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5 Key Benchmarks for Your China Sourcing Agent

5 Key Benchmarks for Your China Sourcing Agent

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Sourcing Agents:

Properly vetting a sourcing agent in China can make or break your supply chain. Identifying a sourcing company with the right connections and a track record for success prevents costly delays and communication pitfalls. While it does cost money to hire a guide, a local perspective minimizes the likelihood of chasing dead ends.

Navigating Supply Chains
Sourcing agents in China operate as navigators for unfamiliar markets.

1. Integrity & Accountability

When it comes to finding the right partner for your company, there is no better option than an organization that has a track record of integrity and accountability. Trust and an ability to develop a long-lasting relationship with a sourcing agent will be integral to the effectiveness of the partnership. This gains particularly importance given the region that you will be operating in.

Whether it is supplier selection or management, product development, quality assurance or price negotiation, you want to be sure that your sourcing is agent is doing the work on the ground that will deliver an upside to your gross margins.

2. Quality Control

One primary concern when sourcing from China is the idea that quality will fall below acceptable parameters. There are factories which will cut corners and deliver products that do not meet expectations. Sourcing from a country halfway around the world creates a wide potential margin of error. Without measured quality-control checks throughout every step of the process, unsatisfactory materials become sub-par products.

While bad business deals do exist, strategic sourcing companies help you to navigate through unreliable sources to find high-quality suppliers and manufacturers. With a sourcing agent in China guiding you to certified suppliers, well-tested with a quality track-record, you can side-step the costly mistake of buying materials you cannot use.

By providing third-party quality control checks at every step of the process, your China sourcing agent should be able to provide an audit-level review of production meeting or exceeding standards. Early correction reduces transportation fees and emissions by preventing unsalable products from ever being shipped.

It is important to make sure that your sourcing company understands the certifications and standards required in the manufacturing of your product to ensure that they are capable of translating your needs to their suppliers and other contacts.

3. Risk Mitigation

No matter how many safeguards you put in place, there is always a risk that things will go wrong. But how wrong depends on the measures you take to prevent small hiccups from swelling into pricey delays. Having a dedicated team of sourcing agents on the ground can be one of the most effective tools for curbing potential error.

China Sourcing Agent warehouse logistics
From correcting a misfiled document to finding a missing shipment, sourcing agents are problem-solvers.

With sourcing agents working in the same time zone as manufacturing, communication with suppliers and manufacturers flows without interruption. At the first sign of unexpected issues, sourcing agents work swiftly to correct anything that needs to be done, from filing amended documentation to mitigating disruptions in the supply chain.

Instead of waking up to an urgent request sent while you were sleeping, you can rest soundly knowing that a qualified team is working to absorb the effects of missteps as they occur.

Business relies on taking not only risks, but well-calculated risks.When evaluating a company’s ability to mitigate risk, it is important to consider what services they offer. Companies with procurement and supply chain management services are more likely to be capable of responding with strategic solutions to issues beyond sourcing alone.

4. Network Strength

The best sourcing companies dedicate years to building up solid relationships with local suppliers and manufacturers, consistently vetting their powerful network of trustworthy partners to ensure that they are certified and capable of fulfilling quality orders.

China Sourcing Agent strategy
With the right supply contacts, your company can maximize its sourcing efficiency.

Relationships take time to develop, but tapping into the carefully cultivated pool of suppliers shortens the distance between both parties. Just as an introduction from a trusted friend can elevate a conversation with someone new beyond small talk, sourcing companies take the tedious scrutiny out of meeting new suppliers.

5. Transparency

Gone are the days in which Sourcing Agents did not disclose the source of the products. Visibility is a must across the supply chain and sourcing agents should be walking you through as much detail as your business needs. For example, Sourcing companies should understand the value of knowing where materials originate, how workers are treated, and frequent updates relating to scheduling. Not only does such information make your supply chain transparent and allow constant supervision, but compiled documentation is easy to track for auditing purposes.

Before employing a sourcing agent in China, it is always a good idea to research which certifications and standards they uphold. Increasingly, from an ethical standpoint, having a granular understanding of where your products are made is essential. You should look for sourcing agents that do not just understand this but also preach this. In such a vast market, there will always be contacts that, in addition to assuring quality, operate in line with your company’s values. You should also get some current client references from similar markets to your own.

Your China Sourcing Agent Should:

  • Have a track record of integrity and accountability
  • Assure Certifiable Quality
  • Deal with Unexpected Issues
  • Work with a breadth of Suppliers
  • Exercise Transparency across Production
  • Understand your sourcing strategy and drivers
  • Identify any issues early and present solutions

Where to Find Your Sourcing Agent

While it is possible to find independent agents through online searches or trade shows, working with a sourcing company should present a competitive advantage. They will provide the ability to scale your production in a low risk environment whilst breaking down the barriers of managing suppliers directly (culture, language, time zone, market knowledge, product knowledge, etc).

As opposed to a multiple contacts across a range of suppliers, sourcing companies should provide a single point of reference that utilizes their own internal resources to provide you with cover for a competitive price. For more information about how to select the best sourcing company for your business, check out our last article here.

Here at ET2C, we understand the importance of these elements because we practice them every day.

We can be your next China sourcing agent, working tirelessly to manage and enhance supply chains, mitigate risks, and drive efficiencies. With more than 2000 supplier contacts across China, Vietnam and India, ET2C is always looking to identify the best partner for your sourcing needs. Whether you would like to know about anything from reviewing sourcing certifications to introducing full-scale Supply Chain Management, contact us for all your strategic sourcing needs.

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How to choose the Best Sourcing Company for Your Business

How to choose the Best Sourcing Company for your Business

How Do You Find Your Best Sourcing Company?

Now that you’ve decided to explore your supply chain options abroad, hiring the best sourcing company for your business can mitigate costly issues in the supply chain. In a time when customers are demanding ethical, eco-friendly, and long-lasting goods, it is more important than ever to engage in transparent and strategic sourcing.

Unfortunately, even the most environmentally-minded consumer limits how much they are willing to spend on a product. Sourcing in Asia represents an opportunity to fabricate products at reduced prices without sacrificing quality, but hosts a range of latent miscommunications and risks. Thankfully, hiring a sourcing company can save time and diminish liabilities.

Why Should You Hire a Sourcing Company?

Once a company decides to invest capital in any venture, it is worth their while to hire consultants capable of sidestepping costly issues. Just as hiring a lawyer to review a trademark prevents lawsuits, strategic sourcing companies are worth every mistake their clients don’t make. From properly filing documents to exercising local business etiquette, minimizing missteps maximizes profit. Discovering your best sourcing company can also free up your valuable time to focus on other aspects of your business.

How to choose the Best Sourcing Company for your Business logistics
Supply chains are immensely complex and yet, only one aspect of running your company.

Sourcing Country or Countries

This may seem pretty simple, but it’s important to consider the origin of your products based on a complex web of factors. While it may have historically been cheapest to produce your product in China drivers such as local import duties might make other Asian markets more cost competitive overall. Determining the best possible value for your product at your price point requires an understanding of not only local markets, but regional and international markets.

Each sourcing company in Asia retains access to different suppliers and factories. Some are solely market specific and only operate within China or India etc. If you have done adequate due diligence and know exactly which markets best serve your company based on your product mix, a direct to supplier approach may be appropriate. However, if you harbour uncertainties about which country will supply the best value, international sourcing companies provide the opportunity to evaluate several markets at once. This is increasingly important given the current international trading landscape.

Sourcing companies with ties to several countries can also restructure your supply chain should better opportunities in other countries arise. For instance, tariffs imposed on one nation may make another more desirable for lower importation fees, or a country’s government subsidies for products in your industry may reduce costs. International sourcing companies can help reevaluate the supply chain over time to ensure that your business is not over reliant on any one country.

How to choose the Best Sourcing Company for your Business plan
Identifying wasteful points in your supply chain can save both time and money.

What is Strategic Sourcing?

Sourcing is “a strategy in which a business seeks to find the most suitable location for manufacturing a product”. Rapid growth of manufacturing capabilities across Asia and low labour rates drive the region to be one of the most cost-effective for outsourced production.


Before you can determine which is the best sourcing company suited to your needs, you must decide what sort of service you need. Depending on your familiarity with the market, level of desired support, volume of spend, in-house capability and ability to appropriate time and funds, you may want to explore the different options available.

The best sourcing companies spend years developing connections in their regions and when you employ their services, they grant you access to their vast network of certified suppliers and manufacturing contacts; visibility across production should be an integral part of any supply chain given quality requirements. Touching base with a sourcing company before production begins ensures that you acquire an understanding of the realistic capabilities of your manufacturing partners, from reasonable pricing and quality to practical timeframes.

Strategic Sourcing

Procurement is “the acquisition of manufactured goods from an outside external source.”If sourcing alone sounds useful but a little daunting, procurement services take a holistic approach to the process of fabricating of your product. Supply Chain Managers work with you to develop the strategy of how your product will be sourced, assembled, and even shipped. If the thought of messing up the logistics is holding you back, procurement services work with you every step of the way to ensure that the process runs as smoothly as possible.

For companies looking to re-evaluate the efficiency of their existing supply chain or maximize the benefits of a new project, supply chain management relies on personalized sourcing solutions to minimize supply chain disruption, quality defects, and other issues that can quickly escalate.

If you’re not certain which option makes the most sense for your company or you want to understand your options when sourcing from Asia, then consulting with expert sourcing agents can help determine the best path for you to pursue.

ET2C Sourcing Solutions

While a wide range of companies and individual sourcing agents can manage your supply chain, ET2C offers a few unique additional services. We believe in a transparent “boots-on-the-ground” approach for businesses to access their supply chains.

Dedicated Team (“Buying Office”)

Sometimes international companies want a more hands-on approach and our buying office service provides upstream access to their supply chain. Through a dedicated team with the relevant experience, ET2C helps manage the ‘on the ground’ sourcing function in the corresponding Asian market. It is a cost effective way for companies to leverage the benefits of Asian sourcing whilst removing the risks.

Business strategy
“Buying offices” are one of the most hands-on approaches to outsourcing.

Sourcing Teams

ET2C merchandise and quality teams translate expertise across a range of categories that cover China, India and Vietnam. With the option of organized, single-point vendor management entry, companies can reduce time and effort trying to coordinate a series of vendors. A large pool of suppliers and manufacturers drive highly competitive pricing and increased efficiencies. Quality assurance is of utmost importance and ET2C’s partners assure ISO, ETI, and SA800 brand protection compliance.

Whether you’re seeking advice or full-scale Supply Chain Management, contact us at ET2C for all your strategic sourcing needs. We have a dedicated team primed to find sourcing solutions for your company through our network of over 2000 supplier contacts across China, Vietnam and India. Our mission is to deliver long-term sustainable value to our clients’ supply chains that creates cost and quality benefits to their purchase channels from key global sourcing markets, while ensuring the sourcing process is simple, easy, and convenient.



How to choose the Best Sourcing Company for Your Business Read More »

Lessons on the Importance of Quality Control Checks

Last month McDonald’s was rocked by a quality control scandal that has seriously tarnished the fast food giant’s image in Mainland China and throughout the world. In an abhorrent lack of health and safety standards, the company’s meat supplier was exposed for improper food handling procedures, affecting nearly 2,000 McDonald’s outlets throughout the country.

A reporter from a Shanghai news outlet filmed workers in a factory operated by Shanghai Husi Food, a subsidiary of U.S based food conglomerate OSI Group blatantly violating food health and safety standards. Along with handling meat and chicken with their bare hands, workers jokingly referred to the product as ‘foul meat’, while taking meat that had fallen on the floor and adding it back on to the production line. The factory was also caught forging production dates on more than 4,300 cases of smoked beef patties.

Thankfully no one had fallen sick as a direct result of the tainted meat supply, and the plant has since been closed with six employees in custody for questioning. OSI group is conducting its own internal investigation, promising ‘swift and decisive action’ for those responsible for this scandal. The company ineffectually tried to explain that this scandal with due to a lack of communication and control with the subsidiary group Shanghai Husi Food. McDonald’s was quick to respond by cutting ties OSI Group and has signed partnerships with new meat suppliers.

Consequences however have been severe, as the restaurant patronage and profits have substantially dropped in Asia. McDonald’s stated that their global sales forecast is at risk and admitted that sales in the region have dropped by 7.3%, with global sales at their lowest since 2003. The local government did not take too kindly to the affair either. In Shanghai, the city’s most senior leader and party secretary Han Zhen said authorities would deliver severe punishment to those responsible.

This dangerous and needless incident is a result from this lack of proper management in the quality control and quality assurance departments of McDonalds and OSI Group. By failing to do proper QC/QA checks, the two companies have lost credibility, profits and consumer trust. While their response to this scandal was timely and appropriate, the enormous damage to the company’s reputation is nearly irreversible at this point.

However, at the expense of these guilty companies, an important lesson can be learned from this ordeal. We can see that difference between good and poor quality control and quality assurance is paramount when sourcing in Asia, as any failure can lead to severe demise in credibility and profits. Whereas McDonald’s and OSI Group’s approach was an example of poor practices in QC/QA, professional companies are inclined to use thorough and skilled methods that would have prevented a situation like this from ever happening.

As part of our commitment and service to our clients, ET2C is a company that uses such thorough methods. With over 10 years in experience in the QC/ QA field, our company believes that product quality and safety is essential to the service we provide to our clients. Along with routine factory audits, ET2C commits to inspecting every order before it is shipped to our client’s stores. If we identify any defects in an order, we will request that the factory take the necessary corrective action immediately whilst providing our clients with the transparency and confidence that the products are suitable for their needs. This includes detailed reports and open communication channels. Our teams work hard to ensure that our clients will never face a product quality issues such as McDonald’s and OSI Group has recently. For more information around our Quality Assurance or Quality control services, please contact us.

Lessons on the Importance of Quality Control Checks Read More »

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