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EVFTA ready to start!

EVFTA ready to start Vietnam Sourcing EU Market

EVFTA will boost Vietnam Sourcing for the EU Market.

After a decade of talks and negotiations, the European Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) has been ratified by the Vietnamese assembly. The trade deal will likely take effect on the 1st August 2020. Vietnam has long been seen as the ‘Workshop of the World’ with its ever-growing manufacturing sector and this trade deal should only support this expansion. It will reduce tariffs on products imported into the EU market over the course of 7 years, with some commentators pointing to 44% increase in imports.


The Current State of Vietnam Manufacturing

Even before this Pandemic, a lot of companies (particularly US-based) were looking to spread their Asian sourcing across the region. This has ensured that they were not too dependent on one market. Certainly, Vietnam sourcing was a key component of this strategy. However, the country’s manufacturing sector was at full capacity.
To a point, there have always been limitations in terms of scale and supplier networks. For the first, you just have to look at the population when compared to China; circa 90 million as a total population against 1.6 billion people. In fact, the migrant worker population within the Chinese manufacturing sector is still estimated as 300 million strong.
Secondly, Vietnam has often relied upon other markets for raw material supplies and accessories. This added to both lead time and also price.

EVFTA & The Future

This trade deal will reduce the tariffs on imports into the EU, almost all tariffs over a 7 year period. The good news is that after the deal takes effect, under the GSP regime, the EU will eliminate approximately 85% of import tariffs on Vietnamese goods. Conversely, it reduces barriers for EU businesses to invest and operate within Vietnam. This is all at a time when trade wars, protectionism are on the rise and the Pandemic has disrupted sales markets globally. Undoubtedly, this will open up the manufacturing sector to additional investment, both domestic and international, as companies look to take advantage of the available labour, rates and manufacturing opportunities.

Product categories that will benefit include:

– Footwear
– Furniture
– Garments & Apparel
– Furniture
Garden Products

Cocoliner Vietnam Sourcing
The key role of raw materials

One point that is pertinent to the benefits of this Free Trade Agreement is centred on the rules of origin that will qualify for the Certificate of Origin being issued and the reduction in the duty on import. In the past, Vietnam has been reliant on the import of raw material coming in from overseas. Consequently, some industries are going to enhance their local supply chains to take advantage of this deal.

Requirements for the tariff reduction

‘’Originating” will be key to the tariff reduction. Products will be considered ‘’originating” under the Treaty if they meet one of the following requirements:
• Wholly obtained in Vietnam; and
• Products produced in Vietnam incorporating materials which have not been wholly obtained there, provided that such materials have undergone sufficient working or processing within Vietnam.
Many goods still do contain materials and components imported from countries not party to a trade agreement. In fact, sectors like automotive and electronic are good examples where greater domestic production is needed before any advantages of the FTA will be attainable. Currently, 62% of materials for the electronics industry and 53% from the automotive sector are sourced from abroad. Therefore, greater efforts are required to improve linkages between domestic suppliers and foreign enterprises.

EVFTA logistics container Vietnam Sourcing EU Market

Vietnam Sourcing & ET2C

ET2C has been on the ground in Vietnam for the past 13 years. We have strong connections across the manufacturing sector for all our clients Vietnam sourcing requirements. In particular, we have been manufacturing and exporting a range of products across Garden Products, furniture, ceramics, soft goods, shoes and even cloth masks during this pandemic.
We have also attained FSC certification back in August 2019 so that we were able to export wooden products from Vietnam and ensure that the raw material is being sustainably managed. We have strong connections with furniture manufacturers throughout Vietnam, which now one of the world’s largest exporting countries for wood and wood exports with around 4,500 timber processing enterprises across the country.

New opportunities for European Retailers.

Vietnam will undoubtedly benefit from the EVFTA. European retailers will see more opportunities to leverage their connections with South East Asia. This coupled with the fall out from coronavirus and the rise in protectionism, will lead to an increased interest in the Vietnamese manufacturing sector. For all your Vietnam sourcing needs, please contact us at Vietnam@et2cint.com.

EVFTA ready to start! Read More »

EVFTA. The true meaning of the Free Trade Agreement between Europe and Vietnam



The European-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) is expected to be signed in the later months of 2018. Talks concerning the trade pact ended in 2015, but according to Vietnam’s Minister of Industry Tran Tuan Anh, it took longer than normal to finalize the specifics of the deal because the European Court of Justice wanted to ensure investment protection by enacting a separate Investment Protection Agreement (IPA). As of July 2018, The EU and Vietnam have concluded the legal review, and now they await the signing and implementation of the deal.

The European Parliament describes the FTA signed with Vietnam as the most ambitious trade deal signed between the EU and a developing country. This deal will eliminate 99% of customs duties on products, it will open up the Vietnamese market to European investment, and the European Commission estimates that the agreement could increase Vietnam’s booming economy by 15% of its GDP. The impacts of this could include furthering European-Southeast Asian trade, improving Vietnam’s manufacturing and consumption standards, and supplying European companies such as Adidas and Audi with a cheap and reliable manufacturing market. The agreement has been met, but it will take some time before the effects of it are felt because it must be signed and ratified by the EU and its 28 member states.

Europe will eliminate tariffs placed on farm produce, sugar, honey, seafood, processed agricultural products, garments, textiles, footwear, and auto industry imports from Vietnam. This reduction in customs duties is expected to increase Vietnamese exports to Europe by 4-6%, and it will bring European investment into finance, automobile manufacturing, information technology, and high-tech agricultural products. The impact of this would be a diversification of Vietnam’s economy, provide a path to more sustainable economic growth, and it would help alleviate poverty.



The EVFTA will liberalize trade between the EU and Vietnam. Vietnamese exports such as fish, agricultural products, furniture, apparel, and footwear will enjoy no customs tax when being imported into the EU. Exports from Europe that will experience similar benefits are alcohol, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, and information technology.


At the beginning of the FTA talks in 2015 only 42% of Vietnam’s exports into the EU enjoyed a zero tax rate. These zero tax products were usually light industry and low-tech goods, and got this benefit because of the EU’s Generalized Scheme of Preferences (GSP), which seeks to aid developing markets by offering tax reductions. As Vietnam’s economy develops and matures the GSP will no longer be applied, so there is a need for a new system – the EVFTA. This agreement should continue the trend that is shown in the graph below of the gradual increase from 2005 to 2015 in trade between the two parties from.


Vietnam imports from EU have kindly increased for the last decade while its exports have greatly increased, still toward the 28 countries members of EU. Also, EU was the third main FDI partners of Vietnam in 2015 after ASEAN and Korea. Within the EU, the main partners with Vietnam in FDI were France, Germany, Netherlands and UK.


Highlights of the EVFTA

Through the EVFTA, the EU will liberalize 71% of its import from Vietnam starting on day one, and 99% will enter duty-free after seven years. Custom duties will be removed over a transitional period so that domestic producers can gradually adapt. Consumers from both sides will benefit from lower prices and exporters from strengthened competitiveness.

The main goal of the FTA is to facilitate exports between Vietnam and EU, many actions will be taken to achieve that goal; here are a few examples:

• Administrative fees and formalities reduced for more direct real-world trade facilitations
• Eliminate all export duties, except for a few tariff lines (TL)
• Lighter import and export licensing procedures
• No import and export restrictions allowed by both parties

A win-win situation

The FTA also represents an opportunity to increase EU exports into Vietnam for very specific and important industries that will both boost the EU economies and improve consuming standards of Vietnamese people. Cars, pharmaceutical products, alcoholic beverages will see specific trade facilitations for exports to Vietnam. It is expected that in the ten years after the passing of the deal, tariffs on European beverages being imported into Vietnam will be eliminated. This will serve to benefit many European enterprise associations and firms such as spiritsEurope, the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA), and France’s Pernod Ricard, and the Vietnamese consumers. Currently, only 19 percent of alcoholic beverages in Vietnam come from imports.

Many European companies such as, Adidas, Puma, and Daimler (Mercedes Benz) are already building additional manufacturing sites in Vietnam to take advantage of its good quality and cheap workforce, its resources. The EVTFA will increase the number of European factories and boost investments into Vietnam.

Although Vietnam has agreed to all the aspects of the FTA and IPA, there is still a ways to go for the country to be able to follow the regulations set out. In order to assist with the development of Vietnam’s legal and economic capacity, Miriam Garcia Ferrer, Head of Economics and Trade Section of the EU’s Delegation to Vietnam gave several recommendations. She emphasized the need for Vietnam to develop more mature manufacturing industries in order to promote sustainable economic growth. She also pledges Europe’s support in developing new economic sectors in the developing country. This will be accomplished because more European businesses are being attracted to Vietnam and they are bringing technology, knowledge, and expertise in certain fields.

The EVFTA will usher in an era of trade between Vietnam and Europe like never before. The new opportunities will be great, but there will also be challenges associated with doing business in a new part of the world at such high volumes. It will be centripetal that companies seeking to do business work with established businesses to find proper manufacturing links.

With eighteen years of experience in China, and ten years of experience in Vietnam, ET2C International has an extensive knowledge of the local supply-chains and manufacturing sectors in both of these countries. This trade deal presents great opportunities to companies and ET2C is committed to using our knowledge of the markets, supply-chains, and sourcing to provide benefits to all the parties involved.


EVFTA. The true meaning of the Free Trade Agreement between Europe and Vietnam Read More »

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