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3-D Printing: Fad or Future?

3-d printing as the future of manufacturing


When 3-D Printing is brought up, I generally tend to think back to the tiny plastic wrench I received during my father’s “bring your kid to work” day. Almost too short to see into the machine, I watched with amazement as the engineer effortlessly programmed it to produce a small bolt. I believe part of me expected the machine to pop out the object in a matter of seconds, but the huge contraption whirred for a while, only to slowly get to work printing the small plastic component. The tour guide then handed us all a small plastic wrench which he claimed came from the machine and we continued onward.

That “bring your kid to work” day was most likely around 2004 or 2005, and while it was amazing to me then, 3-D Printing has come a long way since. Before examining the present, the fact that 3-D Printing is not a new technology is rather noteworthy. The first 3-D printing attempts were made in 1980 by Japan’s Dr. Hideo Kodama, whose rapid prototyping machine pioneered the field of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). The technology continued throughout the eighties, with the following decade seeing the first use of 3-D printing in the medical field and the gradual adoption of 3-D printing by other industries.

However, progress for 3-D Printing really picked up in the last decade due to FDM patents becoming public domain. This allowed many companies to pick up the technology which increased the visibility of 3-D printing. Soon 3-D printing was brought up in almost every headline, from Cornell University’s 3-D food printer, the technology being mentioned in Barack Obama’s 2013 State of the Union Address, and the ability to 3-d print bone.

Even so, the hype has begun to die down a bit. Concerns over health and expenses, in addition to bigger trepidations grabbing our attention away from the technology, have caused the tech to shy away from the spotlight of news media. However, the technology itself has not gone away. 3-D printing is still being utilized on a massive scale by numerous companies for a multitude of uses.

3-d printing
In recent years, 3D Printers have made their way from big corporations to personal use. But is large scale production using this innovative tool viable?

3-D Printing in 2018

While 3-D printing may not be making headlines as much as it used to, many companies are still utilizing the technology as an innovative and effective tool. Here’s how some of the top companies of 2018 are utilizing 3-D Printing in their processes.


As a Pennsylvanian, there is a special place in my heart (and my stomach) reserved for Hershey’s chocolate. Even though Hershey’s candy products have been a staple dessert food for generations, the company has set their eyes on the future. The company 3-D Systems has partnered with the famed candy producer to create a 3-D printer that can be used for chocolate and other edible products.
At the same time, the technology Hershey’s hopes to incorporate into their production process is nothing new. 3-D System’s “SugarLab” projects have produced other sugary treats using 3-D printing methods, including icing and hard candy products. Still, it remains to be seen whether or not Hershey’s will use this technology in mass production or, as most companies do, a prototyping tool (Gilpin, 2014).

3-d printing to expand product offering
Hershey’s is now utilizing 3-D Printing technology in order to expand their product offering


In the tremendously competitive footwear industry, shoe manufacturers must hunt for any comparative edge they can find. When American football players began to demand a faster shoe, Nike jumped into action and developed 3-D printing techniques to assemble a custom-made plate for the cleats that enhanced the players’ form and speed. Nike quickly realized the potential of 3-D printing since this breakthrough and has customized shoes through 3-D printing for Olympic runner Allyson Felix and for a specific drill used in American football called “shuttling” (Hannon, 2018).
Nike has displayed the immense arena of customization for the world to see, encouraging other companies to gain visibility either by customizing shoes for their customers or for professional athletes. However, Nike has continued to show off their own customized shoes’ power as well, with one recent flex of power being the Breaking2 event. This event saw marathon runner Euclid Kipchoge just miss the barrier two-hour marathon barrier by twenty-six seconds while wearing a specially-designed shoe made using 3-D printing. While Kipchoge couldn’t accomplish the feat, he still ran two and a half minutes faster than the previous record, exhibiting the amazing power of 3-D printed customization. Notably, Adidas has also 3D printed a trainer as well as well although the commercialization piece has yet to be fully resolved.
While 3-D printing has helped these companies develop new products and enhance their offerings , there are still some widespread concerns revolving around the adoption of 3-D printing in the production process.


The Hazards of 3-D Printing

When any new technology becomes adopted in manufacturing, it is almost immediately thrown under the scrutiny of both producers and consumers. 3-D Printing is no exception, for the new technology has caused many to be concerned over the high cost of the products, as well as some health concerns that come along with the input materials used by the printers.

Health Concerns of 3-D Printing

In spite of some safety regulations, long-term exposure to the materials used by 3-D printers and the printers’ byproducts has been suggested to be dangerous for one’s health. Recent studies have shown that hazardous vapors and gases are released during the printing process. Specifically, two of the most dangerous byproducts of 3-D printers are UFPs and VOCs, which are acronyms for ultrafine particles and volatile organic compounds.

Cost Concerns of 3-D Printing

Another factor driving hesitation among manufacturers are the costs of 3-D printing. While many are familiar with the high mark-ups surrounding 2-D printer ink, the mark-ups for 3-D printer ink are generally quite high. Standard 3-D printer “ink” will range from $25 to $45, even while the plastic pellets used in the filament only cost around $2/kilogram. Such high mark-ups drive many companies to not even give a second glance to 3-D printers once seeing the price tag of their materials, opting for cheaper methods of production instead.
However, it should be mentioned that the cost of this printer “ink” is decreasing as more companies enter into the 3-D printing market. Competition has lowered the price of this ink in some instances, with companies like BeeCreative, 3D Systems, and MakerBot all attempting to gain customers through lower “ink” prices. Printer “ink” may be able to lower its price in the future as more companies enter the market, but as it stands now, the materials used in 3-D printing need to see a price drop before being considered for large-scale production (Covert, 2014).


The Benefits of 3-D Printing

While some of the concerns over 3-D printing may portray the product as having a lot of rough edges that need to be smoothed out, there still are many benefits 3-D printing can bring to a company. From effective prototyping to increased offering potential, 3-D printers have become a valuable asset in the world of manufacturing.

3-d printing to save time and money
Many companies are choosing 3-D printing due to its ability to save both time and money

A Time and Money Saver
“Time is money” is a familiar saying to any businessperson or media consumer. Likewise, spending lots of time on the development process could be seen as a waste of valuable resources. Fortunately, 3-D printing can address some of these concerns. Instead of undertaking a process like mold making, which can cost thousands of dollars, take up to a week, and is generally a sunk cost; 3-D printing can print directly onto a surface without any need for a mold. This allows companies to save money, be more receptive to customer responses to new products, and allocate the saved time to more important tasks.

Easily Customizable
Like stated above, the process of 3-D printing lets companies to more easily respond to customer demands. Yet, 3-D printing could even eliminate the need for a company to guess the desires of a customer all together. Now, 3-D printing can allow consumers to customize their products however they would like them. This could easily be done through a web-platform interface or application where the user could input their choices and a 3-D printer develops a product customized to their exact parameters.
Furthermore, 3-D printing can also make it easier for companies to develop a limited-edition or one-off products easily. With reduced upfront costs in addition to minimal reliance on factory labor, 3-D printing is a decent answer for small batches of customized products.


Concluding Remarks

3-D Printing is by no means new. Nearly a decade after the technology became public domain, the market has exploded with start-ups offering a variety of products related to the new technology. Even so, like any new invention, 3-D printing still has some way to go to be truly mainstream and part of the actual bulk production line. Nevertheless, the tech has been able to find its way into some companies like Nike and Hershey’s due to its ability to save resources and speedy customization capabilities. Certainly, 3-D printing will need to address the concerns over health and costs in order to scale up its use in production, but the tool is still great for companies looking to produce small batches of customizable products or quickly design prototypes.

At ET2C we have utilized 3D printing for prototypes and sampling where our clients we may need moulding to be opened for bulk production. This has enabled approval of fit, function and form prior to any CAPEX being incurred and has streamlined the development process. Although this is not a mainstream manufacturing process (too expensive) at this time, it’s current use in the prototyping phase of product development has been invaluable as a proof of concept.
However, with more technological advances, there is no doubt that in the future 3D Printing will have a broader application enabling customization and personalization to be possible on a large scale.

For all enquiries, please contact us via our website.

3-D Printing: Fad or Future? Read More »

“Made In China 2025” and Chinese Manufacturing

chinese manufacturing


Changing Manufacturing Climate in China

“Made in China” used to mean cheap, low-quality, mass produced goods. However, in today’s world things are changing and this is no longer the case. Thanks to the rapid industrial growth, wage increases, and government policy in China during the past decades, “Made in China” is taking on a new meaning.

Manufacturing in China is maturing and with this comes an increase in the quality of goods and the wages of workers. From 2011 to 2016, the average hourly wage of a factory worker in China rose by 64 percent making it $3.60. According to a report by CNBC, this puts the country’s average manufacturing wage more than five times that of India, and almost parallel with Portugal.

What do these higher wages mean for producers? The increase in wages makes the cost of manufacturing rise, it makes factory jobs more alluring, and workers require more skills to fill those jobs. All this leads to higher quality goods and a more expensive assembly process.


Made in China 2025

This shift is in part due to market forces, but it also comes from a government policy called the “Made in China 2025” initiative. The plan is meant to move China up the value chain in its manufacturing sector and incorporate modern technology into production. This would increase China’s industry standards, and also combat the issues associated with wage increases.

“Made in China 2025” is China’s way of upgrading its manufacturing sector in order to remain competitive and take it to the next level. It directly mirrors Germany’s “Industry 4.0” and seeks to make use of AI, robots, and the Internet of Things. China must make the transition from low-cost producer to an advanced industrialized economy or else it will be caught in a middle ground between emerging markets and the established high-tech manufacturing hubs of the world.

Currently, China relies on foreign technology for high-tech manufacturing to occur. However, the plan is for Chinese manufacturing to focus on the production and implementation of robots into the supply chain. By developing an independent high-tech sector, China will be able to make the leap from light, low-tech industry to a global leader in high-tech, high quality manufacturing.



Epson Industrial Robotic Arm. Photo Credit:untitled exhibitions.


The “Made in China 2025” plan sets out to innovate upon ten key sectors of industry and add robots to the manufacturing process. The ten industries include: 1) New advanced information technology; 2) Automated machine tools & robotics; 3) Aerospace and aeronautical equipment; 4) Maritime equipment and high-tech shipping; 5) Modern rail transport equipment; 6) New-energy vehicles and equipment; 7) Power equipment; 8) Agricultural equipment; 9) New materials; and 10) Biopharma and advanced medical products.

Recent developments in the global economy show China’s commitment to upgrading these sectors. In July 2018, BMW has worked out a deal with its Chinese partner, Brilliance Automotive, to expand their manufacturing operations in China, specifically focusing on electric cars.

Robotics and new technologies

According to the International Federation of Robotics, China has increased from 25 robots per 10,000 workers in 2013, to 68 per 10,000 workers in 2016, and this trend continues to grow. The implementation of robots will seek to keep productions costs low and stable, as the robots will do tedious jobs that take up a lot of time in the production process. Companies like Foxconn are leading the way, with their goal to have 30 percent automation by 2020. This focus on innovation will encourage development of automation and alternative production line strategies, which will make Chinese manufacturing more dynamic.

Although robots and automation provide many benefits there is a risk associated with job security if the development is left unregulated. The World Bank estimates that automation could threaten 77 percent of Chinese jobs, but the government and policy makers are trying to work around this. By 2020, the Chinese Ministry of Education plans to enroll 23.5 million students into a vocational program that teaches them how to operate within the new economy. By preparing the population for the economic shift, China seeks to ensure the livelihoods of the population and the safety of their jobs. If the shift away from light industry can be done smoothly, then fewer jobs will be at risk because the current state of robotics technology is not advanced enough to perform multiple general tasks, but rather it focuses on specific, small tasks – the type that work in light industry and low-tech manufacturing.

“Made in China 2025” is all part of an ongoing, market oriented trend that is reshaping Chinese manufacturing and production. The changes that will come with the new high-tech industry will increase China’s production value, and increase the levels of innovation within the manufacturing sector. This will attract new types of investment, improve the consumption and production standards in China, and increase global competition in high-tech sectors.



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