Sustainable Packaging Archives - ET2C International

Plastic Packaging: Is it REALLY recyclable?

Plastic Packaging Is it REALLY recyclable ET2C int.

Plastic packaging is convenient and efficient but its tremendous impact on the environment obliges us to adopt new sustainable solutions.

Plastic packaging can be extremely wasteful due to how we use and dispose of it. And this impacts the Earth’s ecosystems on which we depend. Due to poor product design and lack of political infrastructure, the majority of plastic waste is sent to landfills or ends up as rubbish scattered across our lands and seas.
In addition, it has been estimated that at least 8 million tons of plastic are dumped in the ocean every year. Plastic pollution threatens wildlife, alters ecosystems and poses risks to human health.

Sustainable Solutions

Ultimately, it is the end-use of plastic and how we dispose of it that is having such an impact on our environment. This is unlikely to change immediately and it is therefore necessary to find solutions that could reduce the production and the use of plastic packaging in order to decrease the chance of such damage. Some key areas of focus should be:

• Invest in innovative ways to package goods that reduce plastic use and packaging waste

Previously, we already discussed some innovative ideas to replace packaging especially in the food packaging industry. Some of them are certainly bioplastics, dissolving and edible plastics, not to mention ‘no packaging’ solutions.

• Increase recyclable content

While making the packaging 100 percent recyclable is important, reusing material that has already been produced reduces the environmental costs of production and disposal. Therefore, not only it is important to cut down the amount of plastic used in packaging but also switching to higher recycled content and making sure that all the packaging components are recyclable.

• Standardize recycling labels on products

Over the past couple of years, we have seen a wider variety of plastics are also being used to package the everyday items we purchase. This complexity has in many ways altered consumers’ understanding of what they think is recyclable. More and more, non-recyclables are finding their way into single-stream containers. Therefore, contamination rates – or the percentage of trash mixed with recyclables – has steadily climbed over the years. Subsequently, about a quarter of everything consumers place in recycling bins ultimately is not able to be recycled by the programs that collect them.

The Resin Identification Code (RIC)

A product made of plastic is often stamped with a resin code, which is a number between one and seven inside a small triangle made of arrows. However, the presence of a resin code doesn’t necessarily mean that the product can be recycled. It is the number inside the triangle that counts, because each number corresponds to a different type of plastic.
The symbols—then collectively called the Resin Identification Code (RIC)—were developed in 1988 by the organization now known as the Plastics Industry Association.

Plastic types

Plastic Packaging Types

Understanding the plastic types can help consumers like you make more informed decisions related to your health and the environment.

If you look at the number inside the triangle on your plastic packaging, it will range from one to seven. This will tell you both the type of plastic used and which type is recyclable or even reusable.

1. PET or PETE – Polyethylene Terephthalate

This is the most common plastic for single-use bottled beverages. This material also has wide applications in the textile, medical, electrical/electronic and automotive industries. Certainly, it is inexpensive, lightweight and easy to recycle.

Plastic Packaging PET PETE

Recyclable: YES, PET is 100% recyclable. In fact, it is one of the most recycled thermoplastics. It can be picked up through most curbside recycling programs as long as it has been emptied and rinsed of any food.

Reusable: Technically yes, but not suggested. PET is meant for single-use applications; repeated use increases the risk of leaching and bacterial growth.

2. HDPE – High-Density Polyethylene

It is a versatile material with many uses, especially when it comes to packaging. This type of plastic is extremely common and one of the safest to use. Most milk jugs, detergent containers, and oil bottles are made from HDPE. It carries low risk of leaching and is readily recyclable into many types of goods.

Plastic 2 HDPE Sustainability Recycle

Recyclable: YES.

Reusable: technically yes, but generally the bottles made of HDPE are intended for only one-time use.

3. PVC – Polyvinyl Chloride

PVC is one of the most widely produced synthetic plastic polymer (about 40 million tons of PVC are produced each year). It is a flexible plastic and generally cheap so it is used for a huge array of household products and packaging.

The rigid form of PVC is used in construction for pipe and in profile applications such as doors and windows. It is also used in making bottles, non-food packaging, food-covering sheets and cards. It can be made softer and more flexible by the addition of plasticizers. In this form, it is also used in plumbing, electrical cable insulation, imitation leather, flooring, signage, inflatable products and many applications where it replaces rubber.

3 Plastic Plastic PVC Sustainability Recycle

Recyclable: Most consumer recyclers will not take PVC products. A major problem in the recycling of PVC is the high chlorine content in raw PVC and high levels of hazardous additives added to the polymer to achieve the desired material quality. As a result, PVC requires separation from other plastics before recycling.

Reusable: not suggested. They contain toxins which leach throughout its entire life cycle.

4. LDPE – Low-Density Polyethylene

This is a hard- flexible thermoplastic with many applications. In fact, most plastic wrapping is made of this material. It is also used to make grocery bags and the bags that hold newspapers, sliced bread loaves and fresh produce, among other things. While this may not be the most popular type of plastic for household supplies and food containers, LDPE is present in the home in the form of plastic bags that we use for frozen foods and such like.

4 Plastic LDPE Sustainability Recycle

Recyclable: LDPE can be recycled, however, the way this is done, and the complexities faced depends on the nature of the plastic. For example, flexible products are more difficult to recycle, especially as they tend to be contaminated by the item they are packaging. The more rigid form of LDPE is easier to recycle and it can often be collected and recycled by curbside recycling programs. You do need to check with your Local Authority to make sure that it can be recycled within your area.

Reusable: YES.

5. PP – Polypropylene

This type of plastic has a high melting point, so it is often chosen for containers that will hold hot liquid. In fact, PP is used to make the food containers for products like yogurt, sour cream and margarine. It is also made into straws, rope, carpet and bottle caps. A number of Governments have completely banned this type of material when in ‘straw’ format.

5 PP Plastic Sustainability Recycle

Recyclable: It is gradually becoming more accepted by recyclers. Because it breaks apart so easily, it is also found ingested by marine animals and littering beaches.

Reusable: Not suggested. Chemicals present in polystyrene have been linked with human health and reproductive system dysfunction. Polystyrene may leach styrene, a possible human carcinogen, into food products (especially when heated in a microwave).

6. PS – Polystyrene or Styrofoam

This material is a naturally transparent thermoplastic that is available as both a typical solid plastic as well in the form of a rigid foam material. PS plastic is commonly used in a variety of consumer product applications and is also particularly useful for commercial packaging. The solid plastic form of polystyrene is commonly used in medical device applications or in day-to-day items. The foam form of polystyrene is used most often as a packing material.
Since polystyrene is lightweight and easy to form into plastic materials, it also breaks effortlessly, making it more harmful to the environment. Beaches all over the world are littered with pieces of polystyrene, endangering the health of marine animals.

6 PS Plastic Sustainability Recycle

Recyclable: It is generally considered to be difficult to recycle.

Reusable: YES.

7. Miscellaneous Plastics

A wide variety of plastic resins that do not fit into the previous categories are lumped into this one. These plastics include nylon, PLA (polylactic acid), and polycarbonate and are found in certain food containers, signs and displays, computers and electronic devices, DVDs, sunglasses, and bulletproof materials.

7 Plastic Sustainability Recycle

Recyclable: These plastics are almost never recycled, but they could be transformed into plastic lumber and certain custom-made products.

Reusable: YES.

Plastic Packaging Recyclability

The conditions to successfully recycle plastics are multiple and in some cases more complex than others. Not only have you to consider the particular type of material but also its current conditions, for example regarding cleanliness, contamination and toxicity. Moreover, in each country, every town and city has different recycling programs, so you will often have to check your location’s rules to find out exactly what you can recycle. Not to mention that these could change over the time.

Sustainable Packaging – Our commitment

Plastic is not a bad material, but we have a shared responsibility to ensure that we are using it in manufacturing responsibly and giving consumers the opportunity to dispose of it in the least harmful way to the environment. We are working with our clients on many initiatives around sustainable packaging and products from across our sourcing markets. This includes bamboo packaging, the use of PCR in plastic packaging and re-engineering boxes to be made from pulp materials. Understanding your market, consumer and price-points are key aspects of identifying opportunities for you to look at sustainable packaging options.

We have local teams on the ground already working with suppliers in this field. Surely, we will be more than happy to discuss your needs with you. For all your sustainable packaging requirements, please contact us at


Plastic Packaging: Is it REALLY recyclable? Read More »

Sustainable Packaging: What It Means to the Global Consumer

Sustainable Packaging What It Means to the Global Consumer

Sustainable packaging continues to grow as an area of focus for many retailers and brands. However, understanding what this really means to your market and to your consumer requires a granular approach.

Sustainable Packing – Overview

Sustainable packaging is not only here to stay but is growing in relevance. There is no doubt that consumers are losing their tolerance for products that don’t have an eco-friendly packaging. Sustainability is now mainstream across many sectors. The rise of ESG investment (‘Environmental, Social & Governance’) will ultimately require public companies to address their own long-term impact on society and the environment and this will only enhance the role of companies in changing our behaviour as a consumer.

Initiatives, such as the Prince of Wales’ Terra Carta further underpin this shift in corporate behaviour by setting out a 10 point action plan for business to address our current sustainability needs, which already some 220 global corporates have signed up and committed to. Investments will lead to innovation and one can therefore expect this to feed into how products are packaged.

recycle reuse reduce green consumer sustainability packaging

Clearly, there is a shift change. We can therefore expect to see government and business collaborating more effectively in the short term. The more complex question is what this means for you as a Brand or retailer. Sustainability is a broad term, and with it comes a myriad of complex issues that need to be addressed. Looking at them all at once can certainly be overwhelming at a product packaging level. This is particularly true if you are selling into multiple markets. There are three key areas that retailers or brands need to be aware of: consumer perception, market relevance and commercialisation.

Consumer Perception

In a recent report published by McKinsey (December 2020) on ‘Sustainability in Packaging’, which is based on findings from a survey conducted on 10,000 people from different countries, the findings clearly identify different global perceptions of what sustainable packaging means at a consumer level.

Eco-friendly packaging consumer perception
Fig 1, Consumer Perception on sustainable packaging by country, McKinsey (Dec 2020)

The graphic clearly shows that there is general alignment on what are the least sustainable options, but not when it comes to the most sustainable options. This consumer perception is critical for packaging design. In fact, it largely dictates the materials that need to be used for a specific market.

However, a little note of caution that perception and behaviour are not always in agreement. In 1965, Sten Gustaf Thulin, a Swedish engineer working for a packaging company, introduced a new type of bag; the ‘plastic’ bag. His bag was more durable and could easily be re-used. He genuinely saw his product as an opportunity to address the waste that was building up with paper bags. It is ironic that some 65 years later his bag is now one of the symbols of global pollution.

Sustainable Packaging – Market Relevance

Even though consumers can have a view on what is more sustainable, the regulatory environment at Government and local Government levels cannot be understated. There is no point in making a fantastic package for a product when there is no capability in market to deal with the end-use of that packaging.

Sustainable Packaging Paper Sustainability Green Consumer

Put simply, you can come up with the best compostable or biodegradable plastic package but if the right conditions are not available (even for home composting) then the effectiveness of the decomposition is hindered. The European Bioplastics Organisation has consequently published a paper earlier this year clarifying the use of claims of biodegradability and compostability on packaging. Similarly, if you use certain types of plastic that are not recyclable in a particular market due to a different steer in Government investment, there will likewise be end-use issues. Aligning to your sales market and being relevant are key considerations.


Although in certain sectors there is growing evidence that the consumer will pay more for a product if it uses or incorporates some kind of sustainable packaging, price can be prohibitive. It is packaging after all. Given the consumer does not generally need it post-purchase, brands don’t spend much money on it.

sustainable packaging shopping bags consumer buying

There is a delicate balance between the function of the packaging and the product quality. Both the use of alternative materials (such as pulp, bamboo, post-consumer resin [PCR]) and re-engineering the packaging (i.e., removing the amount of material used) need to be considered as part of this balance, which will also ultimately help manage price.

ET2C & Sustainable Packaging

We are working with our clients on many initiatives around sustainable packaging and products from across our sourcing markets. This includes bamboo packaging, the use of PCR in plastic packaging and re-engineering boxes to be made from pulp materials. Understanding your market, consumer and price-points are key aspects of identifying opportunities for you to look at sustainable packaging options.

We have local teams on the ground already working with suppliers in this field. Surely, we will be more than happy to discuss your needs with you. For all your sustainable packaging requirements, please contact us at

Sustainable Packaging: What It Means to the Global Consumer Read More »

Bamboo Packaging – Strong, Versatile and Sustainable

Bamboo Packaging ET2C International Sustainability

Bamboo packaging is a great sustainable option and has become a staple choice in the modern, eco-conscious world.

The Rise of Sustainable Packaging

Sustainable packaging is becoming an important topic for companies all over the world. The primary reason is that it is becoming important to the Consumer. In fact, recently IBM released a study on global consumer trends — revealing that the importance of brand purpose now surpasses cost and convenience for shoppers. This means that Consumers are now prioritizing goods that are sustainable, transparent and aligned with their core values when making these purchase decisions.

A Challenging Choice for Businesses

The challenge for all businesses is to develop packaging which meets the objective of sustainability, but also performs the tasks for which the packaging is required. So not only should it keep the product safe but also respect the environment. Let’s think about the origin of materials, recyclability of the final product, not to mention ethics and compliance factors. In addition, it should stay within the budgetary reach of manufacturers, distributors and consumers. In a nutshell, it should still be able to meet any company’s market requirements in terms of cost, performance and safety.

Bamboo Forest ET2C Int. Green Sustainable

Bamboo Packaging

Because of these new market trends, manufacturers around the world are beginning to implement eco-friendly materials in their manufacturing processes. Amongst several options, they increasingly choose bamboo as the material of choice because it has is durable, can be used in different forms and has less environmental impact.

We already explained the reasons why Bamboo is a great material in the Furniture industry. But why is it so popular now also in packaging?

The Great Features of Bamboo

1. Locally available

There are over 1,000 different species of bamboo that grow in many different parts of the world. Consequentially, this allows manufacturers to locally source bamboo for their packaging and reduces our packaging carbon footprint.

2. Low-Cost

Bamboo cultivation itself does not require a lot of land, resources, or time. This means that it’s much more easily accessible for manufacturers.

Also, bamboo is not a tree, but a plant. Growing and cultivating bamboo requires less land and resources than other materials. Since bamboo grows around the world, it’s much easier to access. Alternatively, companies can source bamboo in many countries around the world and they can also recycle the material. This reduces the impact on agriculture whilst reducing production and transportation costs.

In addition, this plant does not require pesticides, irrigation, or replanting to achieve this growth. In fact, in a crop-friendly harvest, it does not have to be replanted afterward. That means lower impact and higher sustainability.

3. Biodegradable and Compostable

Bamboo fiber is a natural cellulose fiber and it can totally biodegrade in the soil in the presence of micro-organisms and sunshine. The decomposition process does not pollute the environment. Depending on the type of composting, the bamboo handle can take from 3 years to 4 months to compost.

4. High Renewability

Bamboo has a rapid growth rate, making it an abundant resource easily.
In fact, bamboo grasses are the fastest growing woody plants in the world. They can grow up to almost 61 cm (24 inches) per day. The bamboo can be harvested after just three to seven days – much faster than hardwood. Therefore, bamboo is highly renewable and an ideal alternative to foams, corrugated board, and molded paper fiber materials.

5. Environmental Friendly

Bamboo plants promote soil health. The deep root systems protect the soil from erosion. In addition, bamboo is naturally pest-resistant and can be grown without any chemical fertilisers or pesticides.
Moreover, bamboo absorbs 2x more carbon dioxide than trees, which is why they are known to act as carbon sinks. It also generates a vast amount of oxygen, totaling up to 30% more than most plants and trees.

6. Durable and Sturdy

Bamboo has a higher compressive strength than wood, brick, and concrete. In addition, many compare it often to steel for its rigid strength. In fact, like steel, bamboo can withstand heavy loads and can be stretched and pulled enormously. This material can also withstand heat up to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Importantly, bamboo has an astounding strength and lifespan whilst remaining light and easy to carry around.

7. Anti-bacterial

Bamboo fibres are naturally anti-bacterial without needing any toxic chemical treatments, all thanks to its substance called ‘bamboo kun’.
Bamboo kun is found in bamboo fibre and is an antimicrobial bio-agent which gives bamboo its natural antibacterial properties. This prevents bacteria and microbes from growing on bamboo products making it the perfect plant for naturally hygienic products such as bamboo straws and cutlery, keeping them sterile and fresh.

Bamboo Packaging Cutlery Food ET2C Int.

Advantages of Bamboo Packaging for Companies

Certainly, bamboo is a great material because of it multiple characteristics. But why should a company opt for bamboo packaging and how would it benefit from it?

Versatility & Innovation

Bamboo has quickly become a significant alternative in the sustainable materials market. It’s an eco-friendly replacement for metal, plastic, hardwood, paper, and cotton. This material has made it into nearly every corner of our lives from being used in toothbrushes and fabrics to toilet paper and everything in between. It offers a high level of durability and when used as a material for packaging, it keeps this important feature of with versatility. For this reason, you can use as packaging for many industries, like apparel, food, cosmetics and more. Moreover, designers are truly innovating the packaging sector by experimenting new great design adopting this material.


With the increased awareness and concern over climate change, consumers and companies are constantly searching for environmentally responsible options for their everyday needs. Consumers want to support companies that are prioritizing the earth’s health, and bamboo packaging is a sustainable option.

From a positioning perspective, by incorporating eco-friendly practices into your business operations, you will be able to engage more environmentally conscious customers and this will help you widen your customer base. Sharing the same values as your customer will definitely allow you to strengthen your relationship.


Bamboo is essentially a ‘weed’ and to that extent is abundant across many countries – particularly within Asia. One of the challenges of looking for sustainable alternatives is that for some materials, the costs can be prohibitive, possibly outweighing the benefit should the consumer not want to pay the additional cost.

As sustainable materials go, Bamboo is well priced given the abundant supplies, and is therefore an alternative packaging material that companies are working with.


Eco-friendly packaging solutions from O.Berk Company


Are You Looking for Sustainable Packaging?

At ET2C we care deeply about the environment and are doing what we can to understand more about the broader sustainable packaging market. We are working hard to understand what is best suited to our clients. It is a complex environment that requires specific market, product and even segment knowledge to get both the right option at a consumer level but to also be relevant to the regulatory environment of a specific market. Wasting less and being mindful of the amount of materials used in packaging is a good start.

For all your packaging queries, please contact us at


Cover photo credit: O.Berk Company 



Bamboo Packaging – Strong, Versatile and Sustainable Read More »

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