The ports are also expected to create jobs and boost economic development in the coastal regions of Bangladesh.

Investment and Business-friendly Policies: Bangladesh has implemented policies to attract domestic and foreign direct investment. These policies include providing tax incentives, simplifying procedures for business registration and licensing, ensuring investor protection, and establishing special economic zones (SEZs) to promote industrial development.

  1. Investment and Business-friendly Policies: Bangladesh has implemented policies to attract domestic and foreign direct investment. These policies include providing tax incentives, simplifying procedures for business registration and licensing, ensuring investor protection, and establishing special economic zones (SEZs) to promote industrial development.
  2. Financial Sector Reforms:Reforms in the financial sector have been undertaken to enhance access to finance, support entrepreneurship, and encourage investment. This includes strengthening the banking sector, improving access to credit for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and promoting the development of capital markets.
  3. Social Safety Nets:Bangladesh has also focused on implementing social safety net programs to alleviate poverty and improve social welfare. These programs aim to provide support to vulnerable populations, such as the extreme poor, through initiatives like cash transfers, food assistance, and healthcare services.
  4. Regional and International Cooperation: Bangladesh actively engages in regional and international cooperation to foster economic integration, expand trade opportunities, and attract investment. The country is a member of regional organizations such as the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and participates in initiatives like the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC).

Bangladesh is an emerging economy with a large and increasingly skilled workforce.

Government infrastructure investments are building on its strategically strong position on Global Shipping routes to drive their Economic strategy. Making it a good choice for any strategic sourcing strategy to investigate.

However, it’s important to note that sourcing from Bangladesh can also come with challenges. Language barriers, cultural differences, intellectual property protection, and ensuring supply chain transparency are factors that require careful consideration and management.

ET2C International Global Sourcing company in Bangladesh

We are a leading Global Sourcing company with over twenty year’s experience working with our clients. Our team of 200 colleagues are based in seven offices in key sourcing markets across Asia.

We work with our clients to create and deliver their global sourcing strategies, becoming their bridge to their supply partners. Where time zones, language, business communication expectations or QC can become challenging.

Our team of experts can help you build and deliver your sourcing strategy and ensure you are working with the right factory partners. Giving you independent feet on the ground and confidence with fast responses, removing time zone and language challenges. If you would like to explore sourcing opportunities within Bangladesh or to discuss your future supply chain challenges. Please

Unveiling Bangladesh’s Strategic Sourcing Potential: Navigating Economic Growth and Emerging Opportunities Read More »

Find the Perfect Partner for your China Sourcing Needs.

The difference between Sourcing and Procurement and how they can help to grow your business

In the realm of international business, navigating the complexities of global sourcing of products from overseas can be a daunting task. Whether you’re a small startup or an established corporation, finding the right partner to facilitate your Asian or China procurement needs is crucial for success. Two common types of intermediaries that often come into play in this process are sourcing agents and trading companies. While they may seem similar at first glance, understanding the differences between them is essential for making informed decisions and optimizing your supply chain strategy.

What is a Sourcing Company ?

A sourcing agent, also known as a buying agent or procurement agent, acts as a representative on behalf of a buyer to source products or services from manufacturers or suppliers in a specific geographic region. These agents typically have in-depth knowledge of the local market, industry trends, and supplier networks, making them invaluable resources for companies looking to source products from overseas.

The primary role of a sourcing agent is to facilitate the procurement process by identifying suitable suppliers, negotiating prices and terms, overseeing quality control, and managing logistics. They essentially serve as an extension of the buyer’s team, working closely with them to ensure that their sourcing needs are met efficiently and cost-effectively.

ET2C International Global Sourcing Company

ET2C are a leading Global Sourcing company with over twenty years’ experience working with clients across the World to make their sourcing simple.. Our team of 200 colleagues are based in seven offices in key sourcing markets across Asia.

We work with our clients to make their global sourcing simple, becoming their bridge to their supply partners. Where time zones, language, business communication expectations or QC can become challenging.

Our team of experts can help you build and deliver your sourcing strategy and ensure you are working with the right factory partners. Giving you independent feet on the ground and confidence with fast responses, removing time zone and language challenges. If you would like to explore sourcing opportunities  or to discuss your future supply chain challenges. Please

The Sourcing Specialist: Your Eyes and Ears on the Ground

A good sourcing agent acts as an extension of your business, finding the best manufacturers and suppliers for your specific needs. They’ll scour the market, negotiate prices, and ensure quality control throughout the production process.

What is a Trading Company?

On the other hand, a trading company, also known as an import-export company or middleman, is a business entity that buys products from manufacturers or suppliers and sells them to buyers in different markets. Unlike sourcing agents, trading companies typically maintain their inventory of products and act as intermediaries between buyers and sellers.

The Trading Company: Your One-Stop Shop for Ready-Made Goods

Trading companies are established businesses that buy products in bulk, often from various manufacturers, and then resell them to companies. They often have a wide range of products already in stock, saving you time on sourcing.

The Advantages of working with Global Sourcing Companies

  • Customization:Sourcing agents excel at finding manufacturers for unique or bespoke products.
  • Exactly to your specifications: Sourcing companies will find the perfect supply partners for our product or brands needs.
  • Quality Control:They become your eyes and ears on the ground, ensuring your products meet your quality standards.
  • Relationships and Negotiation:They leverage their network to find reliable suppliers and negotiate the best deals.

Critical Differences Between Sourcing Agents and Trading Companies:

  1. Representation: Sourcing agents represent the buyer’s interests and work on their behalf to source products from suppliers. In contrast, trading companies act as intermediaries between buyers and sellers and may represent both parties in a transaction.
  2. Ownership of Inventory: Sourcing agents do not own or hold inventory; instead, they facilitate transactions between buyers and suppliers. Trading companies, on the other hand, typically maintain their inventory of products and sell them to buyers.
  3. Control Over the Supply Chain: Sourcing agents focus on facilitating the procurement process and coordinating with suppliers to ensure timely delivery and quality control.

Which Option is Right for You?

The choice between using a sourcing agent or a trading company depends on various factors such as your sourcing needs, budget, and level of control over the supply chain.

If you’re looking for more control over the sourcing process and prefer to work directly with suppliers, a sourcing agent may be the best option for you. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a one-stop shop for ready goods, a trading company may be more suitable.

In conclusion, while sourcing agents and trading companies serve similar functions in facilitating international trade, they differ in their roles, responsibilities, and business models. By carefully evaluating your sourcing needs and considering the pros and cons of each option, you can choose the right partner to help you achieve your business objectives and succeed in the global marketplace.

ET2C International: Your Trusted Partner in Sourcing

At ET2C, as a sourcing agent, we specialize in simplifying the complexities of Global Sourcing. With over two decades of industry experience, offices spanning seven countries, and a dedicated team, we’re committed to facilitating seamless sourcing strategies for clients spanning from multinational retailers to burgeoning e-commerce startups.

If you’re interested in exploring how we can help achieve your strategic sourcing objectives, please contact us at

Find the Perfect Partner for your China Sourcing Needs. Read More »

Reduce Costs and Boost Inventory

Reduce Costs and Boost Inventory, Sourcing from China.

Reduce Costs and Boost Inventory


Discover how China sourcing can help your business increase competitive advantage by reducing costs and expanding product ranges.

The benefits of a Global Sourcing and Procurement Strategy

You may have been thinking about Strategic Sourcing for some time. Reading about the benefits China Sourcing can bring to a company, but you’ve probably also read about some of the problems and frustrations people have come up against.


Whilst the benefits can be huge, and to not source from China can put you at a huge competitive disadvantage in some markets. It is also true that time zones, language barriers and business communication standards can be very different and challenging to navigate.

So how do you avoid the pitfalls and frustration and deliver all the benefits of Strategic Sourcing and Procurement ?

ET2C International Global Sourcing and Procurement Specialists

ET2C International is a UK based company with over twenty years experience playing a crucial role connecting global brands and companies with sourcing and supply partners. Our expertise in global sourcing and supply chain strategy ensure you get all the benefits of sourcing from China, Asia or Emerging Sourcing jurisdictions such as Ethiopia, India, Turkey or Mexico without any of the risks, frustrations or challenges.

Our 200 colleagues are based in offices in seven key sourcing markets to make your global sourcing simpler. Where language, time zone or business communication practices can make things difficult, our team will be your bridge to your suppliers.

Our team of experts can help you build a resilient, visibility supply chain. Giving you independent feet on the ground and confidence with fast responses, removing time zone and language challenges. If you would like to discuss the emerging issues outlined below please drop us a line at

Creating an effective Sourcing and Procurement Strategy

Delivering an effective Sourcing Strategy is dependent upon a range of factors which must be confirmed before any product is ordered.

  1. Define your sourcing needs: Determine the specific products you want to source including specifications, accreditations, price and shipping
  2. Conduct market research: Researching the range of potential suppliers. Identifying those who can meet your sourcing requirements and have clear alignment with your business vision and values.
  3. Supplier referencing: Your new supply partners need to be reliable and trustworthy. Whilst difficult to assess other than through experience communication and sampling can help to prove competence and reliability


  1. Communication and negotiation: Establish clear communication channels with potential suppliers. Be prepared to discuss packaging, shipping, minimum order quantities, pricing and any additional costs involved.
  2. Due diligence: Before finalizing any agreement, conduct due diligence on the supplier. Verify their legal status, business license, and certifications. Consider performing a background check and requesting references from other clients they have worked with.
  3. Quality & Compliance testing: Once you have selected a supplier, request product samples for testing and quality assurance.
  4. Legal and logistics considerations: Familiarize yourself with import/export regulations, customs procedures, and any applicable taxes or duties in your country. Understand the logistics involved, such as shipping methods, packaging, and transportation options.
  5. Place orders and establish a contract: If you’re satisfied with the sample testing and all terms are agreed upon, proceed to place your first order.


  1. Monitor production and quality control: Regularly communicate with your supplier during the production process to stay updated on the progress. Consider conducting factory visits or hiring a third-party inspection service to ensure quality control.
  2. Manage shipping and delivery: Coordinate with your supplier regarding shipping arrangements, including choosing the appropriate shipping method (air, sea, or land) and handling customs clearance. Track your shipment to ensure timely delivery.

The opportunity to source from China is huge but also a lot of complexity and requires many new skill sets and knowledge

The skills required for start-ups and challenger brands to build a global sourcing program

For many small start-ups, challenger brands or emerging high growth companies the skills sets and connections to deliver Strategic Sourcing projects are not readily available. Working on these 10 areas to ensure you are working with the right sourcing partner can be very time hungry.

However you can short cut this by engaging a Sourcing company to  deliver all the benefits of China sourcing without the stress and time pressure. You need to find a Sourcing partner who shares your vision or business and can demonstrate

1.Offices and people on the ground in your sourcing markets.

2.Experience and knowledge in those markets and understanding of product issues

3.Ability to deliver independent quality and compliance reporting to ensure you have full transparency of your products progress

4.Track record of successfully delivering projects for clients

Next steps in Sourcing from China

At ET2C we work with our clients to make their Global Sourcing simple. For over twenty years we have been working with our clients to deliver their sourcing strategies. Working with Multi National retailers to E-Commerce start ups.

Our offices in 7 countries and a team of over 250 colleagues ensure we are always on the ground in your market. Delivering independent and fully digitised QA reporting, Supplier contact.

If you would like to see how we might be able to deliver your strategic sourcing goals please get in touch

Reduce Costs and Boost Inventory, Sourcing from China. Read More »

Sourcing Advantage: Why Morocco is a key player in Africa-Europe Trade

Considering sourcing from Africa? Look no further than Morocco. This North African nation boasts a strategic location, skilled workforce, and favourable trade agreements, making it a top choice for businesses.

Morocco is a great sourcing destination for several reasons, including its strategic location, its skilled workforce, and its free trade agreements with Europe and the United States. The country also offers several other advantages, such as its low-cost labour and its business-friendly environment.

Background to Morocco as a Sourcing hub

The Kingdom of Morocco is in the Maghreb region of North Africa bordered by both the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, directly facing Spain across the straits of Gibraltar. A population of over 37million it is the only Monarchy in North Africa.

Morocco’s economy has grown steadily over the past 5 years, averaging 4% annual growth. This growth has been driven by several main export products and services:

  1. Tourism: Morocco is a popular tourist destination, and tourism has been a major driver of economic growth. In 2021, Morocco received over 13 million tourists, generating $8.6 billion in revenue.
  2. Foreign direct investment: Morocco has attracted significant foreign direct investment (FDI) in recent years. In 2021, FDI inflows to Morocco totalled $2.3 billion. This FDI has helped to finance new projects in a variety of sectors, including manufacturing, tourism, and infrastructure.
  3. Exports: Morocco’s exports have also grown steadily in recent years. In 2021, Morocco’s exports totalled $27.5 billion. This growth has been driven by strong demand for Moroccan goods in Europe and the United States.
  4. Domestic demand: Moroccan consumers have had more disposable income, which has led to increased spending on goods and services.

ET2C International Global Sourcing Specialists

ET2C  are a leading UK based Global Sourcing company with over twenty years’ experience working with our clients. Our team of 200 colleagues are based in seven offices in key sourcing markets across Asia.

We work with our clients to make their global sourcing simple, becoming their bridge to their supply partners. Where time zones, language, business communication expectations or QC can become challenging.

Our team of experts can help you build and deliver your sourcing strategy and ensure you are working with the right factory partners. Giving you independent feet on the ground and confidence with fast responses, removing time zone and language challenges. If you would like to explore sourcing opportunities within Morroco or to discuss your future supply chain challenges. Please

 Government support for business to drive economic growth

The Moroccan government has implemented several reforms to improve the business environment and invested in infrastructure projects and educational reform. Morocco export products are vitally important to economic growth. The reforms and investments made so far to support major exports are proving successful. As a result, Morocco’s economy is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. The IMF projects that Morocco’s economy will grow by 3.5% in 2023 and 4.5% in 2024. Morocco’s economic growth strategy is focused on four main pillars:

  1. Investment in infrastructure: Morocco has invested heavily in infrastructure in recent years, including roads, railways, ports, and airports. This has helped to improve the country’s connectivity and make it more attractive to foreign investors.
  2. Diversification of the economy: Morocco is diversifying its economy away from traditional sectors such as agriculture and tourism. The government is promoting the development of new sectors such as manufacturing, IT, and renewable energy.
  3. Human capital development: Morocco is investing in human capital development by improving the quality of education and training. This is helping to create a more skilled workforce, which is essential for attracting foreign investment and promoting economic growth.
  4. Regional integration: Morocco is a member of the African Union and the Arab Maghreb Union. The government is promoting regional integration to create a larger market for Moroccan goods and services.

These four pillars are essential for Morocco’s economic growth strategy. By investing in infrastructure, diversifying the economy, developing human capital, and promoting regional integration, Morocco is well-positioned to achieve sustainable economic growth in the years to come.

Export diversification building on strong Agricultural heritage

The diversification of the economy is supporting Morocco’s main export products. Morocco’s focus on expanding its export business has seen the development of manufacturing industry alongside Agriculture as part of Plan Maroc Vert. Morocco’s  economic growth strategy has several core elements :

  1. The Plan Maroc Vert(Green Morocco Plan): This plan is aimed at modernizing Morocco’s agricultural sector and making it more competitive.
  2. The Tanger Med Special Economic Zone: This zone is designed to attract foreign investment and promote the development of manufacturing and logistics industries.
  3. The Mohammed VI Polytechnic University: This university is being built to train the skilled workforce that Morocco needs to achieve its economic growth goals.
  4. Investment in transport infrastructure: As a key enabler to economic growth Morocco has invested in a wide range of infrastructure projects.

The construction of a new high-speed rail line between Tangier and Casablanca. This line is scheduled to be completed in 2023 and will cut the travel time between the two cities from four hours to two hours.

  • The expansion of the port of Tanger Med. Tanger Med is Morocco’s largest port and is one of the busiest ports in Africa. The expansion project will increase the port’s capacity by 70%.
  • The construction of a new highway between Casablanca and Rabat. This highway is scheduled to be completed in 2022 and will reduce the travel time between the two cities from two hours to one hour.

These investments are expected to boost trade between Morocco and Europe and make Morocco a more attractive destination for foreign investment.

Major Investors in Moroccan Infrastructure-driving export growth

China has become a major investor in Morocco due to its strategic position and free trade agreements with both Europe and United States. Chinese investment has encompassed a range of strategic initiatives.

  1. Tangier-Med II port:This is a new deep-water port located in Tangier. It is the largest port in Morocco and one of the largest in Africa. The port was built by a Chinese company, China Harbor Engineering Company (CHEC), and was financed by the China Development Bank.
  2. Noor Ouarzazate solar power plant: This is a large solar power plant located in Ouarzazate. It is the largest solar power plant in Africa and one of the largest in the world. The plant was built by a consortium of Chinese and Moroccan companies and was financed by the Export-Import Bank of China.
  3. Casablanca-Rabat high-speed rail line: This is a new high-speed rail line that connects Casablanca and Rabat. The line is 186 kilometers long and was built by a consortium of Chinese and Moroccan companies. The line was financed by the China Development Bank.
  4. Kenitra Atlantic port:This is a new port located in Kenitra. The port is being built by a Chinese company, China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), and is financed by the China Development Bank.

Moroccon Main Export Markets: The major sourcing opportunities

Morocco benefits from a strong strategic location for Global Sourcing. It has access to a skilled and cost effective labour force. Free trade agreements with USA and Europe make it an ideal country to use as a sourcing destination. Key export product categories are


Morocco is known for exporting products such as citrus fruits, vegetables, olives, and fish. This diversity of produce allows them to fulfil internal consumption and have enough left over for export. It enjoys a Mediterranean climate, characterized by mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. This climate, along with a network of rivers and groundwater reserves, facilitates irrigation and agricultural production. Additionally, the country has made substantial investments in water management and irrigation systems, enhancing agricultural productivity.


The textile industry in Morocco has a long history which has developed a highly skilled and low labour cost. Close proximity to Europe and Free Trade agreements make Morocco a major exporter of textiles to the world.


The Moroccan government has focused on diversifying its major exports to include engineering and machinery. It has established several industrial parks that specialize in the production of machinery. These parks offer businesses several advantages, such as access to infrastructure, skilled labour, and tax breaks.

The Moroccan government has also provided financial assistance to machinery businesses, such as loans and grants.

Doing business in Morocco: How easy is Global Souring and Exporting

The government is business friendly making it easy to operate a business in Morroco. The significant infrastructure investment is also a crucial enabler to making business simpler.

However, it’s important to note that sourcing from Morocco can also come with challenges. Language barriers, cultural differences, intellectual property protection, and ensuring supply chain transparency are factors that require careful consideration and management.

ET2C the Local Expert Sourcing strategy with Global presence

We are one of Europe’s leading product sourcing agency based in the UK. Cost and margin pressures on many businesses are making Global Sourcing an essential component of any successful business. As the turmoil grows on many shipping routes from traditional Asian markets new territories such as Morocco and Turkey are emerging as critical supply routes for many companies.

To learn more about global sourcing or to start a conversation about strategic sourcing from African or Asian markets please drop us a line at

Sourcing Advantage: Why Morocco is a key player in Africa-Europe Trade Read More »

Revolutionising the Farm

Revolutionizing the Farm: The Rise of the Drones in Agriculture

Revolutionising the Farm

Drones are no longer just for hobbyists. They’re rapidly transforming the agricultural industry, offering farmers a bird’s-eye view of their crops, enabling data-driven decisions, and boosting yields. Discover how drones are revolutionizing crop monitoring, management, and sustainability.

Agriculture Drone

The agricultural industry is undergoing a technological revolution, driven by the increasing adoption of drones and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). These versatile tools are transforming the way farmers monitor, manage, and optimize their crops, offering a range of benefits that enhance productivity, profitability, and sustainability.

Revolutionizing Crop Monitoring and Management

Drones equipped with high-resolution cameras and sensors provide farmers with an unparalleled view of their fields, capturing detailed data on crop health, nutrient deficiencies, irrigation needs, and pest infestations. This real-time information enables early detection of problems, allowing for timely intervention and corrective measures.

One of the most significant applications of drones in agriculture is precision agriculture, a data-driven approach that optimizes resource allocation and minimizes environmental impact. By analysing drone-collected data, farmers can create precise maps of their fields, tailoring fertilizer and pesticide applications to specific areas, reducing waste and minimizing harm to non-target organisms.

Fram Drone

Enhancing Productivity and Profitability

The adoption of drones is leading to a significant increase in agricultural productivity. By enabling early identification of problems and targeted interventions, drones help farmers reduce crop losses due to pests, diseases, and nutrient deficiencies. This translates into higher yields and improved profitability.

Moreover, drones contribute to cost savings by streamlining various agricultural tasks, such as field inspections, irrigation monitoring, and inventory management. The efficiency gains resulting from drone usage allow farmers to focus on more strategic aspects of their operations.

Early Adopters: Pioneers of Drone Technology in Agriculture

Several forward-thinking farmers are at the forefront of adopting drone technology, reaping the benefits of improved crop health, increased productivity, and reduced costs. These early adopters are paving the way for wider adoption across the agricultural industry.

One notable example is the use of drones for precision spraying. By targeting pest infestations with pinpoint accuracy, drones reduce pesticide use by up to 90%, minimizing environmental impact and protecting beneficial insects. This approach has been particularly successful in organic farming, where strict regulations limit the use of synthetic chemicals.

Drone Spray

ET2C International Sourcing Experts for twenty years 

ET2C International has for over twenty years played a crucial role connecting global brands and companies with sourcing partners. Our expertise in global sourcing can make sure you get all the benefits of sourcing Robotics, Industrial and Agricultural products from China and Asia without any of the risks.

Our 250 colleagues are based in offices in seven key Asian sourcing markets including to make your global sourcing simpler. Where language, time zone or business communication practices can make things difficult, out team will be your bridge to your suppliers.

At ET2C our history of delivering the benefits of global sourcing to our clients enables businesses to quickly and easily connect with factory partners who can deliver your product requirements and importantly your quality and compliance requirements.

Latest Advances and Expected Innovations in Agri Drones and UAV’s

Drone technology is rapidly evolving, with new advancements and innovations constantly emerging. One of the most promising areas of development is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) into drone systems. AI-powered drones can analyse and interpret data in real-time, providing farmers with actionable insights and enabling automated decision-making.

Another exciting development is the use of drones for autonomous tasks, such as crop dusting and irrigation. Autonomous drones can operate independently, freeing up farmers’ time and allowing for continuous monitoring and intervention. This technology has the potential to revolutionize agricultural practices, particularly in large-scale operations.

Conclusion: The Future of Agriculture with Drones

Drones and UAVs are poised to play an increasingly transformative role in the future of agriculture. Their ability to provide real-time data, enable precision agriculture, and automate tasks will significantly enhance productivity, profitability, and sustainability across the industry. As drone technology continues to evolve, farmers can expect even more innovative and effective applications that will revolutionize the way they manage their crops and feed the world.

If you would like to learn more about global sourcing of drones and UAV’s for agriculture please drop us a line at

Revolutionizing the Farm: The Rise of the Drones in Agriculture Read More »

Unlocking the Potential

Unlocking the Potential: The Advantages of Sourcing Machinery and Engineered Components from China

Discover the strategic advantages of sourcing machinery from China.

From unparalleled quality and cost-efficiency to cutting-edge material innovation. The benefits of advanced manufacturing technology, innovative materials, and China’s competitive edge. China is the still the Worlds factory but to really unlock the potential benefits companies should partner with a trusted sourcing company. ET2C International daily mission is to Make Sourcing Simple.

Delivering the cost and quality benefits whilst overcoming the significant challenges in communication, quality assurance, intellectual property protection, and supply chain management. Dive into the future of global sourcing with insights from the world’s factory.

In today’s globalized world, manufacturers in Europe are increasingly exploring opportunities beyond their borders to optimize their production processes and stay competitive. China, with its reputation as the “world’s factory,” offers a compelling proposition for machinery manufacturers in Europe. From top-notch quality and cost-efficiency to innovative materials, sourcing engineered components or complete machinery from China can unlock a plethora of advantages. In this post we will delve into the benefits that European machinery manufacturers can harness by partnering with Chinese suppliers.

Chinese Quality that Exceeds Sourcing Expectations

For machinery manufacturers in Europe, ensuring the highest standards of quality is a non-negotiable aspect of their supply chain operations. This is precisely where many suppliers in China excel. In recent years, Chinese manufacturers have made significant strides enhancing the quality of their products. Matching their clients need for increasing quality sourcing from China can deliver a range of benefits.

ET2C International Strategic Sourcing Services 

ET2C International has for over twenty years played a crucial role connecting global brands and industrial companies with Chinese suppliers. Our expertise in global sourcing can make sure you get all the benefits of sourcing from China without any of the risks.

Our 200 colleagues are based in offices in seven key sourcing markets to make your global sourcing simpler. Where language, time zone or business communication practices can makes things difficult, our team can be your bridge to your suppliers. We are so much more than a China Sourcing agent. Recognising that modern Sourcing and Procurement requires a range of audits and measurement. Delivering full transparency across the value chain to support corporate commitments on environmental impacts and corporate risk.

At ET2C our history of delivering the benefits of global sourcing to our clients enables businesses to tap into China’s fast growing engineered components and machinery manufacturing markets. For more information on our sourcing and procurement services from China please drop us a line

Sourcing Machinery from China the benefits 

1.Advanced Manufacturing Technology:

Precision Engineering: Chinese manufacturers are investing heavily in state-of-the-art equipment and technologies, enabling them to produce components and machinery with exceptional precision.

2.Quality Control: A critical part of the manufacturing process stringent quality control measures are implemented at various stages of the production process, ensuring that the final product meets international quality standards.

3.Certifications and Compliance:

Global Standards: Many Chinese manufacturing companies adhere to international quality and safety standards, making it easier for European manufacturers to integrate Chinese components into their machinery.

Regulatory Compliance Chinese suppliers often comply with relevant EU regulations and CE marking, facilitating smoother import and integration processes for European manufacturers.

4.Innovative Materials and Techniques in Chinese manufacturing

Material Advancements: Chinese manufacturers are increasingly using innovative materials, such as advanced alloys, composites, and high-performance plastics, to improve the durability and performance of engineered components.

Customization: Manufacturers can work closely with Chinese suppliers to customize components or machinery to meet specific quality and performance requirements.

5.Chinese Labour Cost Advantage:

Lower Labour Costs: Labour costs in China are notably lower than in most European countries, leading to cost savings during the manufacturing process.

Skilled Workforce Despite lower labour costs, China maintains a skilled and educated workforce that is capable of producing high-quality machinery and components.

6.Supply Chain Efficiency:

Proximity to Suppliers: China’s proximity to raw material suppliers and a well-developed supply chain infrastructure enhances efficiency and reduces transportation costs.

Chinas Innovation in Materials: A Competitive Edge in sourcing 

Innovation is the driving force behind advancements in the manufacturing industry. Chinese manufacturers are increasingly at the forefront of material innovation, offering European machinery manufacturers a competitive edge:

Advanced Composite Materials:

Lightweight Components: Chinese manufacturers are utilizing advanced composite materials to create lightweight yet durable components. This is particularly advantageous in industries like aerospace and automotive manufacturing.

Corrosion Resistance: Advanced composites are highly corrosion-resistant, increasing the longevity of machinery components, even in harsh industrial environments.

High-Performance Alloys:

Enhanced Strength: The use of high-performance alloys in machinery components results in improved strength and durability, allowing for higher load-bearing capacities.

Temperature Resistance: These alloys can withstand extreme temperatures, making them suitable for applications in industries like energy and heavy machinery.

Smart Materials:

Self-Healing Properties Some innovative materials have self-healing properties, which can extend the lifespan of machinery components and reduce maintenance costs.

Sensor Integration: Smart materials can be designed to integrate sensors, enhancing the monitoring and control capabilities of machinery.

Overcoming Challenges and Ensuring Success in Sourcing from China 

While sourcing machinery components or complete machinery from China offers numerous advantages, it’s important for European manufacturers to be aware of potential challenges and adopt strategies to mitigate them:

Communication and Language:

Effective communication is essential. European manufacturers should ensure that language barriers do not hinder collaboration. Utilizing experienced agents or translators can help bridge the gap.

Quality Assurance:

Implement robust quality assurance and testing procedures to ensure that the components or machinery meet the required standards.

Intellectual Property Protection:

European manufacturers should take necessary steps to protect their intellectual property rights when sharing designs and specifications with Chinese suppliers.

Supply Chain Management:

Effective supply chain management is crucial to ensure timely delivery of components. Close collaboration with Chinese suppliers can help streamline the process.

Summary- delivering the benefits of sourcing in China with a Sourcing company

The benefits of sourcing from China are clear, delivering superior cost for European and North American companies. The early sourcing benefits from China of simply being about price are now long gone. Their market dominance has supported investment in technology and innovation allowing product quality that is the equal or better than any found across the globe.

The overriding challenge with effective sourcing and procurement in China is the ability to navigate the market and find the right supply chain partners.

For many companies the solution to this is to work with a sourcing company like ET2C who have over twenty-year experience connecting clients with Asian and Chinese supply chain partners.

China’s emergence as a key player in this industry has been instrumental in meeting the growing global demand, thanks to its manufacturing prowess, technological innovation, and export-oriented strategy.

For more information on how we can help you make your sourcing simpler or to explore the opportunity for sourcing and procurement in China drop us a line at

Unlocking the Potential: The Advantages of Sourcing Machinery and Engineered Components from China Read More »

Global Sourcing 101

Global Sourcing 101:How to Mitigate Risk and build a Resilient Supply Chain

The Challenges of Global Sourcing

In today’s interconnected world, many businesses are turning to global sourcing to reduce costs and improve efficiency. However, global sourcing also comes with its own set of challenges, such as supplier risk, quality control, and logistical complexities. This article provides a guide to navigating the challenges of global sourcing and building a resilient yet agile supply chain. identifying key risk areas, strategies for supplier evaluation and diversification, and best practices for quality control.

The benefits to business of strategic sourcing globally are huge and have been a foundation for many companies and brands to successfully develop their business. The cost and quality of the products available in some markets is so strong that not to source globally can put companies at a serious competitive disadvantage in their markets.

Whilst the benefits are well known and recognised the complexity and challenges of creating and implementing a global sourcing and procurement strategy can be daunting ? The last few years of Post Covid turmoil have demonstrated the importance of strong resilient supply chains that can deliver the product your company needs at the quality required.

To these traditional procurement challenges are the reputational and risk issues from Social and Environmental factors that need to be understood and measured. An increasingly important factor in the responsibilities of the Procurement teams in many companies.

These factors are consistent across all sourcing whether near or offshore, however they can prove more challenging to manage when the value chain is stretched across many miles, time zones and languages.

ET2C International Strategic Sourcing and Procurement Specialists 

We are a leading Global Sourcing company with over twenty years’ experience working with our clients. Our team of over 200 colleagues are based in seven offices in key international sourcing markets across Asia.

We work with our clients to make their global sourcing simple, becoming their bridge to their supply partners. Where time zones, language, business communication expectations or QC can become challenging.

Our team of experts can help you build and deliver your sourcing strategy and ensure you are working with the right factory partners. Giving you independent feet on the ground and confidence with fast responses, removing time zone and language challenges. If you would like to explore sourcing opportunities or see how we have worked with clients to manage risk, quality and compliance across their supply chain.

Please message us at we would be happy to share some examples of how we work.

Measuring and managing reputational and supply chain risk

The first task in managing risk is to understand and bring visibility to the diverse risk elements in a sourcing strategy.

Whilst many of these issues can be managed with a degree of simplicity for shorter or in country supply chains. As supply chains and partners become extended across market and time zones the challenges can mount.

Overall risk assessment and mitigation should be approached by breaking down overall risk into core areas. The extension across the globe can build complexity.

Identification, assessment and management of global supply chain risk

1.Supplier Evaluation and Selection: Conduct thorough due diligence and assess potential suppliers based on their track record, reputation, financial stability, production capabilities, quality control measures, and compliance with regulations.

2.Supplier Relationship Management: Establish strong relationships with your suppliers based on trust, open communication, and transparency. Regular communication and shared vision can move relationship from one of delivering forecast to one built on partnership and shared vision for growth.

3.Diversification of Suppliers: Avoid overreliance on a single supplier or region. Diversify your supplier base to minimize the impact of disruptions, such as natural disasters, political instability, or changes in trade policies. Building strong supplier relationships can be create resilience in your supply chain but having potential back up suppliers can be valuable.

4.Risk Assessment and Contingency Planning: Identify potential risks that could impact your sourcing operations, such as supply chain disruptions, currency fluctuations, quality issues, or regulatory changes. Develop contingency plans to address these risks, including alternative sourcing options, backup suppliers, and risk mitigation strategies.

5.Quality Control and Product Testing: Implement stringent quality control measures to ensure that products meet your specified standards. Conduct regular inspections, audits, and product testing to verify compliance with quality requirements and safety regulations. Implementing robust quality control processes helps minimize the risk of receiving substandard products.

6.Intellectual Property Protection: Protect your intellectual property rights by implementing appropriate legal measures, such as non-disclosure agreements, trademarks, copyrights, and patents. Work with suppliers who respect and adhere to intellectual property regulations and have a clear understanding of your IP protection requirements.

7.Compliance and Ethical Standards: Ensure that your suppliers comply with ethical and social responsibility standards. Verify that they adhere to labour laws, environmental regulations, and international standards, such as the International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions and responsible sourcing initiatives.

8.Continuous Monitoring and Performance Evaluation: Regularly monitor the performance of your suppliers and evaluate their ability to meet your expectations. Continuous monitoring allows you to identify potential risks and take corrective actions proactively.

9.Supply Chain Transparency: Establish transparency in your supply chain by mapping the entire sourcing process and understanding the various tiers of suppliers involved. Promote ethical practices, sustainability, and traceability throughout the supply chain to mitigate risks related to social and environmental impacts.

10.Stay Informed and Engage Experts: Stay updated on global market trends, economic indicators, geopolitical developments, and regulatory changes that may impact your sourcing operations. Engage industry experts, consultants, or sourcing partners who have in-depth knowledge and experience in global sourcing to provide guidance and insights.

Summary Releasing the value in your Supply chain from Global Sourcing  

The benefits of a strong global sourcing strategy are clear but to fully realise all the benefits requires planning and focus. As many procurement and sourcing teams are under huge time pressure and so may not have the time of the skill sets to deliver a global sourcing strategy. Working with a trusted partner with a track record of delivery can be critical can ensure that the benefits are delivered without any of the pitfalls.

Conclusion delivering the benefits of Global Sourcing and Procurement

For many companies building and executing a global sourcing strategy is becoming business critical. A well constructed sourcing strategy can deliver:

-Incremental operating profit

-Short term capacity build

-Fast Product Innovation delivery

-Increased market competitiveness

ET2C International have over twenty years experience delivering and executing strategic sourcing.

Our colleagues are baes in all the major sourcing markets in Asia, Turkey and South America.

For more information or to discuss how we could help you with your sourcing challenges or ambitions please drop us a line at

Global Sourcing 101:How to Mitigate Risk and build a Resilient Supply Chain Read More »

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