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Coronavirus. ET2C’s Office to Re-open on 16th March 2020 

novel coronavirus


13th March 2020

ET2C’s Office to ‘Officially’ Re-open on 16th March 2020

Further to the outbreak of the Covid-19 Virus over Chinese New Year, and the subsequent implementation of ET2C’s contingency plan for our Chinese based offices, we have now taken the decision to officially re-open our office sites across China.
Reviewing the data available, it appears that the outbreak has stabilised sufficiently to allow staff to return to our office sites. We do anticipate additional preventative measures to be in place for the foreseeable future.

At the time of writing, there are active cases in the following provinces/Cities:
Guangdong – Of 1,356 cases confirmed, there are now only 59 active cases
Shanghai – Of 344 cases confirmed, there are now only 20 active cases
Fujian – Of 296 cases confirmed, there are now no active cases
Zhejiang – Of 1,215 cases confirmed, there are now only 17 active cases
We thank all our clients for their patience over this period. Should there be any changes or updates that alter any of the above, we will notify you immediately. If you have your own enquiries, please contact your relevant account manager or at our usual contact addresses.

Canton Fair Spring 2020

It has been announced that the Fair will go ahead despite the backdrop of the now global pandemic of the Coronavirus. China’s premier has said, “Against the backdrop of foreign trade and foreign investment being hit hard by the epidemic, the spring session of the fair will have a particularly significance”.
There does seem to be some precedent for this. Although the spring session attracted some 200,000 buyers from 200 countries last year (top buyers were from Hong Kong, India, US, South Korea and Thailand), post SARS when the event was also put on in 2003, there were 23,128 buyers from 167 countries without a single case of infection.
Given the likely restrictions in place for foreign travellers at for this season, should you wish ET2C to attend for you in any capacity, please contact us.


Coronavirus. ET2C’s Office to Re-open on 16th March 2020  Read More »

NOTICE – Novel Coronavirus Update  



3rd February 2020

Although the situation regarding the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus continues to be incredibly fluid, we have been speaking to suppliers today and our expectation is that factories will be returning to work in most provinces from the 10th to the 12th February.

That said, we anticipate delays to both production and shipments due to a delayed normalisation period post CNY.  Factories remain unsure about how quickly staff will be able to return to work and the impact that current and future travel restrictions will continue to have on their business operations. There will likely be some form of disruption along the supply chain, including right through to deliveries to Port and the Ports themselves.

There are travel restrictions imposed on flights to/from China to numerous countries around Asia and the rest of the world.  It is further anticipated that other carriers/countries will follow to enhance preventative measures.

ET2C continues to engage with our local partners in China to obtain updates on the situation. We will be writing to clients directly over the next coming days on shipments that were scheduled this week and next.

Even though our offices in China are scheduled to return next week, there will likely still be some disruption to staff physically being in the office although we are implementing contingencies to ensure that service levels resume as quickly as possible.  We will continue to provide timely updates as more information becomes available via a range of channels; our website, mail-outs, social media and direct emails.

Should there be any changes or updates that alter any of the above, we will notify you immediately.  If you have your own enquiries, please contact your relevant account manager or at our email,



NOTICE – Novel Coronavirus Update   Read More »

NOTICE – Novel Coronavirus Update  



30 January 2020

With the current escalating outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus, we are currently working with our local partners as well as liaising with local government officials to understand the likely impact on the manufacturing and logistics industry.

Clearly this situation is incredibly fluid and continues to evolve on a daily basis. Given what we know already, there is a high likelihood that there will be disruption to both factories returning to work (given travel restrictions imposed in certain regions) and planned shipments in February able to be moved out to Ports.

As of yesterday, some international carriers are suspending flights to Mainland China and it is further anticipated that others will follow to prevent further contagion. Although the holidays have only been extended to the 3rd February in most regions, we expect a further extension in line with Shanghai to the 9th February.

ET2C are working closely with our partners in China to obtain live updates of the situation and how it will impact our client’s individual shipments. As soon as we have greater sight of the impact, we will be contacting clients with individual updates.

We are assessing possible contingencies for all our clients as well as to protect our staff. We will continue to provide timely updates as more information becomes available via a range of channels; our website, mail-outs, social media and direct emails.

Should you have your own enquiries, please contact your relevant account manager or at our email,



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The Forest Stewardship Council™: A Step in the Right Direction

Forest Stewardship Council FSC


The Path towards a Sustainable Future

For most organisations, sustainability is a progressive evolution towards a more sustainable future. This can be focused on a range of different goals like eradicating hunger, clean water, gender equality or aspects of the environment. Any initiative around sustainability should centre on the organisation and what is pertinent to the stakeholders’ values and beliefs. This enables a better commitment and engagement to whichever cause or initiative is being undertaken. Importantly, be selective and understand the implications around each initiative; what they mean to your organisation, product and customer.

Little Steps

There is no point as a sourcing company, to move to chrome free leather production without assessing and understanding other dying processes and the environmental impact that these may have. Likewise moving from a synthetic material to a 100% cotton, although sounds a more sustainable option from a production perspective, discounts the environmental impact the production of cotton actually has (20,000 litres is the amount of water to produce one kilo of cotton).

cotton field sustainability

Also, plastic is an amazingly adaptable, cost-effective and useful material. Therefore, removing it all together may not necessarily work but understanding its end-use may have a profound impact on the environment. For example, leading to reuse through recycling or other processes. The point is that there is no one answer. Any step, however little, towards a more sustainable future is a step worth taking.

FSC™ Certified Companies

Sustainability is a key pillar in the ET2C Ecosystem, and one of our sustainability goals for 2019 was to attain FSC certification. As a sourcing agent that manufactures and sells wooden products, we felt it important to support the FSC’s work on sustainable forest management. We achieved this certification on the 30th August 2019.

FSC Certification

The global media coverage of the deforestation of the Amazon this past Summer has served as a reminder of the environmental harm being caused by unsustainable farming practices (mainly for rearing cattle). This Summer alone there were 26,000 reported incidents of fires. Certainly, this forms only a small part of the continual yearly reduction of the Amazon. Clearly, greater protections need to be implemented at an international level to protect already fragile ecosystems.

How Forest Stewardship Council is growing

It was actually at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro that the concept of the Forest Stewardship Council was born. On the back of a failure to produce any agreement on deforestation, a group of businesses, environmentalists and community leads developed the idea and now the FSC has just celebrated 25 years! Today, the organisation has grown significantly, and through a set of principles and standards that ensure both sustainable forestry management and ensure the chain of custody of products using wood from these forests, steps are being taken to protect the environment. The FSC now has:

  • 200,233,958 Certified Hectares
  • 39,664 CoC Certificates
  • 1,655 FM/CoC Certificates
  • 1,127 International Members across 90 Countries

Forest Green FSC Amazon

The Amazon rainforest is approximately 550 million hectares on its own and largely sits within Brazil’s borders. However, in the 9 months to April 2019, 217,000 hectares were lost, a 20% increase on the prior 9 months. The international community needs to address more directly the drivers for this deforestation. Moreover, they should potentially take measures in their own markets to lessen the attractiveness of beef as a commodity.

FSC and The Consumer

The Millennial and the Gen Z consumer are looking at sustainability when it comes to Brands and what products they are looking to purchase. The FSC™ label has long formed a part of the product proposition both on packaging and the product itself. Importantly, the FSC is now looking at innovations to further enhance this proposition to the end consumer with Blockchain. Blockchain can track any movement of goods with value between different trading parties. This means that it can efficiently pass along claims in a verifiable and trusted way. Certainly, this will further provide reassurance as to the provenance of the raw material used for any given product.


Certainly, the FSC Certification is one step forward for ET2C as we continue along our journey towards a sustainable future. Therefore, we are constantly looking at ways to improve our sustainable footprint and will continue to do so. For any queries on FSC certification or anything related to Sustainability, please contact us at

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Quality Assurance at ET2C: Elaborate, Efficient, and Excellent

Quality Assurance Quality Control


Quality Assurance is one of the biggest concerns that companies have when sourcing from Asia. Why? Over the years, a myriad of problems has occurred to entrepreneurs lacking effective communication skills when dealing with suppliers in Asian countries. Quality issues can cause the loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars or more.
These cases are not uncommon; the amount of inspection failures each year in Asia have been volatile the last few years, but still reaches high percentages.

However, there is a way to avoid becoming part of these statistics. Any company should look to ‘check before they buy’ their products. Having an upstream capability to do this in Asia is imperative to removing the additional costs once the goods arrive. Identifying issues at the factory means that they can be addressed, or worst case, they can be rejected.

Quality Assurance is an essential process in any industry hoping to ensure the well-being of their consumers.

Quality Assurance – step by step.

ET2C quality assurance processes are divided up into five different steps. Each step is an essential part of the quality control process to ensure the consistency and integrity of the product throughout all steps of production.

check list

Raw Material Receipt

Here the raw materials of the product are laid out for our quality control agents to inspect. This ensures that from the very beginning, our suppliers are using ingredients that are conducive to your company’s specifications. This avoids many problems later in production. This step ensures that the products can handle the stresses of production, transport, or use.

Early Production Checking

After the raw materials are approved and begin the manufacturing process, they are checked once more in the early stages of production. This ensures that the right steps are being made so that any errors in production can be caught before the product continues into production, saving money and materials down the line.

In-Line Inspections

As the product moves towards the middle parts of production, it is inspected again on the production line. This is to continue to ensure the quality of the product at all stages of production. With these measures in place, it is easier and to pinpoint exactly where errors are being made.

Final Inspections

These inspections take place at the end of production and before shipment. This catches any errors in the product before they reach the customer, which make it one of the most important steps of the quality control process.

Quality Control Review, Authorization, and Release

The final step of quality control consists of condensing the information from all the inspections and the raw material receipt. First by reviewing the quality of the quality control processes, then authorizing that the information within the report is correct, and sending that information to our partners at the end. This step is extremely vital to the process. In this way, our associates can see into the course of their products’ production and are sure that their order will meet their specifications.

This can change based on a risk assessment and based on the level of engagement with the relevant factory. In fact, our aim is to implement processes that ultimately the factory can follow to facilitate a continual improvement methodology. The more eyes and processes that can be developed to eliminate defects can only be a positive development.

factory robot arm

Quality Assurance – Our Operations Abroad

One component of quality assurance that most outsiders might not consider is how quality control is conducted in different countries. Undoubtedly, ET2C has an immersive supplier network. Because of this, we realize how to interact and ensure quality in multiple different areas of the world. Some of our biggest operating areas such as China, Vietnam, and India, vary in how quality control is viewed by suppliers.

China – trustworthy relationships and effective communication

To start with China, there are a few things for sourcing companies to keep in mind while conducting business in the middle kingdom. First, dealing with bureaucracy is a huge part of doing business in China. Because of the complex nature of government intervention in business, any manufacturing contract should be in Chinese with the specifications of the product clearly and specifically laid out and the producer company’s seal on it. This is to avoid potential legal headaches down the road. In addition, face to face conversations are absolutely crucial to producing in China. To know and to form a relationship with the supplier is a good way to ensure quality as well as effective communication of your specific production conditions.

India – the importance of independent quality assurance

ET2C’s expansive supplier network have developed the need for a comprehensive and transparent quality control process.
Next, production in India also has certain aspects that also require special attention. Like China, India has policies on quality control. Their Quality Council of India was formed to give India an edge for quality and allows for a government presence in ensuring QC. However, it is still important for a company to conduct independent quality assurance as well, since this bureaucratic arm is often stretched too thin to capture many details about the production process. This requires consistent quality management on the part of the customer, which can be done through a supply chain company like ET2C.

Vietnam – find reliable manufacturers

Vietnam, as a rising economy, is displaying many of its own unique aspects of quality control. As one of the newer developing economies, the lower cost of labor raises concerns over quality and reduced reliability. This is why it is essential to make sure that you are pairing with a reliable manufacturer. However, Vietnam has also shown itself to have a comparative advantage in producing garments, furniture and shoes. This has encouraged the government to look into methods of bureaucratic quality assurance to help encourage foreign business relationships.

Quality Control

Do you want to know more about quality assurance? If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us via our website

Quality Assurance at ET2C: Elaborate, Efficient, and Excellent Read More »

ET2C International at Southern Manufacturing & Electronics

ET2C International manufacturing and electronics


We are pleased to announce that ET2C International Inc’s Industrial Division will be exhibiting at Southern Manufacturing & Electronics in Farnborough,  5-7th Feb 2019. We will be showcasing world class, high quality products and assemblies, manufactured in low cost geographies: China, India and Vietnam. Pop by and see us on stand N125!


About Us

ET2C International is a comprehensive global sourcing company that is committed to providing businesses with access to low cost country manufacturing territories (China, India and Vietnam).
We are leading experts in offshore manufacturing within the industrial sector and are well placed to mitigate the risks of producing your products overseas.

For the past 18 years we have been manufacturing and supplying world class components: Castings, Forgings, Plastic Injection Mouldings and Sub-Assemblies, to clients across the globe.
We bring to our clients a wealth of knowledge about both manufacturing and operating in Asia. This includes both strategic and operational advice and tangible solutions to maximise value direct through to the client’s bottom line, whilst mitigating the inherent risk of outsource manufacturing.

Are you looking to benefit from the Asian manufacturing? Do you want to know more about how ET2C can support and add value to your business?
Come and visit us on stand N125 or drop us a line.
We look forward to speak with you!


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Make it a Sustainable Christmas!

sustainable christmas


After attending Sustainable Brands Madrid, a lot of research, brainstorming (and coffee!), this year we finally launched “The Sustainability Taskforce”, our internal initiative to better understand and articulate what ‘sustainability’ means to us and our stakeholders but also more broadly as a catalyst for change going forward.

More than ever, this topic has been a frequent discussion point when speaking with clients about materials, suppliers and overall brand strategy due to changes in local regulations or the evolution of the consumers’ purchasing behaviour. We care about it, and we want to engage with this discussion, share knowledge and ideas and ultimately set in place a collective that makes a difference.

Make a difference. #DoGood this Christmas

Therefore, this Christmas we decided to engage with our clients and partners that are already part of this conversation. By sending them a personally selected eco-friendly gift, we are hoping to activate them to share their commitment to sustainability.
In particular, we’ll ask them to use their social media channels to tell a ‘sustainable story’ and explain their promise or commitment to sustainability, using the hashtags #DoGood and #SustainabilityTaskforce.

We have identified a range of partners in three different client markets, who have allowed us to send some very nice sustainable gifts. For the US, we have chosen The Little Market, which is a non-profit founded by women to empower women, offering handmade fair trade products created by artisans around the world.

For our UK clients, we have selected as a partner GlobalWAKEcup, a start-up with a mission to impact the use of single use plastics, proposing stylish and environmentally friendly alternative to single-use cups, bottles, bags and straws.

Lastly, for Australia and New Zealand, we partner with Ecostainable, a company that is focused on ‘Changing the world, one home at a time’ with a range of eco-friendly and sustainable products for you and your home.


Join our Journey

This is only the start. As a business we are committing to driving forward a range of initiatives in line with some of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (2015). Across environmental issues to poverty to inequality, we are looking to start small and work towards some targets that resonate with us an organization to make a difference.
Do you want to be part of this journey and share with us your commitment to sustainability?
Follow this initiative on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter and share your story on our or your social media.
It can be anything. It could be around what you already do at home, or perhaps an initiative already in place at the workplace. We are looking for variety so by all means make them personal and fun!

Remember to use the hashtags #DoGood #SustainabilityTaskforce and add a picture if you want!
We are thinking big but are aware that this journey has to start with small steps.
Together we can make a difference.

sustainable task force

Make it a Sustainable Christmas! Read More »

Welcome to the new



We are delighted to announce our brand new website! Now with an easy-to-use interface, navigating the ET2C website has never been easier.

What’s new

The renovated structure and style will now allow visitors to easily find whatever they are looking for, whether it be sourcing and procurement assistance, buying office information, quality assurance, or comprehensive articles on the state of affairs in the world of sourcing.


Why we’re upgrading

With the new additions and redesign, the message of our high-grade services has never been clearer. The new style aims to display what we at ET2C are all about, low-risk and profitable solutions that enhance your supply chain.
The content available on the website has also increased, including supplementary material on each of our services as well as sections describing our history and mission at ET2C, and some of the exciting new projects our team is developing.

Stay updated with our latest news

Moreover, we’ll frequently update the industry insights and company news portions of our website, providing you with the latest news on sourcing and procurement from our knowledgeable experts. You can also check out our latest posts on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for more articles relating to global sourcing, international relations, innovative technologies, logistical developments, and much more. And don’t forget to subscribe to ET2C Newsletter!

Contacting us has never been easier

Finally, we have also updated our contact page to reflect our international presence more accurately. Dedicated pages have been created for the ET2C branches in Vietnam and Mexico, for those who want expert sourcing assistance from these powerhouse economies.


Next Steps

The new website plays a critical role in displaying our offerings as we continue to build our company in a way that reflects the skill and reliability of our services. We also understand that in order to be at the forefront of sourcing, we must be able to adapt and respond to the needs of our clients. If you have any suggestions regarding our new website or simply a few questions relating to our services, please feel free to contact us.

Welcome to the new Read More »

Deconstructing Sustainability


Sustainability is a broad term, and one that is probably at risk of ‘burn-out’ in the retail sector the world over. Brands, retailers and suppliers are increasingly aware of the necessity to be formulating their own position around sustainability due to their respective stakeholders. Clearly, this is mainly driven by the end consumer and the need for a much deeper connection between a particular product/brand and the values that they stand for; they need to be purpose driven.

However, it is often easy to get lost in a ‘sustainability haze’ and not fully understand or be able to articulate what it means to both you and your organisation. Is there a cohesive sustainability strategy? Is it relevant and personal to all the organisation’s stakeholders? Is it simply someone putting up a sticker over a bin for recycling the staffs’ lunch containers? Is that sufficient? Are we sustainable? This confusion should not be surprising. The list of topics that fall within this category are many and understanding how one can change the world looking at this list relative to what you and your company do on a day to day basis is perhaps beguiling. From conflict minerals, material wastage, women’s rights, child labour, water filtration (700 million people do not have access to clean drinking water), climate change, lighting use, energy efficiency, single use plastics, plastic fibres to ‘one for one’ schemes, circular services (re-cycling) and brand activism, the list goes on.

The point is that any change is good. Making an impact on our earth and society, however small, as an organisation can only be a good thing. But, it needs to be personal. It needs to resonate with your company’s staff and is something that makes them engage in this change. The interesting part of this puzzle is that ultimately companies that ‘do good’ (and there is a purpose driven aspect to what they do), actually generate higher profits ultimately even with the initial capital investment/cost required at the outset.

So where to start? All we need to do is take little steps to make a change and this starts with you, as an individual. It does not need to be a ‘moon shot’ moment (an audacious statement to change the world in a big way tomorrow); such as halving the impact of climate change or giving every person on the planet access to clean water. But it needs to start with you and what’s important to you? And, hopefully, together we can all make a difference to future generations.

What does sustainability mean to you?

We are currently articulating what Sustainability means to our staff and stakeholders on a personal level to develop some emotive issues that we as an organization can seek to address.

While we continue to provide updates, please read our latest article about sustainability.

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ET2C Gains ISO Certification

ET2C International Inc. is already well-known for providing supply chain management services that are backed by value added solutions with great customer service. Today, ET2C International Inc. is delighted to announce another milestone in the history of the company. Continuing in our commitment to excellence, ET2C International Inc. is proud to announce that we have achieved ISO 9001:2008 certification. ET2C International Inc.’s achievement implements a robust quality management system to guide and govern our operations from top to bottom. This certification is an important step in assuring that customers continue to receive the very best in quality and service from ET2C International Inc.


Continuous Improvement with ISO 9001:2008 


The ISO 9001:2008 quality management standard was developed and published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and establishes an effective quality management program for our company. Important components of ISO 9001:2008 include customer satisfaction and establishing processes for continuous improvement, items that ET2C International Inc. values highly. ET2C International Inc.’s performance over the past 14 years has established that we consistently source and procure quality products, and this latest accomplishment verifies that the entire organization is finely tuned to serve you into the future.


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