Nearshoring the Answer

Is Nearshoring the Answer to Disrupted Supply Chains?

Nearshoring the Answer

The plan to near shore supply chains has been talked about since the pandemics first waves struck global supply chain networks fragmenting the previous structures and organisation. The immediate  impact was a desire and corporate focus to develop shorter supply routes, rebuild partnerships and build more resilience by removing distance.

The immediate rush and to redevelop Global Sourcing Strategies, shorten supply routes and ‘Near Shore” is not being delivered. As the simple ideal of moving sourcing markets is proving much tougher to achieve than anticipated for Sourcing and Procurement teams.

Global Supply China shocks fuelling the drive to near Shore

The aftershocks to global trade and supply chains after the Pandemic have been many and unexpected regularly buffeting the smooth winds of commerce:

  • Ukraine War
  • Pandemic recover
  • US – China Trade conflicts and Tariff increases
  • WTO disputes
  • Weather impacts from El Nino and droughts in major rivers and canals

ET2C International Global Sourcing and Strategy Experts

ET2C are a UK owned Global Sourcing company with over 22 years experience in making sourcing simpler for our clients. Our 200 colleagues are based in 7 major and emerging sourcing markets to ensure they can be your bridge to your supply chain partners. We work with clients from Early stage start-ups and challenger brands to global retailers to ensure their sourcing and procurement is as effective as possible.

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The growing desire to Near Shore or Friendly Shore Supply routes

The background to the rush to Near or Friendly shoring has been the nearly five years of open economic conflict between the US and China. US-China trade flows hit an all-time record of $690.6 billion in 2022. Connecting the countries by a larger movement of trade than any other Nations (without shared borders).

Suggesting that Globalisation is not showing signs of halting. DHL in their recent report suggest that the US-China trade relationship is beginning to show a “general pattern” of decoupling even as globalization more broadly remains resilient, according to DHL’s global connectedness index.

“International flows have proven remarkably resilient through recent crises, and they strongly rebut the notion that globalization has given way to deglobalization,” according to the report, produced with New York University’s Stern School of Business.


“Today’s threats to globalization, nonetheless, are real and demand serious attention,” it continued. “It would be a mistake to infer from the recent resilience of international flows that globalization cannot go into reverse.” What has been the real world experience of brands and companies looking to Near Shore as part of their Sourcing Strategy ?

US Apparel Companies Can’t See a Future Without China

Brands are finding few factories outside the country that can produce the quality and quantity they require.

When Lanny Smith founded Actively Black Inc. in 2020, he hired factories in China to produce the brand’s athletic wear. But last year, concerned about production delays caused by China’s Covid lockdowns, Smith explored buying elsewhere. He shipped samples to a supply chain agent who’d assured him there were alternatives in Latin America. “He hit me back the next day and said, ‘You’re not going to find anybody who can do this in the Western Hemisphere,’” says Smith, 38, a former basketball star at the University of Houston.

The challenge of delivering a China +1 or Near Shoring Strategy

For many companies buying from China has become more challenging in recent years because of increased tariffs, snarled supply chains, factory shutdowns under Beijing’s Covid Zero policy and rising geopolitical tensions. Factors which have combined to make

many Companies and brand owners investigate changing their Sourcing Strategy to be China +1 or to seek to replace China completely. Whilst on the face of it the idea has a lot of merit and upside finding suppliers who can match China for quality and price is not so simple.


Quitting China as a sourcing partner isn’t easy, and most progress has been concentrated in industries such as semiconductors that are considered vital to national security or have high added value. Producers of lower- tech, lower-margin and less added value products such as clothing, shoes, housewares and luggage are finding that few factories outside China have the machinery or the skilled workforce to deliver the quality and specifications required.

China-The worlds Premier destination for Manufacturing

Since the 1990s, China has spent hundreds of billions of dollars transforming itself into the world’s premier location for manufacturing. Its factories have the machinery and expertise needed to produce quality products at a volume and pace that’s difficult to match. Along the 80-mile stretch from Shenzhen to Guangzhou, companies can weave, dye, sew, trim, label and package anything from T-shirts to tuxedos. And China’s investment in highways, railroads, air hubs and seaports has created a smooth path from factory gate to consumers worldwide.

Twenty years of Global Trading growth between China and the World is not something that can be dismantled quickly and easily. China’s advantages as a sourcing destination are so great that many companies that have tried to move away have returned at least a

portion of their production there. Even moving away from the Chinese mainland cannot guarantee moving away from China. As China has expanded its influence, support for infrastructure and factory investment to other countries such as Ethiopia.

When companies move manufacturing out of China, they often end up working with Chinese- owned suppliers or sourcing components and materials from the country.

Sourcing and Procurement Strategy-Is Near Shoring always the right answer?

Sourcing strategies are not always quick and easy to implement, the initial idea to relocate manufacturing from China to other Asian or African markets can suggest instant benefits. China’s experience of supplying and shipping products around the World is difficult to replicate. For some markets this may well require more product side compromises to deliver the geographic move.

ET2C International Global Sourcing Strategies

ET2C Is a global sourcing company with over twenty years’ experience working with our clients to deliver their sourcing strategies. Our offices in seven countries ensure you always have a team on the ground to be your bridge to your Off Shore suppliers.

If you would like to explore Sourcing Strategy options or opportunities within China or in addition to China  or to discuss your future challenges.

Please contact us at

Is Nearshoring the Answer to Disrupted Supply Chains? Read More »

Strategic Sourcing and Procurement: Essential Strategies for Business Success

What are Sourcing and Procurement ?

As businesses navigate the ever-evolving terrain of global supply chains and commerce, mastering the intricacies of sourcing and procurement has become paramount. But amidst the buzzwords and industry jargon, it’s crucial to grasp the fundamental disparities between these essential functions. How can we decode the intricacies of sourcing and procurement, unravelling their distinct roles and uncovering the transformative potential they hold for businesses across industries.”

Interchangeable words or unique, complementary activities that together can unlock superior business performance ?

As a smaller brand or business without a Procurement or buying team where do you start and do you need both ?

Definitions- What’s the difference between Sourcing and Procurement , how do they affect your global supply chain?

Sourcing and procurement are two related but distinct activities that are essential components of an overarching strategic supply chain management plan.

  1. Sourcing refers to the process of identifying potential suppliers and selecting the best among them to provide goods or services to a company. It includes activities such as supplier identification, supplier evaluation, negotiation, and contracting.
  1. Procurement on the other hand, refers to the process of purchasing goods or services from a supplier. It includes activities such as ordering, invoicing, payment processing, and supplier management.

Strategic Sourcing impact for your business

While sourcing and procurement are distinct activities, they are closely related and often overlap in practice. A strategic sourcing approach can help companies optimize their procurement activities by ensuring that they are working with the best suppliers and getting the best possible prices and terms. Procurement, in turn, is an important part of the sourcing process, as it involves executing contracts and managing supplier relationships to ensure that goods and services are delivered on time, at the right quality, and at the agreed-upon price.

Building a strong Sourcing Strategy and Executing the resultant Procurement Strategy can deliver a range of benefits

  • Reducing costs
  • Improving Quality
  • Improving efficiency
  • Managing Risk
  • Ensuring Regulatory Compliance
  • Managing Corporate risk
  • Speed up innovation
  • Improve Customer Experience and Brand Reputation

Building your competitive advantage. Where do you start creating your Sourcing Strategy ?

Strategic Sourcing and Procurement: Essential Strategies for Business Success Read More »

Global Markets

Global Markets, Local Risks: Why Diversifying Your Global Supply Chain Matters

Background-the increased need for strategy sourcing

In today’s dynamic and interconnected business landscape, supply chains play an important role in ensuring the seamless flow of goods and services from production to consumption. However, the increasingly complex nature of global supply chains has seen lots of disruptions and risks, ranging from natural disasters and political instability to technological advancements and shifting consumer demands. These disruptions can have an impact on businesses, leading to stockouts, price fluctuations, and reputational damage.

To mitigate these risks and strengthen supply chain resilience, organizations are increasingly discussing diversification strategies. Supply chain diversification strategies involve expanding the supplier base, extending manufacturing and distribution networks, and diversifying transportation routes. By distributing sourcing and production activities across various geographical locations and partners, businesses can decrease their dependence on any singular point of failure. This will increase their capacity to adapt to new conditions and effectively navigate through disruptions.

  1. Enhanced Resilience: A diversified supply chain offers multiple backup options in case of disruptions at any stage of the chain, decreasing the likelihood of stockouts and minimizing  the impact on downstream operations.
  2. Improved Agility:Diversification allows businesses to respond quickly to market shifts and consumer preferences by leveraging dispersed production and sourcing capabilities across different geographical locations.
  3. Reduced Risk Concentration:By spreading sourcing and production activities across multiple regions, businesses can lower their exposure to country-specific risks, such as political instability, economic downturns, or natural disasters.
  4. Enhanced Innovation: Diversifying supplier relationships can expose businesses to new ideas, technologies, and perspectives, which will bring innovation and continuous improvement within the supply chain.
  5. Geopolitical Advantages: Diversification can provide access to newmarkets and talent pools, allowing businesses to leverage regional advantages and expand their global reach.

Delivering a diversified global supply chain strategy

Ready to explore supply chain diversification? Contact ET2C International at Our team of experts can help tailor a diversification strategy for your business, ensuring sustainable growth and success

 Strategies for Diversifying Supply Chains


  1. Supplier Diversification:Identify and qualify multiple suppliers for each critical component or raw material to reduce dependency on any single source.
  2. Geographical Diversification:Expand manufacturing and distribution facilities across different regions to mitigate risks of natural disasters, political instability, or trade disruptions.
  3. Transportation Diversification: Utilize multiple transportation modes and routes to avoid overdependence on any single means of logistics, reducing vulnerability to transportation disruptions.
  4. Technology Adoption:Leverage digital technologies to gain real-time visibility into supply chain operations and optimize decision-making.
  5. Collaboration and Partnerships: Engage in strategic partnerships with suppliers, logistics providers, and industry peers to share best practices and collectively address supply chain challenges.

ET2C International is an Expert in Sourcing and Supply Chain


ET2C International has for over twenty years played a crucial role connecting global brands and companies with sourcing partners. Our expertise in global sourcing and supply chain can make sure you get all the benefits of sourcing from China and Asia without any of the risks.

Our 250 colleagues are based in offices in seven key Asian sourcing markets to make your global sourcing simpler. Where language, time zone or business communication practices can make things difficult, our team will be your bridge to your suppliers.

Our team of experts can help you build and deliver your diversification strategy. Giving you independent feet on the ground and confidence with fast responses, removing time zone and language challenges.

Supply chain diversification is not a one-size-fits-all strategy. The optimal approach will vary depending on the industry, product type, and risk tolerance of each organization. However, by carefully evaluating their supply chain and implementing targeted diversification strategies, businesses can enhance their resilience, agility, and competitive advantage in the ever-evolving global marketplace.

If you would like to explore opportunities or to discuss how we can help you to diversify your supply chain, please

Global Markets, Local Risks: Why Diversifying Your Global Supply Chain Matters Read More »

Sourcing Machinery from China

Unveiling the Advantages of Sourcing Machinery and Engineered Components from China: Quality, Price, and Material Innovation

Sourcing Machinery from China

In today’s globalized world, manufacturers in Europe are increasingly exploring opportunities beyond their borders to optimize their production processes and stay competitive. China, with its reputation as the “world’s factory,” offers a compelling proposition for machinery manufacturers in Europe. From top-notch quality and cost-efficiency to innovative materials, sourcing engineered components or complete machinery from China can unlock a plethora of advantages. In this post we will delve into the benefits that European machinery manufacturers can harness by partnering with Chinese suppliers.

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Chinese Quality that Exceeds Sourcing Expectations

For machinery manufacturers in Europe, ensuring the highest standards of quality is a non-negotiable aspect of their supply chain operations. This is precisely where many suppliers in China excel. In recent years, Chinese manufacturers have made significant strides enhancing the quality of their products. Matching their clients need for increasing quality sourcing from China can deliver a range of benefits.

ET2C International Strategic Sourcing Services

ET2C International has for over twenty years played a crucial role connecting global brands and industrial companies with Chinese suppliers. Our expertise in global sourcing can make sure you get all the benefits of sourcing from China without any of the risks.

Our 250 colleagues are based in offices in seven key sourcing markets to make your global sourcing simpler. Where language, time zone or business communication practices can makes things difficult, our team can be your bridge to your suppliers.

At ET2C our history of delivering the benefits of global sourcing to our clients enables businesses to tap into China’s fast growing engineered components and machinery manufacturing markets. For more information on our sourcing and procurement services from China please drop us a line


Sourcing Machinery from China the benefits


  1. Advanced Manufacturing Technology:

Precision Engineering: Chinese manufacturers are investing heavily in state-of-the-art equipment and technologies, enabling them to produce components and machinery with exceptional precision.

2.Quality Control: A critical part of the manufacturing process stringent quality control measures are implemented at various stages of the production process, ensuring that the final product meets international quality standards.

3.Certifications and Compliance:

Global Standards: Many Chinese manufacturing companies adhere to international quality and safety standards, making it easier for European manufacturers to integrate Chinese components into their machinery.

Regulatory Compliance Chinese suppliers often comply with relevant EU regulations and CE marking, facilitating smoother import and integration processes for European manufacturers.

  1. Innovative Materials and Techniques in Chinese manufacturing

Material Advancements: Chinese manufacturers are increasingly using innovative materials, such as advanced alloys, composites, and high-performance plastics, to improve the durability and performance of engineered components.

Customization: Manufacturers can work closely with Chinese suppliers to customize components or machinery to meet specific quality and performance requirements.

  1. Chinese Labour Cost Advantage:

Lower Labour Costs: Labour costs in China are notably lower than in most European countries, leading to cost savings during the manufacturing process.

Skilled Workforce Despite lower labour costs, China maintains a skilled and educated workforce that is capable of producing high-quality machinery and components.

  1. Supply Chain Efficiency:

Proximity to Suppliers: China’s proximity to raw material suppliers and a well-developed supply chain infrastructure enhances efficiency and reduces transportation costs.

manfacture plant

Chinas Innovation in Materials: A Competitive Edge in sourcing


Innovation is the driving force behind advancements in the manufacturing industry. Chinese manufacturers are increasingly at the forefront of material innovation, offering European machinery manufacturers a competitive edge:

  1. Advanced Composite Materials:

Lightweight Components: Chinese manufacturers are utilizing advanced composite materials to create lightweight yet durable components. This is particularly advantageous in industries like aerospace and automotive manufacturing.

Corrosion Resistance: Advanced composites are highly corrosion-resistant, increasing the longevity of machinery components, even in harsh industrial environments.

High-Performance Alloys:

Enhanced Strength: The use of high-performance alloys in machinery components results in improved strength and durability, allowing for higher load-bearing capacities.

Temperature Resistance: These alloys can withstand extreme temperatures, making them suitable for applications in industries like energy and heavy machinery.

Smart Materials:

Self-Healing Properties Some innovative materials have self-healing properties, which can extend the lifespan of machinery components and reduce maintenance costs.

Sensor Integration: Smart materials can be designed to integrate sensors, enhancing the monitoring and control capabilities of machinery.

Overcoming Challenges and Ensuring Success in Sourcing from China

While sourcing machinery components or complete machinery from China offers numerous advantages, it’s important for European manufacturers to be aware of potential challenges and adopt strategies to mitigate them:

Communication and Language:

Effective communication is essential. European manufacturers should ensure that language barriers do not hinder collaboration. Utilizing experienced agents or translators can help bridge the gap.

Quality Assurance:

Implement robust quality assurance and testing procedures to ensure that the components or machinery meet the required standards.

Intellectual Property Protection:

European manufacturers should take necessary steps to protect their intellectual property rights when sharing designs and specifications with Chinese suppliers.

Supply Chain Management:

Effective supply chain management is crucial to ensure timely delivery of components. Close collaboration with Chinese suppliers can help streamline the process.

Summary- delivering the benefits of sourcing in China with a Sourcing company

The benefits of sourcing from China are clear, delivering superior cost for European and North American companies. The early sourcing benefits from China of simply being about price are now long gone. Their market dominance has supported investment in technology and innovation allowing product quality that is the equal or better than any found across the globe.

The overriding challenge with effective sourcing and procurement in China is the ability to navigate the market and find the right supply chain partners.

For many companies the solution to this is to work with a sourcing company like ET2C who have over twenty-year experience connecting clients with Asian and Chinese supply chain partners.

China’s emergence as a key player in this industry has been instrumental in meeting the growing global demand, thanks to its manufacturing prowess, technological innovation, and export-oriented strategy.

For more information on how we can help you make your sourcing simpler or to explore the opportunity for sourcing and procurement in China drop us a line at

Unveiling the Advantages of Sourcing Machinery and Engineered Components from China: Quality, Price, and Material Innovation Read More »

Unlocking Opportunities

Unlocking Opportunities: Why Turkey Tops the List for Sourcing Manufacturing Equipment in Europe

When it comes to sourcing manufacturing equipment in Europe, companies are presented with a wealth of options. From long-established manufacturing powerhouses to emerging markets, the choices can be overwhelming. However, one country that consistently stands out as a top choice for companies looking to source manufacturing equipment is Turkey. With its strategic location, diverse manufacturing capabilities, and a host of economic advantages, Turkey should be at the top of the list for businesses seeking to expand their manufacturing resources. In this blog post, we’ll explore why Turkey is a smart choice for companies in Europe looking to source manufacturing equipment.

Strategic Location: Where East Meets West

Turkey’s unique geographical position is one of its standout features. Straddling the border between Europe and Asia, it serves as a pivotal point for international trade. This location allows businesses to access not only the European market but also markets in Asia and the Middle East. It’s an advantageous position for companies looking to diversify their supply chain and expand their global reach.

ET2C International Sourcing Experts for twenty years

ET2C International has for over twenty years played a crucial role connecting global brands and companies with Turkish suppliers. Our expertise in global sourcing can make sure you get all the benefits of sourcing from Turkey without any of the risks.

Our 250 colleagues are based in offices in seven key sourcing markets including Izmir to make your global sourcing simpler. Where language, time zone or business communication practices can makes things difficult, our team can be your bridge to your suppliers.

At ET2C our history of delivering the benefits of global sourcing to our clients enables businesses to tap into Turkey’s fast growing export manufacturing markets. Quickly and easily with factory partners who can deliver your product requirements and importantly your quality and compliance requirements. For more information on sourcing from Turkey please drop us a line


Diverse Manufacturing Capabilities

Turkey boasts a remarkably diverse manufacturing base, with a particular strength in machinery and equipment production. Whether you’re in need of components for automotive manufacturing, heavy machinery, electronics, textiles, or any other industrial sector, Turkey can deliver. This versatility is a testament to the country’s adaptability and the range of expertise available.

Competitive Pricing and Quality

One of the key reasons for Turkey’s appeal is its competitive pricing for manufacturing equipment. While maintaining high-quality standards, Turkish manufacturers often offer more cost-effective solutions compared to Western European countries. This balance between affordability and quality is a significant driver for companies looking to optimize their manufacturing costs without compromising on product excellence.

Customization and Flexibility

Turkish manufacturers are known for their flexibility and willingness to customize products to meet the specific needs of their clients. This adaptability is particularly valuable for businesses that require tailored manufacturing solutions.

Quality Assurance and Compliance

Turkish manufacturers are committed to adhering to international quality standards and certifications. This commitment ensures that the machinery and equipment produced in Turkey meet the industry-specific requirements of clients, giving peace of mind to those looking to source top-notch equipment.

Robust Infrastructure and Logistics

Turkey has invested heavily in its infrastructure, including ports, roads, and airports, to support efficient trade. This means that the transportation of goods and materials is streamlined and reliable, reducing lead times and minimizing disruptions to your supply chain.

Government Support and Incentives

The Turkish government actively promotes and supports the manufacturing industry. With incentives, grants, and subsidies available, companies can take advantage of various financial benefits to enhance their competitiveness in the global market. The ministry of Trade regularly updates on the development of the Export Machinery market The Government also supports Exporters with a range of incentives from Finance and Credit to support in Customs and trade facilitation.

Customs Union with the EU

Turkey’s Customs Union agreement with the European Union (EU) simplifies trade and reduces trade barriers, making it even more appealing for companies based in Europe. This agreement allows Turkish products to be exported to the EU market with lower or no customs duties.

Cultural and Language Compatibility

Many Turkish professionals have a good command of English, simplifying communication with international clients. This language compatibility reduces potential language barriers and enhances collaboration.

Supportive Ecosystem

Turkey has a well-developed industrial ecosystem, with industrial zones and clusters that promote collaboration, innovation, and the growth of the machinery and equipment manufacturing sector.

Summary and Conclusions

In conclusion, Turkey’s strategic location, diverse manufacturing capabilities, competitive pricing, quality assurance, and robust infrastructure make it an ideal choice for companies in Europe seeking to source manufacturing equipment. With government support, a supportive business ecosystem, and market access advantages, Turkey continues to shine as a top destination for businesses looking to expand their manufacturing resources. By choosing Turkey as a sourcing destination, companies can unlock numerous opportunities for growth, efficiency, and international market access.

Getting started Sourcing from Turkey

Sourcing products from Turkey requires careful planning, due diligence, and a deep understanding of the sourcing and import/export processes. At ET2C we can create and deliver a strategic sourcing program to deliver your procurement challenges. Our team based in our office in Turkey will give you on the ground access to a range of suppliers.

If you would like to know more about the Sourcing opportunities from Turkey and explore how a global sourcing strategy could support accelerated business growth please drop us a line at

Unlocking Opportunities: Why Turkey Tops the List for Sourcing Manufacturing Equipment in Europe Read More »

Sourcing products from Vietnam

Sourcing Products from Vietnam – Starting to build you Strategic Sourcing program

Sourcing products from Vietnam can be a cost-effective and strategic decision for your business. In these times of inflationary pressures and softening demand margin defence is a top priority for companies both big and small.

The decision to start global sourcing from new markets such as Vietnam, China, Indonesia or India can massively increase your margin and market competitiveness, however it does come with some degree of risk and complexity.

ET2C International Sourcing Experts for twenty years

ET2C International has for over twenty years played a crucial role connecting global brands and companies with Vietnamese suppliers. Our expertise in global sourcing can make sure you get all the benefits of sourcing from Vietnam without any of the risks.

Our 250 colleagues are based in offices in seven key Asian sourcing markets including Ho Chi Minh City to make your global sourcing simpler. Where language, time zone or business communication practices can makes things difficult, out team will be your bridge to your suppliers.

At ET2C our history of delivering the benefits of global sourcing to our clients enables businesses to tap into Vietnams fast growing export manufacturing markets. Quickly and easily with factory partners who can deliver your product requirements and importantly your quality and compliance requirements.

Step-by-step guide to help you get started with sourcing products from Vietnam:

  1. Market Research and Product Selection:
  • Start by researching the market and identifying the specific products you want to source from Vietnam. Consider factors like demand, competition, and potential profit margins.
  1. Understand Import Regulations and Compliance:
  • Familiarize yourself with the import regulations and compliance requirements in your country. Depending on the product type, there may be specific rules and standards that you need to adhere to.
  1. Legal and Regulatory Requirements:
  • Register your business and comply with any legal and regulatory requirements for international trade. This might include obtaining an import/export license or permits.
  1. Identify Reliable Suppliers:
  • Look for reputable suppliers in Vietnam. You can start your search online, through trade directories, or by attending trade shows and exhibitions. You can also consider hiring a sourcing agent or working with a local partner.
  1. Verify Suppliers:
  • It’s crucial to vet potential suppliers carefully. Check their credentials, visit their facilities if possible, and request references from other businesses that have worked with them. Look for suppliers with a track record of delivering quality products.
  1. Negotiate Terms:
  • Negotiate terms with your chosen suppliers. This includes discussing pricing, payment terms, lead times, minimum order quantities, and quality control procedures.
  1. Quality Assurance and Product Samples:
  • Request product samples to ensure they meet your quality standards. It’s also a good opportunity to check if they meet any regulatory requirements in your country.
  1. Finalize Agreements:
  • Once you are satisfied with the samples and terms, finalize agreements with your suppliers. This includes signing contracts and establishing clear communication channels.
  1. Arrange Logistics and Shipping:
  • Decide on the logistics and shipping method. You can work with freight forwarders or shipping companies to handle the transportation of your goods. Consider the most cost-effective and efficient shipping methods.
  1. Import Duties and Taxes:
  • Be aware of the import duties, taxes, and customs clearance procedures in your country. Ensure that you have a clear understanding of the costs associated with importing from Vietnam.
  1. Quality Control:
  • Establish a robust quality control process. You may want to hire a third-party inspection agency to ensure the products meet your quality standards before shipping.
  1. Payment:
  • Set up payment arrangements with your suppliers. Be cautious with the payment terms to protect your interests.
  1. Shipping and Receiving:
  • Monitor the shipment of your products from Vietnam to your location. Ensure that you have all the necessary documentation, such as bills of lading and customs forms, for smooth clearance.
  1. Build Relationships:
  • Cultivate strong relationships with your suppliers. Effective communication and a good working relationship can lead to more successful and long-lasting partnerships.

Summary-Getting started Sourcing from Vietnam

Sourcing products from Vietnam requires careful planning, due diligence, and a deep understanding of the sourcing and import/export processes. At ET2C we can create and deliver a strategic sourcing program to deliver your procurement challenges. Our office in Vietnam will give you on the ground access to a range of suppliers.

If you would like to know more about the Sourcing opportunities from Vietnam and explore how a global sourcing strategy could support accelerated business growth please drop us a line at

Sourcing Products from Vietnam – Starting to build you Strategic Sourcing program Read More »

Exploring China International Furniture Fair 2023: Unveiling Furniture’s Future Trends and Innovations

Discover the future of furniture at the China International Furniture Fair (CIFF) 2023. Dive into the world of high-end furniture, explore OEM trends, and witness the blending of indoor and outdoor living. Learn how sustainability is reshaping the industry and stay ahead with insights from ET2C International. Join us in this journey of innovation and evolution in furniture design to keep your strategic sourcing focused on future trends.

The World’s leading professional home furnishings exhibition, CIFF was recently held in Shanghai. The Exhibition attracted more than 1,500 brands and nearly 150,000 visitors in each of the four sessions.

CIFF has become the premier exhibition of home furnishing commercial design in China. The world’s top design brands showed up with new products, presenting a new style of home furnishing design for the industry. The fair creates the world’s most preferred one stop trading platform for product launch, domestic sales and export trade in the furnishing industry.

In the dynamic world of furniture and design, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. One way to do this is by attending industry events like the China International Furniture Fair (CIFF).

Where suppliers showcase their new products and the trends for the new season.

In this post we will share our thoughts on the most interesting new developments in furniture and the trends that we see emerging in the coming seasons. Identify how to shape your sourcing strategy for furniture both indoor and outdoor.

ET2C International

Exploring China International Furniture Fair 2023: Unveiling Furniture’s Future Trends and Innovations Read More »

Heating up the HVAC Market the Role of China, India, and Turkey in Supplying Machinery and Components


The global HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) market is experiencing robust growth, global sourcing strategies are increasingly looking to a range of markets to support the growth. As the world becomes more urbanized and climate change necessitates climate control solutions, the demand for HVAC products is steadily increasing.

Discover the driving forces behind the booming HVAC market and how China, India, and Turkey are powering its growth by supplying machinery and components. Understand the global impact of these key players in sourcing climate control solutions.”

Understanding the HVAC Market

The HVAC market encompasses a wide range of products, including heating systems, cooling systems, ventilation equipment, and air quality control solutions. These systems are essential for maintaining comfortable indoor environments in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. HVAC products serve various purposes, such as:

  1. Comfort Control In residential and commercial buildings. The rise in summer temperatures for consumer households and the increase in data centres for business use
  2. Energy Efficiency Energy-efficient HVAC systems help reduce energy consumption, making them vital for sustainable building practices. Replacing older systems is now becoming a priority for many companies.
  3. Health and Air Quality HVAC systems play a crucial role in maintaining indoor air quality by filtering out pollutants and allergens.
  4. Industrial Processes Industries rely on HVAC equipment to maintain optimal conditions for manufacturing and processing operations.

ET2C International

We are a leading Global Sourcing company with over twenty years’ experience working with our clients. Our team of 250 colleagues are based in seven offices in key sourcing markets across Asia.  Our expertise covers a range of industrial and machinery applications. From Oxygen generation to HVAC components.

We work with our clients to make their global sourcing simple, becoming their bridge to their supply partners. Where time zones, language, business communication expectations or QC can become challenging.

Our team of experts can help you build and deliver your sourcing strategy and ensure you are working with the right factory partners. Giving you independent feet on the ground and confidence with fast responses, removing time zone and language challenges. If you would like to explore sourcing opportunities y or to discuss your future supply chain challenges. Please

Factors Driving the Growth of the HVAC Market

Several factors are contributing to the rapid growth of the HVAC market on a global scale:

  1. Urbanization The world is undergoing rapid urbanization, with a growing percentage of the population living in cities. As urban areas expand, the demand for HVAC systems in residential and commercial buildings increases.
  2. Climate Change Rising temperatures and extreme weather events have heightened the need for effective climate control solutions. HVAC systems are essential for mitigating the adverse effects of climate change by providing cooling and heating.
  3. Energy Efficiency Regulations Governments worldwide are implementing stricter energy efficiency standards and regulations. Consumers and businesses are opting for energy-efficient HVAC systems to reduce operating costs and comply with these regulations.
  4. Health and Air Quality Awareness The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of indoor air quality. HVAC systems equipped with advanced air filtration and purification technologies have increased in importance.
  5. Technological Advancements Innovations in HVAC technology, including smart thermostats, variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems, and energy-efficient components, are driving market growth by offering improved performance and energy savings.
  6. Renewable Energy Integration The integration of renewable energy sources like solar and geothermal energy with HVAC systems is gaining popularity, further boosting the market’s growth.

China’s Role in Supplying Machinery and Components

China has emerged as a global manufacturing hub for HVAC machinery and components, playing a pivotal role in supporting the market’s growth. China’s position as the marketplace to the World has been a key driver in making HVAC equipment accessible to many markets.

  1. Manufacturing Capacity China boasts an extensive manufacturing infrastructure with a large number of factories dedicated to HVAC equipment production. This capacity allows for economies of scale, leading to competitive pricing.
  2. Cost Efficiency Chinese manufacturers can produce HVAC machinery and components at a lower cost due to lower labor and production costs, making their products attractive to both domestic and international markets.
  3. Technological Advancements Chinese companies have invested heavily in research and development, resulting in the development of cutting-edge HVAC technologies and components.
  4. Global Supply Chain Integration China has established strong ties with global supply chains, enabling efficient sourcing of raw materials and components for HVAC manufacturing.
  5. Export-Oriented Strategy China’s export-oriented approach ensures a steady supply of HVAC machinery and components to markets worldwide, supporting the global HVAC industry’s growth.

India’s Contribution to the HVAC Supply Chain

India has also been making significant strides in becoming a major sourcing market. Supplying machinery and components to the HVAC market. Here’s how India has been contributing to the global HVAC supply chain:

  1. Skilled Workforce India has a skilled workforce in manufacturing and engineering, making it a viable destination for HVAC component production.
  2. Government Initiatives The Indian government has launched initiatives to promote manufacturing and export in various sectors, including HVAC. These initiatives encourage investment in the HVAC industry.
  3. Market Growth The rapid growth of the HVAC market in India has led to increased demand for locally manufactured components and machinery.
  4. Quality Standards Indian manufacturers are increasingly focusing on meeting international quality standards, enhancing the credibility of their products in global markets.
  5. Export Opportunities Indian HVAC manufacturers are expanding their reach beyond domestic borders, exporting components to support HVAC systems worldwide.

Turkey’s Role in the HVAC Supply Chain

Turkey, strategically located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, has also made significant contributions to the global HVAC supply chain. Not jut geography but free trade agreements with EU and UK make Turkey and ideal sourcing destination.

  1. Geographical Advantage Turkey’s strategic location provides easy access to both European and Asian markets, making it a crucial trade hub for HVAC machinery and components.
  2. High-Quality Manufacturing Turkish manufacturers are known for producing high-quality HVAC components and equipment, which are exported worldwide.
  3. Regulatory Compliance Turkish HVAC manufacturers adhere to international quality and safety standards, ensuring that their products meet global market requirements.
  4. Export-Oriented Focus Turkish HVAC companies are increasingly focused on exports, and they participate in international trade shows to promote their products.
  5. Innovation and Research Turkish manufacturers invest in research and development to stay competitive in the global HVAC market and develop innovative solutions.

Challenges in the HVAC Market and Supply Chain

While the HVAC market is witnessing robust growth and contributions from China, India, and Turkey, several challenges must be addressed:

  1. Supply Chain Disruptions The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted vulnerabilities in global supply chains, affecting the production and distribution of HVAC components and equipment.
  2. Environmental Concerns The HVAC industry faces pressure to reduce its environmental impact. Manufacturers must develop more eco-friendly HVAC systems to meet sustainability goals.
  3. Rising Energy Costs Fluctuating energy prices can impact the adoption of energy-efficient HVAC systems, affecting market growth.
  4. Regulatory Changes Frequent changes in energy efficiency regulations and standards can create uncertainty for HVAC manufacturers.
  5. Competition As more countries invest in HVAC component manufacturing, competition in the global market intensifies.

Future Outlook

The future of the HVAC market remains promising, with continued growth expected. To meet evolving market demands, key trends will shape the industry’s trajectory:

  1. Smart HVAC Systems The integration of IoT (Internet of Things) technology will make HVAC systems smarter, more efficient, and easier to control remotely.
  2. Energy Efficiency-efficient HVAC solutions will remain a top priority as businesses and consumers seek to reduce operating costs and carbon footprints.
  3. Sustainability will play a central role in HVAC design, with a focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and minimizing environmental impact.
  4. Customization Customized HVAC solutions tailored to specific applications and user preferences will become more prevalent.
  5. Global Partnerships Collaboration between countries and regions will promote the sharing of knowledge and resources to further advance the HVAC industry.


The growth of the HVAC market is driven by a confluence of factors, including urbanization, climate change concerns, and technological advancements. China, India, and Turkey have emerged as vital players in supplying machinery and components to support this growth, offering cost-effective and innovative solutions to global markets. As the HVAC industry continues to evolveTo learn more about global sourcing for your HVAC requirement please drop us a line at

Heating up the HVAC Market the Role of China, India, and Turkey in Supplying Machinery and Components Read More »

Mitigating the risks of global sourcing

Discover how to navigate the challenges of global sourcing and build a resilient supply chain. Learn the key risk areas and strategies for supplier evaluation, diversification, risk assessment, and quality control. Explore how ET2C International, a leading Global Sourcing company, can simplify your global sourcing journey and ensure success. 

The benefits to business of strategic sourcing globally are huge and have been a foundation for many companies and brands to successfully develop their business. The cost and quality of the products available in some markets is so strong that not to source globally can put companies at a serious competitive disadvantage in their markets. 

Whilst the benefits are well known and recognised the complexity and challenges of creating and implementing a global sourcing strategy can be daunting ? The last few years of Post Covid turmoil have demonstrated the importance of strong resilient supply chains that can deliver the product your company needs at the quality required. 

To these traditional procurement challenges are the reputational and risk issues from Social and Environmental factors that need to be understood and measured.  

These factors are consistent across all sourcing whether near or offshore, however they can prove more challenging to manage when the value chain is stretched across many miles, time zones and languages. 

ET2C International Strategic Sourcing Specialists 

We are a leading Global Sourcing company with over twenty years’ experience working with our clients. Our team of 250 colleagues are based in seven offices in key international sourcing markets across Asia.  

We work with our clients to make their global sourcing simple, becoming their bridge to their supply partners. Where time zones, language, business communication expectations or QC can become challenging. 

Our team of experts can help you build and deliver your sourcing strategy and ensure you are working with the right factory partners. Giving you independent feet on the ground and confidence with fast responses, removing time zone and language challenges. If you would like to explore sourcing opportunities or see how we have worked with clients to manage risk, quality and compliance across their supply chain.  

Please message us at we would be happy to share some examples of how we work. 


Managing key risk areas 

The first task in managing risk is to understand and bring visibility to the diverse risk elements in a sourcing strategy. 

Whilst many of these issues can be managed with a degree of simplicity for shorter or in country supply chains. As supply chains and partners become extended across market and time zones the challenges can mount.  

Overall risk assessment and mitigation should be approached by breaking down overall risk into core areas. The extension across the globe can build complexity. 

Identification, assessment and management can be more easily managed when broken down into core elements. 


  1. Supplier Evaluation and Selection: Conduct thorough due diligence and assess potential suppliers based on their track record, reputation, financial stability, production capabilities, quality control measures, and compliance with regulations. 


  1. Supplier Relationship Management: Establish strong relationships with your suppliers based on trust, open communication, and transparency. Regular communication and shared vision can move relationship from one of delivering forecast to one built on partnership and shared vision for growth.


  1. Diversification of Suppliers: Avoid overreliance on a single supplier or region. Diversify your supplier base to minimize the impact of disruptions, such as natural disasters, political instability, or changes in trade policies. Building strong supplier relationships can be create resilience in your supply chain but having potential back up suppliers can be valuable.


  1. Risk Assessment and Contingency Planning: Identify potential risks that could impact your sourcing operations, such as supply chain disruptions, currency fluctuations, quality issues, or regulatory changes. Develop contingency plans to address these risks, including alternative sourcing options, backup suppliers, and risk mitigation strategies.


  1. Quality Control and Product Testing: Implement stringent quality control measures to ensure that products meet your specified standards. Conduct regular inspections, audits, and product testing to verify compliance with quality requirements and safety regulations. Implementing robust quality control processes helps minimize the risk of receiving substandard products.


  1. Intellectual Property Protection: Protect your intellectual property rights by implementing appropriate legal measures, such as non-disclosure agreements, trademarks, copyrights, and patents. Work with suppliers who respect and adhere to intellectual property regulations and have a clear understanding of your IP protection requirements.


  1. Compliance and Ethical Standards: Ensure that your suppliers comply with ethical and social responsibility standards. Verify that they adhere to labor laws, environmental regulations, and international standards, such as the International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions and responsible sourcing initiatives. 


  1. Continuous Monitoring and Performance Evaluation: Regularly monitor the performance of your suppliers and evaluate their ability to meet your expectations. Continuous monitoring allows you to identify potential risks and take corrective actions proactively.


  1. Supply Chain Transparency: Establish transparency in your supply chain by mapping the entire sourcing process and understanding the various tiers of suppliers involved. Promote ethical practices, sustainability, and traceability throughout the supply chain to mitigate risks related to social and environmental impacts.


  1. Stay Informed and Engage Experts: Stay updated on global market trends, economic indicators, geopolitical developments, and regulatory changes that may impact your sourcing operations. Engage industry experts, consultants, or sourcing partners who have in-depth knowledge and experience in global sourcing to provide guidance and insights.

Summary Releasing the value of Global Sourcing  

The benefits of a strong global sourcing strategy are clear but to fully realise all the benefits requires planning and focus. As many procurement and sourcing teams are under huge time pressure and so may not have the time of the skill sets to deliver a global sourcing strategy. Working with a trusted partner with a track record of delivery can be critical can ensure that the benefits are delivered without any of the pitfalls. 

Mitigating the risks of global sourcing Read More »

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