Buying Office Archives - ET2C International

Sourcing chronicles: ET2C – 20 years and counting!

Sourcing Chronicles ET2C International procurement quality control

Sourcing has evolved significantly over the past 20 years. We have seen China’s accension to the WTO, outsource manufacturing move mainstream with lower barriers to entry, trade tariffs as part of political posturing, the expectations of the consumer have developed to put greater emphasis on information flow (sustainability, supply chain transparency etc) and, last year, the Pandemic and the PPE ‘grab’.

There is no doubt that some of these events have presented opportunities whilst others have been significantly more challenging. Throughout these ups and downs, a consistent throughout this period has been ET2C, who celebrates 20 years on the 8th May 2021. Our DNA remains the same, and we are still working to deliver the best products and services to our clients. It’s what gets us out of bed in the morning!

“What a fantastic achievement! Never could I have imagined, on that first day when I opened the office on Beijing Dong Lu, that 20 years later we would have over 200 staff across more than 10 countries and over 100 regular clients. Of course there have been tough times, but it has been the staff and our clients that have helped us truly grow and flourish. A great ride, here is to the next twenty!” Richard Archer-Perkins, CEO, 7th May 2021


ET2C’s History

It all started at the Javits Center in January 2001, when Richard (CEO) visited New York at the Pure Exhibition. Having seen the emergence of a mass manufacturing base in China, which was in the early stages of taking the mantle from Taiwan, he walked the show going to every booth asking whether there was anyone interested in working with China. There was a lot of interest, but there was only one company that came to the table; a body jewellery company called Silver Moon Concepts who operated in Florida, USA. He managed to find a supplier (who traditionally worked with watches), who had the machinery and material to make surgical grade stainless steel (316L) and importantly create the necessary shapes. He then went about finding staff to create a mini-production line to put the product together and pack them. The office then opened on the 8th May 2001.

ET2C office

The evolution of the business

As a result of delivering significant cost savings and driving margin growth for our clients, ET2C quickly took on more clients who wanted access to suppliers in China. Even back then, in 2002 and 2003, broad access to China was much more limited as it would usually be today (outside of the Pandemic). As the business grew, we established our own merchant team, a quality team and established operations in different markets to best align with our clients’ needs. Today, we have in excess of 100 regular clients and are constantly looking to give them sourcing solutions that drive their bottom-line growth.

Areas such as sustainability and personalisation have become key parts of any retailers’ supply chains – at the very least they should be analysed and considered in line with the consumer – and we are therefore actively engaging in these fields to continue to provide relevant solutions to our clients.

ET2C video
Watch our Company Video to know more!


Sourcing in Uncertain Times

The Pandemic continues to stunt global trade, with certain markets still reeling from lockdowns whereas others are beginning to relax restrictions. Sourcing markets are similarly impacted; India has plunged into a lockdown whereas China by comparison is largely Covid free. Market diversification is essential to spread risk across regional hubs. We continue to see this trend with South East Asia (Vietnam and India) becoming increasingly popular as sourcing locations. Diversification can also include, particularly for European businesses, near sourcing options such as Turkey where freight rates (and at today’s high pricing) can be mitigated as well as speed to market.

That is not to say that China will lose importance even as its relative market share is gradually eroded. On the contrary, we think that China will still be an essential part of any sourcing matrix given the infrastructure and networks in place.

ET2C’ Services

We realise that every client will have their own unique requirements. We, therefore, look to tailor our solutions to best fit each client’s needs, whether this be resource, expertise, cost structure we have the solution for you.

Sourcing Solutions

Our merchandise teams work across multiple categories, but primarily these can be defined into two divisions, Consumer Goods (Garden, Fashion, Pet, Toys, Furniture, Homewares and Health & Beauty) and Industrial goods. We currently source from India, China, Vietnam and Turkey (opened December 2020). Countries being assessed at present include Mexico, Thailand, Malaysia and Taiwan.

Buying Office

Our Buying Office solution has always been the backbone of the company and helped the business to grow. We still believe that ability to have a dedicated team on the ground, in market, is essential to driving visibility at source. This allows clients to fully control their suppliers across quality, delivery and production management. Our model is the most cost effective, transparent and simplest available and second to none.

Buying Office ET2C International
Watch the video to know more about the Buying Office solutions


Quality Team

We have teams on the ground who spend a considerable amount of their time traveling to suppliers to verify and check the quality of our clients’ products pre-shipment. There is no doubt that having visibility pre-shipment of your products is an essential part of the supply chain function. Our teams also evaluate factories to make sure that you know they are the right partner for you before committing to any funds. We have recently launched our Virtual Factory Tours initiative to help clients who are stuck out of their sourcing markets connect with their suppliers, or even identify potential new partners.

ET2C - Virtual Factory Tours
Watch the video to know more about ET2C Virtual Factory Tours

With 20 years of experience, ET2C is well-positioned to help you with all your sourcing needs, whatever they may be. We look forward to designing new solutions to make your business more successful. Please contact us at

Sourcing chronicles: ET2C – 20 years and counting! Read More »

The Buying Office: Unlock Your Supply Base in an Era of Covid

Buying Office Unlock Your Supply Base in an Era of Covid ET2C Int.
A Buying Office addresses the current challenges of sourcing from Asia and drives value back up your supply chain .
Ten months in and the Pandemic still dominates global news cycles. The West is lurching in and out of lockdowns. And even when some countries are moving towards some semblance of normality, there is always a nervousness that the virus will re-emerge; borders are shut, quarantines are in place and travel is largely on hold. With upcoming vaccines (maybe!), we might return to the beginnings of life as it was. However, the reality is that this is unlikely to be until the middle of 2021 at the earliest.
We have been examining how Covid has changed the ‘Sourcing’ landscape over the past 10 months in some of our articles. The inability to travel to sourcing markets and visit suppliers has to be the most significant factor. Of course, there is the added complication of the geo-political landscape. However, with the incoming Biden administration (watch out for any tweets!) and the latest trade agreement with China and 14 other Asia Pacific countries (RCEP) there is potential for some de-escalation on trade protectionism.
Asian markets are normalizing and exports are returning to pre-pandemic levels. China’s exports rose 11.4% in October from a year earlier, and even with this this being attributed in part to medical exports of PPE, it points to demand being on the increase. Whilst at the same time, there are capacity shortages on freight routes with Carriers still not back to full capacity post the China lockdown back in February/March 2020.
How then should companies be managing their supply chains?

Offshore Supplier Management

It is essential to have the ability to manage your suppliers given there is no access to these markets.  Companies should position themselves to do this in a way that creates value rather than risking of destroying it. To do this the following should be considered:

1. Presence on the ‘Ground’

To develop a relationship that is meaningful, there needs to be some form of constant presence that can be actively engaged with the supplier. You need to be able to deal with your key suppliers in their language. Moreover, you have to take into consideration their time zone to ensure clarity and efficiency. It will also help with the development of medium-term relationships that are that much more meaningful than arm’s length interactions.

2. Visibility Across Production

Having a high level of visibility across your production is primarily possible through some form or presence be it an office or a partner in the region.  There are now digital solutions as well that some companies are implementing to manage production runs.  The ability to identify issues early means that you can put in place solutions.
office team ET2C Int. China Vietnam Sourcing

3. Supply Chain Resilience

Supply chain shocks are becoming more frequent (a disruption lasting 1-2 months will likely occur every  3.7 years!) and having a plan B is becoming increasingly important to any sourcing strategy.  Continuity builds resilience and having contingency plans is always beneficial. To do this develop a deep understanding of your suppliers beyond Tier 1 manufacturers (ultimate transparency). Look to also multi-source across jurisdictions to eliminate any country-specific risk.

4. Development Cycle Acceleration

For those that do not have access to their sourcing markets, look to accelerate development cycles and reduce sample timelines. A cost-effective would be to rely on different forms of technology to work through sample approvals. For example, something as simple as high-quality photos can help.

5. Upstream Quality Capability

Make sure you are conducting the necessary quality checks on your factories and products to mitigate the risks of buying from overseas.  Identifying a problem at the factory allows for corrective action plans to be implemented, whereas shipping a ‘problem’ will only lead to greater costs.
Buying Office ET2C International

ET2C’s Buying Office

One way to address these points is look at ET2C’s unique Buying Office solution.   It is the most cost effective way of establishing an upstream capability, whilst giving access to multiple sourcing markets.   Where it can be prohibitive to establish your own operations in these markets due to CAPEX, regulations and advisory fees, we can give you a dedicated team within a matter of weeks!


Sourcing markets are closed to outsiders and companies need to assess the effectiveness of their supply chains.   Ultimately, there is no alternative to having local, on the ground, capability. Where it can sometimes be prohibitive to establish your own presence (legal entity), then selecting the right partner will help alleviate the risk, leverage product and operational expertise and provide the visibility that you require to manage your suppliers. ET2C’s Buying Office solution can provide you with a local dedicated team aligned with your upstream needs.
If you are interested in knowing more, contact us and find out how we can benefit your business and sourcing needs.

The Buying Office: Unlock Your Supply Base in an Era of Covid Read More »

Sourcing chronicles: ET2C – 19 years and counting!

Sourcing Chronicles

Sourcing has evolved significantly over the past 20 years. As more members acceded to the WTO around the turn of the Millenium, borders were liberalised and outsource manufacturing on a mass scale followed. Lately, there has been increased protectionism and international trade has been impacted over these last 3 years.

As a celebration of 19 years of business, we thought to explore these years through the eyes of our CEO, Richard Archer-Perkins. He told us how the business was started and how he has managed to continue operating in Asia for such a long period. No easy feat!

The Beginning

Back in 2000, I was asked to come to China to help a friend establish his own oxygen mask manufacturer. He had already been making these products at a facility in Taipei and wanted to leverage the Chinese manufacturing market and labour pool. Initially, with family in the UK, this was to be a nine-month stint. Who could have imagined that twenty years later I would still be here!

ET2C’s History

It all started at the Javits Center in January 2001, when I visited New York at the Pure Exhibition. Having seen the emergence of a mass manufacturing base in China, I walked the show going to every booth asking whether there was anyone interested in working with China. There was a lot of interest, but there was only one company that came to the table; a body jewellery company called Silver Moon Concepts who operated in Florida, USA – not that I knew anything about Body Jewellery! I managed to find a supplier (who traditionally worked with watches), who had the machinery and material to make surgical grade stainless steel (316L) and importantly create the necessary shapes. Then I went about finding staff to create a mini-production line to put the product together and pack them. I opened the office on the 8 May 2001.

ET2C office

The evolution of the business

From then, I managed to onboard additional clients in 2002 and 2003. We were saving our clients considerable cost on goods at a time when China had just begun to open up. On the back of this, I managed to get some large retailers as well as other wholesalers and Brands. Today, we’re proud of having in excess of 100 regular clients. Moreover, we are constantly looking to give them sourcing solutions that drive their bottom-line growth. We now have operations in multiple sourcing markets and are looking at further expansion this year. In addition, we have a food distribution business and are also planning to add more product lines to sell into China in 2020.

ET2C video
Watch our Company Video to know more!


Sourcing in Uncertain Times

There is no doubt that the World is in turmoil. COVID-19, trade wars, international sanctions and so on. International trade will continue being an important driver for the global economy as it has over the course of history. There are questions over whether China will continue to be the factory to the world – or rather retain its dominance – and perhaps some countries will look to be more self-reliant. Regardless, ET2C will continue to strive to identify more opportunities for our clients from better suppliers, new markets and in a more sustainable way. Inevitably, technology will also play an increasingly important role in this journey across all facets of our business but also in terms of how we all engage together.

Medical Supplies

We are nimble, which enables us to pivot when required. Consequentially, in what was an incredibly complex regulatory and environment, we managed to help our clients get some PPE products. Importantly, we did not lose one dollar of our clients’ money in an environment that was very high risk. It was important to follow our usual processes to ensure we were dealing with the right suppliers. The South China Morning Post referred to it as the “Wild West”. I am also proud to have supplied to the NHS as they ramped up their PPE stocks.

Top Industries

We work across multiple categories, but primarily these can be defined into two divisions, Consumer goods (Garden, Fashion, Pet, Toys, Furniture, Homewares and Health & Beauty) and Industrial goods. We currently source from India, China and Vietnam. Also, we are looking to add additional jurisdictions as part of our 2020 strategy. Countries being assessed at present include Mexico, Thailand, Malaysia and Taiwan.

Buying Office

Our Buying Office solution has always been the backbone of the company and helped the business to grow. I still believe that this is conceptually correct as there is no doubt that (particularly in these Asian markets) in order to control your supply chain it is important to have people on the ground at the source. Controlling suppliers, quality, on time delivery and compliance from a distance is very difficult. Our model is the most cost effective, transparent and simplest available and second to none.

office sourcing

Challenges and Opportunities

Always be prepared to take risks! One never knows which one will yield opportunities and ultimate success! Who would have thought that dealing in body Jewellery would create the business we have today. It has been an amazing journey full of good and challenging experiences – albeit not always pleasant – but that is life and looking back I really look forward to the next exciting episodes! I look forward to celebrating with everyone at next year’s 20 year celebrations!

et2c team

With almost 20 years of experience, ET2C is well positioned to help you with all your sourcing needs, whatever they may be. We look forward to designing new solutions to make your business more successful. Please contact us at

Sourcing chronicles: ET2C – 19 years and counting! Read More »

A Local Presence is a MUST for Companies Sourcing from Asia

local presence is a must for companies sourcing from asia


Asia has been an export powerhouse over the past decade. Although the manufacturing base is increasingly fluid across country borders (labour costs, tariffs etc), this will continue for some time yet. In 2017, East Asia exported 5.2 trillion dollars of products to locations like the European Union, the United States, and other East Asian nations like Japan and South Korea.

It remains that sourcing and manufacturing products in Asia can be advantageous and a benefit to your company. However, there are considerable risks of buying from overseas markets; the internet and platforms such as Alibaba have created a massive market (a positive) that can often ‘brush over’ the risks inherent with distance, new cultures, languages and foreign laws and regulations (a negative).


Develop relationships

Anybody who has conducted business in Asia will stress the importance of meeting the manufacturer face to face. Companies operating in overseas markets do not always have this luxury. This is where some form of presence is an integral part of benefiting from your Asian supply chain. The ability to develop relationships, monitor production and relay information to the decision makers should not be underplayed.

Depending on product category, volumes, markets and product value, a company has a variety of options to establish a presence. Setting up one’s own office and operation in Asia is at one end of the spectrum. This requires a considerable amount of capital investment and understanding of the local laws and regulations. It is also relatively inflexible and in a fluid market entrenched with global uncertainty there is an argument that now is not the time to be establishing entities in Asia.


Work with local partners

Alternatively, one can look to work with local partners, such as sourcing companies and trading houses. Of course, there is a cost to this, but there is also a service being provided where often the communication piece is managed in your local market. With the right partner, it is possible to alleviate the risk, leverage product and operational expertise and provide the visibility that you require to manage your suppliers.

sourcing from Asia
A Buying Office is an Integral Part of Any Business Looking to Source from Asia

Some of the key points to consider when looking at strategic options to have some form of presence in Asia are as follows:

On the Ground

There is no point visiting a factory today, for you to drop down their list of priorities once you have left and are on the plane back home. To develop a relationship that is meaningful, there needs to be some form of constant presence that can be actively engaged with the supplier. We have seen factories in the past change the names on the side of the building for the arrival of their customer!

You need to be able to deal with your key suppliers in their language and in their time zone to ensure clarity and efficiencies (applies particularly for US companies given they are between 11-15 hours behind Asia). It will also help with the development of medium term relationships that are that much more meaningful than arm’s length interactions.


Visibility Across Production

If your company was manufacturing products ‘up the road’, you would constantly be visiting the factory to understand how production was going, whether the raw materials were received on time, spot checking in-line quality, and likely doing a final inspection before shipping the goods. It should be no different when buying from Asian suppliers. Having this level of visibility across your production is primarily possible through some form or presence be it an office or a partner in the region.

The ability to identify issues early means that you can put in place solutions. That can be something as simple as the raw material being late and therefore the critical path being extended. Understanding this at the outset means that different parties from logistics, to the ultimate client can be engaged with and expectations managed.

sourcing from asia
Visibility on suppliers at home is usually taken for granted, but visibility from suppliers abroad is just as important.

Risk mitigation

Clearly ensuring that you are getting your products on time and to the requisite quality ultimately enables companies to drive profitable sales. There is nothing worse than receiving goods in your local market that are not compliant and therefore not salable (particularly when you have paid the factory and they are no longer responding to your calls!). Addressing this risk upstream means that there is greater leverage in any discussions required with suppliers given the goods are still on site.

Another part of risk mitigation relates more to establishing an entity in the region and the potential risks that this can come with. Particularly, in China and India, the bureaucracy and regulations and complexity inevitably result in incremental costs building up and time lines being pushed out. These often become a significant distraction to the business when the primary function will be to source and manage the Asian supplier base. Scale of business and expertise will clearly be a factor when establishing your own entity in Asia, but in a lot of instances the costs and other implications can be prohibitive to a business. Just make sure that this is the right solution for you before you move forward.


Cost Effective

We are stating the obvious that any option needs to be cost effective. We have seen numerous companies go down a chosen route without a clear understanding of what the final costs will look like and have ended up tripping up down the line as a result. This is applicable whether you a setting up your own office or working with a trading house.

Look at dollar spend on a granular basis rather than get stuck discussing the difference between ‘capex’ and ‘opex’ budgets as a justification for the $100,000 being spent setting up a new office. Understand the full cost implications of establishing an entity before setting it up. For example, there are considerable costs associated with closing a WFOE in China that not many companies are fully aware of at the time of establishing a local buying office. Lastly, leverage solutions that allow a mix of fixed costs versus variable costs (potentially buying some products through sourcing houses).


Speed to Market

As the well-known adage says: “Time is money.” When setting up a buying office, a quick set-up is essential to maximizing profitability while minimizing risks in the production process. Given the bureaucracy, establishing an entity in Asia can take longer than anticipated. Build in time to make sure everything is taken into account and you know when the entity is fully operational.


Our Solutions

At ET2C, we recognize every client has different needs and we therefore look to tailor our solutions to your individual requirements. Whether it is creating a dedicated team in Shenzhen or working on a sourcing basis, we are here to help you source from Asia in the most cost effective and transparent way. Having operated in Asia for almost 20 years, we understand the complexities of doing business in this part of the world. We know the pitfalls, we know the ‘real’ costs of operating an office in China, Vietnam and India.
Still have more questions or want to learn more about our offerings? Take a look at our website , or contact us at any of our many offices across the world . Our supply-chain professionals are standing by, ready to take your call!

A Local Presence is a MUST for Companies Sourcing from Asia Read More »

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