Retail Archives - ET2C International

The Needs of Omnichannel Retail & Impact on Manufacturing


Consumer 2.0

The Millennial and Gen Z consumers continue to shift the expectation on retailers and brands. This evolution is enabled by technology and driven by an almost capricious approach to purchasing products. Buying decisions are no longer solely made based on the product, if at all, but rather on experience (78% of Millenials prefer to spend on experience over product) and online reviews. The rise of influencers and Key Opinion Leaders (“KOLs”) further underlines the importance of peer reviews. As an example, and perhaps extreme, Becky Li, who has a mere 7.5m followers sold 100 minis (as in the car) in 5 minutes.

The pace of change is fast

These ‘consumers’ are looking at their devices more than 30 times per hour. Retailers and brands are therefore looking at a broad range of touch points to capture their attention, which notably is no more than 8 seconds. What is important to these consumers has evolved to the extent the traditional retail model is now largely defunct. This has given rise to a focus on areas such as customer experience, peer influence, seamless expectations and personalisation.
Retail has changed. Sellers have had to adapt how they connect and engage with their customers through a multitude of online and offline mediums. As a result, manufacturers are also having to evolve to best service these changing needs.


The characteristics of omnichannel digitization focus on putting the customer first through digital mediums. Consumer behavior has driven the necessity for streamlined and unified systems on both mobile and traditional platforms. The aim of digitization is to create a flowing process, where the time in a traditional brick-and-mortar store fits seamlessly together with the user’s experience online. According to one survey, up to 49% of US spending occurs through online platforms and 55% of purchases end on an e-commerce platform (Mceachran, 2019).

Omnichannel Retail Shopping
Omnichannel retail will pass much of the retail process to customers, allowing easier access to comparision shopping, letting customers get the best deal possible in seconds.

With no signs of this trend slowing down, businesses must adapt to this new environment by facilitating the integration of the physical and digital world. Imagine a customer using their phone in a brick-and-mortar store, scanning barcodes to compare the many products in stock within the store. Not only will this process decrease the total time commitment a shopper needs to make deciding on a product, it also allows for the business to save money on staff as the customer serves themselves.
Artificial intelligence is being adopted more frequently within the digital arena to further enhance the information and foresight companies wield on their customers.


The use of customer data is now an essential part of engaging with customers on an individual level. Likewise, information from across the supply chain is being used to help the customer make decisions (for example some retailers are giving their customer a choice of which factory to purchase from). Omnichannel marketing allows the collection of information on customers across multiple interactions that businesses can utilize to make the shopping experience both more relevant and efficient. A good example of this is loyalty programs. These allow retailers to not only collect information on every purchase you make but also develop foresight around what you are going to buy based on the time of year and stage in your life. Given shortening attention spans, putting relevant products in front of the consumer is increasingly the only way to create that all important sales opportunity.

Omnichannel Retail Ecommerce


90% of consumers now value individualized products, of which 25% are willing to pay a premium for their unique products. Brands are looking for ways to personalize the experience for their customers and being able to produce and deliver individual products forms a part of this. Technology has been at the forefront of this capability with manufacturers investing in some level of automation and robotics to be able to deliver personalized products. Some of the large sports brands have harnessed additive printing technology (3D Printing) to even print shoes tailored to your actual foot size.
As this need grows, there are also opportunities for retailers to create efficiencies within their supply chain. Through modern technology and omnichannel customer experience, clothing can be manufactured to order. Instead of mass producing a product and holding it in inventory, products are created as and when the customer demands them. The process of customization should ultimately lower costs for businesses and reduce waste on the manufacturing floor.


Conscious consumerism also increasingly forms part of this modern buying decision. The younger generations now have access to information about the products, suppliers and even in some instances who is actually making each product. Radical supply chain transparency is on the rise with large brands committing to publish all their suppliers on line. Alternative materials that are more environmentally friendly because of biodegradability are being looked for as part of companies’ sourcing function. Recycled material (in the past has often had perhaps negative quality connotations) is now becoming mainstream to limit the impact of the product on waste.

Omnichannel Retail Sustainability
Omnichannel marketing also allows for businesses to reduce the amount of waste generated through massproduction

This is direct consequence of the level of engagement that omnichannel retailing has enabled. From a manufacturing perspective, omnichannel retail has already proven itself by eliminating tons of wasted materials in traditionally wasteful industries like clothing manufacturing (Hodgkinson, 2018). This is in part via automation and customization processes but further waste can be reduced through demand planning. A tool which allows for businesses to more accurately track demand for products, either by seasons, trends, or other elements. This allows companies to optimize their purchases and supply chain to meet demand, reducing wasted resources and lowering their carbon footprint.


The world of retail is in a disruptive state. The Millennial and Gen Z consumers are more fickle than ever. Brands and retailers are having to engage with them through a variety of mediums to ensure that their offer is both relevant and timely. As retail has to evolve, the back end and the supply base has to likewise adapt. Asian manufacturing has taken up this challenge. China has committed to Smart Manufacturing by 2025 and India has similarly identified technological innovations in manufacturing as an important component of economic growth.
Omnichannel retail has become a necessity in order to capture the consumers’ attention. The aim is to spike the interest of the consumer within that 8 second time frame. It is not a lot of time; less than that of the often referenced forgetful Goldfish, which has an attention span of 9 seconds.

ET2C is a soucing company that understands your needs. For all enquiries on manufacturing in Asia, customization, radical supply chain transparency strategies and other topics, please contact us via our website,

The Needs of Omnichannel Retail & Impact on Manufacturing Read More »

Deconstructing Sustainability


Sustainability is a broad term, and one that is probably at risk of ‘burn-out’ in the retail sector the world over. Brands, retailers and suppliers are increasingly aware of the necessity to be formulating their own position around sustainability due to their respective stakeholders. Clearly, this is mainly driven by the end consumer and the need for a much deeper connection between a particular product/brand and the values that they stand for; they need to be purpose driven.

However, it is often easy to get lost in a ‘sustainability haze’ and not fully understand or be able to articulate what it means to both you and your organisation. Is there a cohesive sustainability strategy? Is it relevant and personal to all the organisation’s stakeholders? Is it simply someone putting up a sticker over a bin for recycling the staffs’ lunch containers? Is that sufficient? Are we sustainable? This confusion should not be surprising. The list of topics that fall within this category are many and understanding how one can change the world looking at this list relative to what you and your company do on a day to day basis is perhaps beguiling. From conflict minerals, material wastage, women’s rights, child labour, water filtration (700 million people do not have access to clean drinking water), climate change, lighting use, energy efficiency, single use plastics, plastic fibres to ‘one for one’ schemes, circular services (re-cycling) and brand activism, the list goes on.

The point is that any change is good. Making an impact on our earth and society, however small, as an organisation can only be a good thing. But, it needs to be personal. It needs to resonate with your company’s staff and is something that makes them engage in this change. The interesting part of this puzzle is that ultimately companies that ‘do good’ (and there is a purpose driven aspect to what they do), actually generate higher profits ultimately even with the initial capital investment/cost required at the outset.

So where to start? All we need to do is take little steps to make a change and this starts with you, as an individual. It does not need to be a ‘moon shot’ moment (an audacious statement to change the world in a big way tomorrow); such as halving the impact of climate change or giving every person on the planet access to clean water. But it needs to start with you and what’s important to you? And, hopefully, together we can all make a difference to future generations.

What does sustainability mean to you?

We are currently articulating what Sustainability means to our staff and stakeholders on a personal level to develop some emotive issues that we as an organization can seek to address.

While we continue to provide updates, please read our latest article about sustainability.

Deconstructing Sustainability Read More »

Sustainability, but at what ‘cost’?

BY: Simon Archer-Perkins – Director


Retail has and is evolving. The interaction between the consumer and the Brand has become closer. The consumer is now exposed to an array of multi-channel advertising, ‘likes’ and other targeted media advertising. It is therefore no longer good enough just to be selling a product at the right price. With all this choice, broadly the consumer now wants an in depth understanding of the Brand’s ethos – what they stand for – and how this is integrated into the product that they receive in the post the day after pressing ‘add to cart’ on the chosen company’s website.

Increasingly, one aspect of this new ‘under the hood’ perspective focuses on ‘Sustainability’ and ‘Environmental Footprint’. This appears to have been born out of the emergence of the Millennial as a consumer force the world over. This is an age group between 16-36 and it is estimated that there are 2.5 billion of them globally. Due to the widespread adoption of technology, they make purchase decisions that are more engaged and complex. There is an expectation that products can be ordered at a touch of a button, shipped (of course for free within domestic markets) direct to their home and if they do not really like the product, they can return (and again without actually paying for the return shipping). At the same time, they want to make sure that the products are manufactured in a sustainable way, are environmentally friendly (using recycled ocean plastic, or organic yarn, or packaged in natural sea-grass fibres) and still meet any functional or design needs.

63% of millennials want their employer to donate to social or ethical causes that they value. Source:

There is nothing wrong with wanting sustainable products. There is nothing untoward with wanting a good environmental footprint. There is nothing incorrect with wanting Asian factory workers to be treated well by the factories who employ them. That is all commendable. In most people’s Utopia, sustainability and protection of the environment would be a given. There would be no waste, period. However, are these demands realistic?

Consumer Brands are, and have been scrambling, to promote sustainability and are increasingly providing full transparency across all their global factories whether wholly owned or third party. Pictures of the factories and the individuals who made the products are more and more commonly adorning the sustainability pages of a Brand’s website. Some companies are even moving to give consumers the choice at the point of purchase which country and factory they want to buy from. It is becoming an integral part of the decision-making process whether to buy a dress or some jeans from China or Sri Lanka. This all costs money, and some will argue money well spent.

For a Brand to properly implement a sustainability strategy it must be an innate part of their core strategy.

There is one issue that is prevalent in a lot of the conversations we have had over the past year with retailers and Brands. For all their good intentions (and they are good), the notion of the ‘sustainable Consumer’ is in fact oxymoronic. It is a contradiction. The issue that is consistently raised is that the consumer does not want to pay any more for this level of sustainability. It is a ‘given’. A part of the price they have always paid for the product, and if it is not, well, they will move to put their money in another Brand’s coffers.

For a Brand to properly implement a sustainability strategy it must be an innate part of their core strategy. They need to live and breathe it and this needs to infiltrate down through their manufacturing partners to the very product make-up. There are therefore concessions to make that will and have to cost money. The recycled pulp shoebox will cost more than the traditional version, and it will not visually look as nice, and you will not be able to use the same print but it is more sustainable, as an example.

Adidas recently revealed it has sold more than one million pairs of sneakers made from ocean plastic with its partnership with Parley. Photo Credits: designmilk

In order for the Brands to properly implement sustainability as a core strategy, the consumer must be willing to pay a little bit more. This is particularly true of emerging brands who do not have the margins or cash reserves of their established multinational competition. Key to this point is that the monies have to likewise filter down to the manufacturers and their sub-suppliers and in certain circumstances the salaries paid to the workers themselves. There is no point in requesting gold when you only are willing to pay for brass.

Sustainability starts with a decision by the consumer. They need to be prepared to pay more to ensure that it becomes an innate part of any Brand’s strategy and the investment is strategically harnessed in a way that empowers the supply chain to really innovate and deliver true sustainability.



Sustainability, but at what ‘cost’? Read More »

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