COP 29: Key Issues, Challenges and Expected Outcomes - ET2C International

COP 29: Key Issues, Challenges and Expected Outcomes

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COP 29Key Issues, Challenges & Expected Outcomes

The upcoming COP 29 summit in Dubai promises to be a pivotal event in the global fight against climate change. As the world grapples with the increasing impacts of rising temperatures, this conference will provide a platform for nations to strengthen their commitments and accelerate their actions towards a more sustainable future. The work and outcomes are crucial to all companies particularly in global trade. Global Sourcing and Procurement with its long supply chains can be susceptible to the impact of climate events. The reduced water levels in the Panama canal and Rhine waterways being two examples. 

Key Agenda Items for COP 29 

  • Implementing the Paris Agreement: Countries will need to make significant progress in implementing their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius. 
  • Addressing loss and damage: Developing countries are increasingly vulnerable to climate change impacts and require financial assistance to address loss and damage. 
  • Financing climate action: The global community will need to mobilize substantial funding to support climate mitigation and adaptation efforts. 
  • Promoting climate justice: Ensuring that the burden of climate change is not borne disproportionately by vulnerable communities and countries. 
  • Accelerating the transition to renewable energy: Countries will need to transition away from fossil fuels and adopt renewable energy sources at a faster pace. 

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Challenges to Overcome 

  • Political Will: Despite growing scientific consensus on the urgency of climate action, political will remains a significant challenge. Many countries continue to prioritize economic growth over environmental sustainability. 
  • Economic Interests: The transition to a low-carbon economy can disrupt existing economic models and industries. This may lead to resistance from powerful vested interests. 
  • Technological Limitations: While renewable energy technologies have made significant strides, they still face challenges in terms of cost, efficiency, and scalability. 
  • International Cooperation: Addressing climate change requires global cooperation, but geopolitical tensions and differing national interests can hinder progress. 

Deliverables of a Successful COP 29 

A successful COP 29 summit should deliver the following: 

  • Strengthened NDCs: Countries should commit to more ambitious emissions reduction targets. 
  • Increased climate finance: Developed countries should provide greater financial support to developing countries for climate mitigation and adaptation. 
  • Progress on loss and damage: A mechanism should be established to address the specific needs of countries vulnerable to climate change impacts. 
  • Accelerated transition to renewable energy: A clear roadmap should be outlined for phasing out fossil fuels and transitioning to a clean energy economy. 
  • Enhanced international cooperation: Countries should strengthen their commitment to working together to address the climate crisis. 


COP 29 presents a critical opportunity for the global community to demonstrate its commitment to addressing climate change. The success of the summit will depend on the willingness of nations to overcome political, economic, and technological challenges and work together towards a more sustainable future. 

Challenges to Global Trade and Commerce 

Global trade has increasingly been impacted by the climate effects the conference will work hard to address. Implementing the right policies and actions to mitigate these will help smooth some of the continuous roller coaster of cost impacts to global trade. As an International Sourcing Company ET2C  International works with our clients to build and deliver effective sourcing strategies. Incorporating transparency, measurement and management of Environmental, Social and Ethical factors. If you would like to know more about our ability to Make Sourcing Simple, delivering margin and reducing risk drop us a line 

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