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Freight Rates in the Spotlight

Freight Rates in the Spotlight ET2C International sourcing
Freight rates have soared towards the end of 2020, in a year when you would anticipate low demand and low rates.

Freight rates form an integral component of any sourcing decision. They are part of the ‘landed cost’ which can determine the cost-effectiveness of where your products are being purchased from. This combined with minimum order quantities, lead times, shipping duration and any import tariffs (or anti-dumping duties – something which we have seen a fair bit of throughout the Trump Presidency) will determine additional costs on top of FOB prices.

cargo containers sourcing procurement agent ET2C Int. port sea goods

It was back in 1956, when the maiden voyage of Mclean’s Ideal X ship signaled the beginnings of an era of globalisation. Trucker, Malcolm Mclean, had become frustrated with the slow and inefficient loading times. His vessel, the Ideal X, had a fitting system that improved the security and loading times. This led to the invention of the simple shipping container – which is now commonplace across the world’s ports (and sometimes the seas). Certainly, it changed the global economy and transformed global supply chains. In fact, it provides an easy and cheap way to transport goods around the world. By 1973, container ships were carrying approximately 4 million TEUs (Twenty ft Equivalent Units) annually. By 2013, nearly 90% of global trade was seabourne with 700 million TEUs shipping each year. That number has continued to grow with the expansion of consumerism to today.

The market is now largely commoditized against a backdrop of complex international supply chains demanding frequent quick and efficient movement of goods. Freight rates are currently surging towards the end of 2020. There appears to be little respite going into the new year, with rates expected to continue on this trajectory. Given 2020 has largely been a year of lockdowns and economies being put on hold, what is driving this market rise?

Freight Rates during the Pandemic

The Freightos Baltic Global Container Index (FBX), which is a weighted average of 12 major global container has risen to $2,635 per forty-foot equivalent (FEU) container as at the 4th December (the highest on record).

If you look at the indices for specific routes though, you can see that China/East Asia to the US is over $3,800 per FEU and China/East Asia to Europe is just under $3,000 per FEU. Of course, these are only spot rates and when you add on surcharges and other costs, the actual cost to the US on a ‘off contract’ rate is over $5,000. This trend will continue into Q1 of next year (there are whispers of $10,000 per FEU come CNY for China to Europe for off contract rates!) and perhaps only start to ameliorate towards Spring/Summer 2021, although some of the carriers are cautious given the unpredictability of the global demand during this Pandemic.

Freight Graph ET2C Sourcing
The Freightos Baltic Global Container Index (FBX) 4th December 2020

So, what is happening here? Back in February/March, when China went into lockdown, the ocean carriers successfully mitigated the impact of the supply chain disruption by implementing a ‘blanking strategy’ which withdrew approximately 30% of sailings from Asia to the US and Europe. As the virus spread into a Pandemic, and demand dropped away, the carriers continued to hold back capacity. Demand out of Asia is now back (China’s exports are up 11.4% year on year) and with the capacity lag, it is driving up freight rates due to simple supply/demand economics. This demand is driven in part by PPE, but also certain product sectors have recovered (furniture, homewares, etc).

Although there is an element of the carriers – in their alliances – now controlling prices to their advantage, the main issue is the time it takes to bring back capacity. And this is not just related to the actual ships. The equipment required to move containers from factories through to the ports. This is currently more of an issue for forty-foot containers, which is causing high surcharges and ‘pinch points’ and delays with bookings.

Freight Rate Tips

Although we are not a freight forwarding company, we do have our own logistics team. This department works with our clients on bookings, shipments, and anything in between. Here are some of our current tips:

1. Book Early

Where possible, order early and book the space early. As much as possible building in ‘flex’ into your supply chain will always present better, likely more cost-effective, options.

2. 20Ft over 40Ft

We are seeing better capacity on the 20 ft boxes. Also, we are advising our clients where possible to split shipments to get the capacity. In some cases, it is actually cheaper once the surcharges are taken into account.

cargo ship port goods container logistics ET2C sourcing
3. Trains, Planes & Automobiles

Always make sure that your freight forwarder is giving you the best and full range of options. Trains out of Chengdu, China, take 12 days to get back to the UK. This may be a viable alternative given some of the other rates currently in the market.

4. Annual rates

For companies doing volumes out of Asia, contract rates will assure fixed prices for the duration of the year. Lock these in where possible.

5. ‘Near Sourcing’

It may be that there are options to adopt a near sourcing strategy as part of your overall sourcing strategy. This means leveraging suppliers closer to your market to counter the increase in freight costs, and ultimately landed cost.


It has been an extraordinary year in so many ways. Among other things, it has taught us that agility is an important characteristic of any company. Planning and being able to make decisions early, will always help. Freight rates may be rising, but with some planning and foresight, it will be possible to address the next challenge 2020 throws at us.

At ET2C, we are well placed to help manage your Asia Sourcing across multiple markets with teams on the ground as well as work with our clients on their shipping needs. For more information, please contact us at

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The Price of a Better Future: IMO 2020

IMO increases costs of freight in 2020


In the wake of the many “green” movements striving to secure a healthier and more sustainable future for future generations, some costs have emerged that we must endure. In the process of disrupting an unsustainable status-quo, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has voted to reduce the amount of sulfur in bunker fuels from 3.5% to .5% by 2020. This declaration will have an impact on shipping costs but a necessary cost in what is a polluting industry, particularly when there are greener alternatives being developed.

Why the IMO 2020 was Passed

To provide some context; bunker fuel is a term that describes the type of fuel used by ships. Hence, the name “Bunker” comes from the part of the ship in which the fuel is stored. These fuels are derived from the residue of crude oil distillation, which contains sulfur. When a ship travels, it burns these heavy fuels and creates emissions that hold high levels of sulfur. These sulfur emissions, according to the IMO, cause health and environmental damage, including widespread lung disease, the creation of acid rain, and increased acidification of the oceans (IMO, 2019). Without the regulations in place, the IMO estimates that up to 570,000 premature deaths could be caused between 2020 and 2025 along with the extinctions of many marine species.


IMO regulation to protect biodiversity
The IMO’s regulation aim to protect the rich biodiversity of the oceans we travel across and the future generations that depend on us for a healthy planet.


The IMO 2020 rules apply to multiple jurisdictions on fuels used for ships crossing the open oceans, which ultimately represents 3.9 million barrels a day, according to the International Energy Agency (Liang, 2019). These regulations have shipping companies debating over which options they should pursue in response to the IMO 2020 regulations. Some of these options include:

  • Use of Low Sulfur Fuels
    But…This creates significantly higher fuel prices. While refineries still must determine how to price the new low-sulfur fuels, they will undoubtedly be more expensive than current fuels being used due to the complexities of their creation.
  • Scrubbers and the Increased Use of Scrubber Fuels
    Yet… The installations of scrubbers create high investment costs and require dry-docking, a time-consuming and resource-intensive process. It also comes with some regulatory uncertainty about the use of scrubbers in creating low-sulfur fuels.
  • Use of LNG (“clean gas”) propelled vessels
    But…This can only be used on new vessels since it is too expensive to replace the parts of old ships required to utilize these products. It also creates more complex fuel handling, causing cargo loading to possibly be limited during fueling as well, creating a larger time commitment and increasing the opportunity costs. The use of these fuels will also add a $400,000-800,000 cost per voyage to each ship once all the modifications are made to comply with the new regulations.

What It Will Do

Although there are a range of options, none of them are without risk and additional costs. Refineries will be on the receiving end of the increased demand for low-sulfur fuels, impacting margins for simple refineries and giving larger margins to complex refineries that can already produce the low-sulfur fuels. As for high-sulfur fuels, their value will most likely collapse until it is able to find lower-value end-uses, where it would compete with coal for electrical power generation, reducing its price to roughly a third of its 2018 value (Hamilton, 2018). This cross-sector ripple from the IMO regulations threatens to impact not only the prices of bunker fuels but also the costs of shipping goods around the world, with an estimated $30 Billion cost to the US shipping industry (Poskus, 2018).


economic costs due to IMO
Many ship owners and refineries will feel both the accounting and economic costs of the new IMO regulations.


The cost of the IMO regulations will have a broad impact. Firstly, compliance with the IMO 2020 regulations is set to increase the costs of port-to-port shipments by 20%, most of which will be paid for by the end user (i.e. the consumers). For instance, the site states that shipping 40” TVs from Shanghai to Los Angeles will cost shippers an additional .50 cents per unit. With enough scale, this increase in landed cost could potentially have an inflationary effect. Furthermore, the regulations may cause freighters to reduce their carrying capacity by 4-5% in the short-run and up to 2% permanently. This will also lead to the practice of “slow-steaming,” where a ship reduces its speed to save fuel, to possibly become more common, which may lengthen delivery times for businesses ordering goods from abroad (Poskus, 2018). Overall, the costs of the IMO2020 movement will be felt around the world, from shippers to consumers.

Closing Remarks

From the 1st January 2020 these new regulations will come into effect. The shipping lines are already taking measures to accrue the additional investment in their fleets and, if not already, you should anticipate shipping rates to start increasing in the near term. Although a reduction in sulfur will only have a positive impact on the environment in line with some of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, there are also other technologies being developed that will hopefully not only reduce emissions altogether but potentially lead to cost reductions as well.

At ET2C, we have a range of partners including within the logistics sector and would be happy to provide additional insights on this topic or contacts. Please contact us for further inquiries.

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