Learn More About ET2C: Your Trusted Global Sourcing Partner

For product companies at any stage of growth

Regardless if you are a Retailer, Wholesaler, or a Start-up Company, ET2C provides the most sustainable value when compared to other sourcing agents and companies because of the premium service, level of engagement across the product life cycle, and creative, global perspective we promise our customers.

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The Team

Richard Archer-Perkins

Richard Archer-Perkins

Simon Archer-Perkins

Simon Archer-Perkins

Wayne Clark

Wayne Clark

UK Sales Director
Mark Bradley

Mark Bradley

Vietnam & India Director
Amy Hu

Amy Hu

Quality Director
Sandy Yang

Sandy Yang

HR Director
Wendy Xu

Wendy Xu

Client Account Director
David Young

David Young

Marketing Director
Manish Sharma

Manish Sharma

India General Manager

The Sourcing Landscape

The outsource manufacturing sector the world over is in a state of flux. This is primarily being driven through technology and is enabling the consumer to engage with retailers and brands (at one end of the supply chain) in new and innovative ways.

Flexibility is paramount

Whereas previously, larger seasonal orders were commonplace for sourcing agents and manufacturers, companies are increasingly looking to move to more agile and flexible buying patterns to reduce their working capital requirements. Rather than solely forecasting based on trend analysis, which on occasion can lead to some styles turning into obsolete stock that need to be discounted, companies can react to their consumer. Styles that sell through can be re-ordered and because of the lower volumes, the lead times should be shorter.

The importance of being on the ground

Similarly, transparency and an understanding of a product’s origin is important to today’s consumer. They want to know that the products are being made in an ethical way and any aspects around sustainability that are part of a product’s DNA. We look to promote this as we see the human side to manufacturing and it is important that the consumer understands what is involved in making their product. There are also regulatory and political challenges that arise from time to time, whether in the form of tariffs, or domestic regulations (such as the recent environmental protection initiative carried out in China).

These can impact getting a product to market on time and at the price required, which likely has a detrimental impact on margins and profitability. It means having the ability to be agile and being able to react to market conditions. It means having a deep understanding of the different markets in Asia and how to develop beneficial partnerships with your suppliers. Ultimately, it means being on the ground.

The Future

As technology continues to accelerate the evolution of retail, we are constantly looking for opportunities to align with the changes required at a manufacturing level. We are more than a product sourcing agent, and are developing a capability to work across the product life cycle. This will enable us to better serve our clients.
We have therefore established our ET2C Eco-System to enhance our current solutions with additional innovative services through collaboration with companies that are focused on specific elements of the Supply chain and product development.

These include, but are not limited to

  • Sustainability & Environmental Footprint
  • Product Design
  • Radical Supply Chain Transparency and Associated Platforms
  • Financing
  • 3D Printing
  • Distribution and New Market Penetration
  • Digitisation
  • Data Analytics and Predictive Forecasting

Our Ecosystem

Market Overview


Although China’s manufacturing base has had challenges over the past five years (particularly in soft goods and footwear), it continues to be the manufacturer to the world. There is no dobt that there is work to do though to retain a competitive advantage and with the implementation of “Made in China 2025,” and investment in smart manufacturing and technology, there is a promise of further efficiencies being driven through their factory gates. It still retains leverage in the sophisticated supply chains it has developed over the past decade providing customers with access to a wide range of products and materials. As your China sourcing agent, we will help maximize your company’s sourcing potential in China’s complex manufacturing base. As your sourcing agent in Vietnam, we will help you identify these opportunities and help you create country alternatives to your current supply base. As your sourcing agent in India, we will guide you the complexities of the Indian market and identify product opportunities.


As one of the fastest growing manufacturing sectors in Asia, now with investment in new product categories outside of the more traditional product sectors (such as furniture, soft goods and ceramics), Vietnam is consistently forming part of any companies Asian sourcing strategy. As the country continues to develop, infrastructure improvement will lead to better global business opportunities for Vietnam. As your Vietnam sourcing agent, we will help you identify these opportunities and help you create country alternatives to your current supply base.


India has a large and growing work force, as well as access to raw materials. With a newly elected (2019) pro-business and pro-manufacturing government, India is entering a new era of skilled manufacturing and production. Investment in smart manufacturing is coming to the fore and should create greater production efficiencies in the future. It is well positioned to move up the value chain. As your India sourcing agent, we will guide you the complexities of the Indian market and identify product opportunities. As your sourcing agent in Vietnam, we will help you identify these opportunities and help you create country alternatives to your current supply base. As your sourcing agent in China, we will help maximize your company’s sourcing potential in China’s complex manufacturing base.

Growing businesses since 2001

At ET2C, we are passionate about supporting your business by delivering the best sourcing solutions and service. Our clients include start-ups through to large scale retailers, who have identified some of the challenges that Asia presents and want the reassurance of an accountable locally based partner who speaks your language.

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Growing Office Network

Our strategically located offices deliver value at source and a local presence in your market. Although we have offices currently across China, Vietnam (HCMC) and India (Bangalore), we have also established teams in other strategic sourcing territories and sales markets.

Our Factory and Production

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