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Global Trade in Turmoil

Global Trade in Turmoil

Global Trade has already had a challenging 2 years but with further macro-economic shocks, a War on the edges of Europe and Omicron arriving in China, what are the implications?


Global trade has certainly had a bumpy ride over the past couple of years. Supply chains, particularly out of Asia, are snarled up and this has had a dramatic impact on freight rates, commodity prices and product supply.
The War now in Ukraine – an abhorrent stain on modern humanity – is having a further impact on raw material supplies particularly with Eastern European manufacturing. The interconnected networks of raw material suppliers have been disrupted by suppliers shutting down in Ukraine but also the supply of oil, gas and other raw materials (such as Nickel) out of Russia has now been sanctioned for most Western societies.
Global trade is now staring Covid, War and inflation in the eyes… and it’s not a good place to be.

The War

Aside from the tragic human impact of the invasion, the impact on supply chains is significant. We have spoken over the past couple of years of the need for ‘flex’ and resilience being built into supply chains. The ability to move to other markets and leverage manufacturing hubs that de-couple from China’s vast manufacturing capacity (if that’s possible in certain industries) helps mitigate risk.
A part of this resilience was to leverage ‘near shoring’ as one aspect of a company’s sourcing strategy. Specifically, with regards to European manufacturing (Eastern Europe and Turkey), the war is having a detrimental impact on these markets.
We were at a factory recently, 50 miles north of Izmir on Turkey’s Mediterranean coast that manufactures industrial pressure vessels to be used in agri-business and food processing. The facility was cavernous and had the capability to manufacture these vessels to a high specification. Their immediate issue was that two of their steel suppliers were based in Ukraine and were now ‘off line’.
Similarly, Russia is one of the largest exporters of Nickel. A metal that is integral in the manufacture of stainless steel which has a broad application in many products from fridges, surgical instruments, vehicles and cookware.

Nickel Chaos

Commodity prices were already high on the back of constrained supply. The War has just created an additional shock to the supply of raw materials and with higher energy prices, there is a genuine threat to the supply of many products that people use daily.

Covid in China

Two years since the start of the Pandemic, it looks very much like we are moving into a period of disruption within China as Omicron begins to take hold. Whilst Shenzhen is in ‘Lockdown’ and other large cities are also in various states of lockdown and testing, there is inevitably going to be disruption across the Chinese supply base. To what extent, it is difficult to predict but there is concern that with lower vaccine immunity and little or no natural immunity within the population, the risk of a broad spread is a plausible scenario. That said, we do need to take a step back point out the following:

1. The case loads in China are significantly lower than in ‘normalised’ markets such as the UK (China 7 day average 1,627 vs UK 109,624).
2. The Chinese have reacted very quickly and mobilized an army of testers to identify cases and get ahead of the spread.
3. Even at the beginning of the Pandemic, they were quick to implement protocols within factories to mitigate any further spread. It is important to the leadership that China remains open for business on the back of a successful Covid Zero Strategy.

It is currently the case that only limited manufacturing sites have been shut down whilst testing is undertaken. Vietnam managed to maintain some manufacturing sites in the South when HCMC went into an 8-week lockdown. Cities will of course be most vulnerable to outbreaks with higher populations.

The main initial challenge appears to be around transport to the Ports, which remain open. This is especially true where provincial borders need to be crossed. We would anticipate the authorities putting in place protocols to work around this (like drivers not leaving their cabs, PCR tests etc). Remember that Covid protocols have been in place for the past two years where local outbreaks have appeared so there are tried and tested methodologies already in place. The question is whether they can get ahead of the fast-spreading ‘Omicron’ variant.

The Impact

All of this is having an inflationary impact on everything. Further supply constraints have only lit a fire under already high raw material prices. Disruption at Ports will push up freight rates back up to levels that were seen at the end of last year. Global trade is entering an extended period of turmoil, that will require patience to work through. Some key takeouts:

1. The cost of living is increasing in most markets on the back of higher energy pricing, and Producer Price indexes are pointing to higher product prices (if not already in play).
2. Price stability at factories will be very difficult to maintain. Think through how you are negotiating on price and use different levers (terms etc) to make sure you have product supply.
3. Speed to market will be key. Decision making will have to be quick and decisive otherwise companies run the risk of struggling to get production made.
4. PARTNER with your suppliers. The only way that companies will be able to leverage their supply base will be to collaborate with suppliers.
5. China Travel will not open until the Covid Zero policy is dropped. 2023 is now at risk!


Global trade is in state of turmoil. Partner with stakeholders across your supply chain. Collectively, you will be better than acting alone or with the sole focus of self-interest.

We remain here to help our clients, and get the visibility required to make your supply chain work for you. For more information, please contact us at .

We pray for all those that are currently going through hardship as a result of the War.

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Free Trade Agreements – a global overview

Free Trade Agreements


Archaeological finds from 30,000 years ago in the Heart of Europe have unearthed seas shells from the Atlantic and Mediterranean Coasts. It points to our ancestors (Homo Sapiens, to be precise) engaging in some form of barter, or trade of sorts. It is what defines us as Humans and it is no wonder that trade has therefore been a prominent enabler to the development of the human race. Whether it is the broad significance of the Silk road some 2,000 years ago or the emergence of the age of Consumerism this Millennium, trade has always been important.
Trade is no less significant in today’s world. Global leaders constantly look to agree Free Trade Agreements with different jurisdictions to allow the efficient movement of goods and services across country borders. Even with protectionism on the rise, there are Trade Agreements in place that warrant a mention for any company looking for sourcing services.

EVFTA: EU Vietnam Free Trade Agreements

The European Union described the EVFTA as the most ambitious trade deal signed between the EU and a developing country, boasting a reduction of 99% custom duties on products as well as opening up the Vietnamese market to European investors. Initially expected to be signed and implemented by late 2018, the deal has still yet to progress through EU parliament and was only signed by the European Commission in October 2018.


New Era of Trade

EVFTA should mark the start of a new era between Vietnam and Europe, yet while many voice their support, human rights and labor rights concerns have hindered the ratification process. Stakeholders had argued that the EU should insist on human rights improvements before progressing discussions. However, the agreement was signed on the 30 June 2019 by both parties and is now undergoing the required ratification process, which will likely conclude by the end of 2019.
Upon ratification, this agreement will certainly support and create investment opportunities for the export manufacturing sector in Vietnam, which it needs due to current demand and capacity constraints.

USMCA: United States Mexico Canada Free Trade Agreements

USMCA or the New NAFTA was officially signed by all three parties in November 2018 but has yet to be ratified by any of the nations.
In short, USMCA gave NAFTA a slight face lift while keeping many underlying policies the same. Some of the more prominent provisions included a higher percentage of automobile manufacture must be completed within the North American continent, the US gained greater access to the Canadian dairy market, a retention of the dispute resolution system and the addition of a 16-year sunset clause.

Experts expect the agreement to be ratified eventually despite the political and economic stumbling blocks it has faced. In the United States, growing objections to the current Trade policy within the government has stalled the ratification processes. At the same time, US imposed tariffs and quotas and their potential symbolism have both Mexico and Canada concerned. Whether or not USMCA is inherently better than NAFTA is still open to conjecture but the sunset clause allows the agreement to be changed and refreshed while reminding all three parties of its importance. Mexico is an important trade partner to the US, with vehicles, electronics, auto parts and other manufactured goods being exported across the Border. This agreement will therefore be important for the future trade and any sourcing solutions.

USMCA or the New NAFTA was officially signed by all three parties in November 2018 but has yet to be ratified by any of the nations.

CFTA: Continental Free Trade Area

Launched in 2015, the Continental Free Trade Area established a legal framework for free trade among the member states of the African Union. Signed by all but 3 of the 55 members, the CFTA outlays the legal framework for increasing inter-continental trade with the goal of creating a single continental market for goods and services with free movement of business persons and investments. While the agreement will work to establish the largest free trade area in the world terms of participating members, the full realization of the continental free trade area is still under negotiations with a deadline of June 2020.


Introducing A Unified Continent

The implementation of CFTA provides an opportunity for Africa to harmonize its continental trade environment and boost intercontinental trade. As a resource rich continent, Africa not only has abundant land resources but also has a labor supply that could rival Asia. As the African Union aims to decrease the continent’s reliance on extractive exports it looks towards labor intensive industries to employ their large workforce and stabilize their economies. Businesses operating or looking to operate in Africa will benefit from the ability to establish regional supply chains unrestrained by tariffs and recognition of licensing and certification in multiple African countries. CFTA will increase the ease of doing business on the continent and move towards a more economically stable African continent.

AFTA: ASEAN Free Trade Area

Established in 1992, the ASEAN Free Trade Area is one of the largest and most important free trade areas in the world. With the third largest labor force of more than 600 million people and a combined GDP of $2.17 trillion, ASEAN is an important player on the world stage. AFTA aimed to primarily increase ASEAN’s competitive edge as a production base and attract more foreign investment to the region. ASEAN as a whole also has free trade agreements with ASEAN + 3 (Japan, South Korea, China), Australia and New Zealand, and India.

Image: ASEAN Briefing

The Implications

ASEAN’s position in the Pacific area offers businesses with operations in the ASEAN region the opportunity to gain easy access to new markets at low costs while also benefiting from simplified export and import procedures. Companies looking to diversify their sourcing locations, ASEAN offers a unique opportunity. This is particularly relevant to any Asia sourcing company or Buying Office in the region as they can take advantage of such opportunities. For example, importing raw materials to Vietnam from China with greater ease and at less cost.


There is no doubt that Free Trade Agreements oil the engine of global trade. Even at a time when the international political landscape is rife with protectionism and trade disputes (look no further than the current US Administration) having an insight into what agreements are being worked on or in the process of being ratified can provide some steer as to where potential opportunities lie. That said, it remains the case that the outsource manufacturing sector is in a state of flux with regulatory murkiness clouding certainty. Perhaps there may be something we could learn from our early ancestors and the simplicity of bartering seashells.
As trade relations continue to shift and evolve, ET2C continues to identify potential opportunities for our clients through our local presence and broader network. For more information, please contact us.

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