procurement Archives - ET2C International

Sourcing chronicles: ET2C – 20 years and counting!

Sourcing Chronicles ET2C International procurement quality control

Sourcing has evolved significantly over the past 20 years. We have seen China’s accension to the WTO, outsource manufacturing move mainstream with lower barriers to entry, trade tariffs as part of political posturing, the expectations of the consumer have developed to put greater emphasis on information flow (sustainability, supply chain transparency etc) and, last year, the Pandemic and the PPE ‘grab’.

There is no doubt that some of these events have presented opportunities whilst others have been significantly more challenging. Throughout these ups and downs, a consistent throughout this period has been ET2C, who celebrates 20 years on the 8th May 2021. Our DNA remains the same, and we are still working to deliver the best products and services to our clients. It’s what gets us out of bed in the morning!

“What a fantastic achievement! Never could I have imagined, on that first day when I opened the office on Beijing Dong Lu, that 20 years later we would have over 200 staff across more than 10 countries and over 100 regular clients. Of course there have been tough times, but it has been the staff and our clients that have helped us truly grow and flourish. A great ride, here is to the next twenty!” Richard Archer-Perkins, CEO, 7th May 2021


ET2C’s History

It all started at the Javits Center in January 2001, when Richard (CEO) visited New York at the Pure Exhibition. Having seen the emergence of a mass manufacturing base in China, which was in the early stages of taking the mantle from Taiwan, he walked the show going to every booth asking whether there was anyone interested in working with China. There was a lot of interest, but there was only one company that came to the table; a body jewellery company called Silver Moon Concepts who operated in Florida, USA. He managed to find a supplier (who traditionally worked with watches), who had the machinery and material to make surgical grade stainless steel (316L) and importantly create the necessary shapes. He then went about finding staff to create a mini-production line to put the product together and pack them. The office then opened on the 8th May 2001.

ET2C office

The evolution of the business

As a result of delivering significant cost savings and driving margin growth for our clients, ET2C quickly took on more clients who wanted access to suppliers in China. Even back then, in 2002 and 2003, broad access to China was much more limited as it would usually be today (outside of the Pandemic). As the business grew, we established our own merchant team, a quality team and established operations in different markets to best align with our clients’ needs. Today, we have in excess of 100 regular clients and are constantly looking to give them sourcing solutions that drive their bottom-line growth.

Areas such as sustainability and personalisation have become key parts of any retailers’ supply chains – at the very least they should be analysed and considered in line with the consumer – and we are therefore actively engaging in these fields to continue to provide relevant solutions to our clients.

ET2C video
Watch our Company Video to know more!


Sourcing in Uncertain Times

The Pandemic continues to stunt global trade, with certain markets still reeling from lockdowns whereas others are beginning to relax restrictions. Sourcing markets are similarly impacted; India has plunged into a lockdown whereas China by comparison is largely Covid free. Market diversification is essential to spread risk across regional hubs. We continue to see this trend with South East Asia (Vietnam and India) becoming increasingly popular as sourcing locations. Diversification can also include, particularly for European businesses, near sourcing options such as Turkey where freight rates (and at today’s high pricing) can be mitigated as well as speed to market.

That is not to say that China will lose importance even as its relative market share is gradually eroded. On the contrary, we think that China will still be an essential part of any sourcing matrix given the infrastructure and networks in place.

ET2C’ Services

We realise that every client will have their own unique requirements. We, therefore, look to tailor our solutions to best fit each client’s needs, whether this be resource, expertise, cost structure we have the solution for you.

Sourcing Solutions

Our merchandise teams work across multiple categories, but primarily these can be defined into two divisions, Consumer Goods (Garden, Fashion, Pet, Toys, Furniture, Homewares and Health & Beauty) and Industrial goods. We currently source from India, China, Vietnam and Turkey (opened December 2020). Countries being assessed at present include Mexico, Thailand, Malaysia and Taiwan.

Buying Office

Our Buying Office solution has always been the backbone of the company and helped the business to grow. We still believe that ability to have a dedicated team on the ground, in market, is essential to driving visibility at source. This allows clients to fully control their suppliers across quality, delivery and production management. Our model is the most cost effective, transparent and simplest available and second to none.

Buying Office ET2C International
Watch the video to know more about the Buying Office solutions


Quality Team

We have teams on the ground who spend a considerable amount of their time traveling to suppliers to verify and check the quality of our clients’ products pre-shipment. There is no doubt that having visibility pre-shipment of your products is an essential part of the supply chain function. Our teams also evaluate factories to make sure that you know they are the right partner for you before committing to any funds. We have recently launched our Virtual Factory Tours initiative to help clients who are stuck out of their sourcing markets connect with their suppliers, or even identify potential new partners.

ET2C - Virtual Factory Tours
Watch the video to know more about ET2C Virtual Factory Tours

With 20 years of experience, ET2C is well-positioned to help you with all your sourcing needs, whatever they may be. We look forward to designing new solutions to make your business more successful. Please contact us at

Sourcing chronicles: ET2C – 20 years and counting! Read More »

Reverse Auctions. We found the right tool for your business.

Reverse Auctions tools


Reverse auctions in brief

Reverse auctions have been around since the late 1990s. They are a proven negotiation method that invites your vendors to compete to provide products or services to your business. Vendors place lower bids throughout the auction until the lowest bid wins your contract. Reverse auctions are excellent for products where price is the main differential; such as stationery, uniforms, consumables, packaging, and much more.

The obvious choice for smart buying

Recently, an exciting new online negotiation platform has been created to give procurement professionals a competitive edge when buying most goods or services. eTrade Procurement aims to keep your business’s purchasing functions simple and effective, and your negotiations easy. Through this platform your procurement process can be streamlined, saving valuable time, and your team can achieve significant cost reduction, all while having reporting and analysis directly at your fingertips. With minimal investment, this innovative reverse auction webapp makes this possible.

procurement auctions


Online Auctions made simple, effective and accessible

Andrea Saunders came up with the idea to create a user-friendly negotiation platform to support procurement professionals in their purchasing activities. With her years of buying experience, Andrea spotted an opportunity to bring this powerful tool into a modern procurement space. By combining the accessibility and efficiency of online platforms with the commercially prudent reverse auction strategy, eTrade Procurement combines two proven methods to give your business another tool for its buying toolkit, giving you a commercial advantage.

This negotiation platform allows vendors to compete for your business in a transparent way for buyers and vendors alike. Your procurement team can effortlessly announce their specifications to any number of vendors(as an RFQ), prior to commencing an auction. The auction participants see the negotiation taking place in real-time so both buyers and vendors see that the best price is achieved, all as it happens. By using one of our reverse auctions, your business can move away from non-competitive, stale contracts, and achieve real savings – fast!.

Reverse Auctions tools
Find the best reverse auction method for you

eTrade Procurement offers four auction methods to best meet your specific needs:
• Ranked auction: you nominate your opening price. vendors can only see their ranked position, based on their bid in relation to competitors’ bids. Vendors can place as many bids as they like
• Open auction: you set your opening price for the auction. Vendors can see their own bid, as well as their ranked position, and other participants’ bids.
• Sliding auctions: you set your opening price and, during the auction, the price will reduce in set increments, with vendors placing their optimal bid. The auction concludes when all participants have placed their one bid
• Tender auction: vendors place their single, best bid prior to your deadline date

Reverse Auctions. Why use eTrade Procurement?

Leveraging mobile technology, all this can be done anywhere, any time. Your purchasing team will require only minimal training to be able to run simple, efficient, transparent negotiations, thereby opening up new relationships, all while achieving the most competitive bottom line.

eTrade Procurement is a user friendly platform that anyone can use. Watch the video to know more.

In summary, eTrade Procurement offers:

  • an intuitive and user-friendly webapp
  • an intuitive and user-friendly webapp
  • easy integration into existing practice with minimal investment
    a process that is totally transparent.

Try eTrade Procurement now!

eTrade Procurement in the real world has resulted in average savings of over 15%. With training and real-time support throughout you are in safe hands. Having this tool as a part of your procurement arsenal will mean your business is well-equipped to simply and effectively manage your purchasing needs in 2020 and beyond.
For an obligation-free trial, and to discover how eTrade Procurement can best fit your business contact Andrea and her team today.


Reverse Auctions. We found the right tool for your business. Read More »

QUALITY matters more in 2016 than ever before.


Consumer demands are more relevant.


Consumers know that they have the power to make demands of their favorite brands and products; this power resides in consumers’ ability to take their opinion to the Internet and have it spread like wildfire. The rest of the world will know their love or hate of a product, and we’ve all see the force of a negative review.


This has created a faster response rate in companies. In some cases, not complying with the consumers’ demands will result in losing not one, but thousands of customers in a short period of time. Saving money on quality will most likely cost your company more in the long run.

As consumers are shopping more and more online, quality is almost always the most important factor in a product review. Why is this relevant? A recent Nielsen study found that 70 percent of global consumers trust online reviews; this has risen by 15 percent within a four-year period. Industry experts project this trend to further increase in the coming years.



Five product evolution questions you should constantly be asking your team:

  1. How good is the current quality of my product compared to 5-10 years ago? 
You might have had the coolest, best performing, and innovative product of 2007… But what does that mean today? And more importantly, what will that mean five years from now?


  1. Should we be using the same materials? As products evolve, raw materials, new compounds and 3D printing prototypes have become real options to explore.


  1. Could we improve product design? If you’ve reached product perfection (we highly doubt it), skip this one.


  1. Can my current supplier manage upgrades? Once you’ve made up your mind where you want to take your product, it’s time to check if your current supplier is the right one to execute those changes.


    5.Are my products sustainable? As we become more environmentally conscious, this becomes a bigger issue in people’s minds and their purchasing decisions.



If there are no metrics to measure, there is no way to improve…

When it comes to production, if your company is just scratching the surface of the problem, then the developing product strategy will most likely have a short term range. If you want to implement a more long term strategy, where decisions make an actual impact on your quality, then you HAVE to measure data.


Developing, testing, and the goods and the bads…all need to be measured. 
By analyzing past production data, it’s easier for your planning team to predict and forecast future sales with a higher accuracy, thereby obtaining a higher ROI.



Quality is remembered long after price is forgotten


One way of ensuring your quality standards is to always aim for the re-buy. Put yourself in the shoes of the consumer and review your product experience – from the moment they engage with your product to the moment they need to replace it. You will then have a transparent idea of what you need to improve and change. This is a great way to ensure that your products will go beyond your clients’ expectations and come back for more. 


“Quality isn’t something that can be argued into an article or promised into it. It must be put there. If it isn’t there, not even the finest sales task will save you.



Quality Measuring Quality


We listened to our clients’ needs and created the ET2C Quality Control APP.
We deliver your reports in real time with photos. Additionally, there’s the digital signature from the supplier and the GPS location of the inspection, all through our APP installed in our inspectors’ tablets.


Our QC rate is only $190 USD per man day, send a message to and book your inspection right now!

QUALITY matters more in 2016 than ever before. Read More »

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